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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Here ya go. Check these out: http://www.footpaws.com/
  2. Thanks, DWx. It is coming along, I guess. I am working on my flexibility as well, so that I can get that twist kick around like it needs to be. It is kind of a funny situation at the school; I am the 5'8", 240 pounder, trying to jump around and do this kick. My buddy, holding the bag, is 6'3", 180, and he was trying it a little, but didn't do a lot of it, like I do. I kind of though that being more athletic, he could pick it up. But, that's ok. I like being the short, stubby guy who can jump around and do the cool things at the school.
  3. Man, for that price, I think I would just be happy with the one I have. That's rough. Can you just get a new belt without embroidery that won't cost as much?
  4. I like the descriptions of the concepts behind the forms that you mention, Shorin Ryuu (emphasize the use of hara (basically center of gravity), osae (the press), and koshi (hips)). Very nice. I would like to see how you do some of this someday. It sounds very interesting.
  5. You make a good point, NightOwl. Partner practice does offer a lot of realism, if you do it properly. However, unless you get into competition, I don't think your friends/partners will let you practice moves on them full-tilt. However, I think you can get a reasonable amount of realism in the techniques when partner training. Some of the moves done in katas are not done in sparring/two-person work because many times it is more difficult to apply them in a more dynamic, reactive environment, I think.
  6. Thanks for the site, James. You answered my question. That is kind of what I thought it was about. Maybe sometime I can work my way towards your way, and you can give me lesson or something.
  7. I am not exactly sure what the standards are, however, I would think that the applying instructors would have to provide a curriculum, along with other requirements to be considered for accreditation. The board that approves the accreditation included GM John Pellegrini, GM Bill "Superfoot" Wallace, GM Floyd Burk, along with many others (for what its worth, George Dillman is included, as well). As far as directly answering your question, I can't at this time. I will continue to look around, and see what information I can find about the topic.
  8. I read that the ITA (Independent TaeKwonDo Association) offers Kwan certification through their Kwan Registration and Accreditation Program. Basically, what they do is offer recognition to Masters who have created their own style, curriculum, and interpretation of the art. I think this is kind of a nice idea. Being accredited is a big thing for any business endeavor, and the Martial Arts industry is really no different. It kind of echos back to the days of Korea before the Kwans were eliminated and brought under the umbrella of ITF TKD. What does everyone think? Good idea, or bad idea?
  9. I think that the insurance excuse may be just that...an excuse. Boxers train hard, with contact, as do Thai fighters, MMA fighters, etc. Hard contact really isn't even mentioned by cross. In the end, I think it can be done. Many just don't know it, and therefore, save face by not doing it. I think this is a great thread, cross, and you have hit on many points that are important. As I have mentioned before, although many people sign up for the martial arts for various reasons (sport, fitness, self-defense, etc.), I think that confident self-defense abilities should be a direct by-product of any MA program.
  10. In my new issue of Black Belt Magazine, there is an article on Western Swordsmanship, namely, the Saber. Some of the concepts involved in Saber usage are discussed, along with some general Western swordsmanship history. Overall, it is an informative article. I don't think that Western Swordsmanship gets the respect that it deserves from the Martial Arts community. I think that the art of the sword has been so mystified in the East that many think that it is the only way to be done. The West has a very rich tradition of swordsmanship, and it is very much worth looking into. I was very excited to see this article in Black Belt, and I think that more articles like this need to pop up in the future. The Martial Traditions of the West are just as rich and useful as those of their Eastern counterparts.
  11. You also have to take into consideration: Katana=steel bullet=lead sharp steel vs lead=cuttage I have seen guys throw playing cards into watermelons as well. It doesn't really justify anything, though. Its the same thing with the bullets to the katana bit, in my opinion.
  12. That is the picture I got as well. Thanks.
  13. This is what testing is about. Even if you aren't that good at something, like explanations, you have to give it your best shot. That is probably what your instructor was looking for; to see if you would try. If you try your hardest, then no one can take that from you, if you fail or not.
  14. 3-28-07 Conditioning: Sledgehammers: 3x1:30, 1 min. rest Worked these really hard today, and it felt great. I pushed myself through to finish strong each time. Steppers: 3x30 sec, 1 min. rest Jump rope: 3x1 min. Getting better, little by little. Punch-outs: 3x30 sec, 1 min. rest. I had an interesting insight while punching the bag today. I had read some stuff by Teri Tom on JKDs straight lead punch, and how the strike is performed with the last 3 knuckles, and done vertically. Well, as I was punching out the bag, I thought I would try it that way. I noticed that there was a lot of "back up," so to speak; I felt like I had a lot behind those punches. I even did the hooks like that as well. They felt very strong, and I liked the way it felt. Technique work: Reverse cable punches: 50x10, 60x10, 70x10 In front stance. Feels nice! Scissor kicks on floor: 20 each way. 2 steps, jump and scissor chamber: 5 each way. Scissor kick on bags: 10-15 each way. I had a friend hold a Blaster bag for one side of the technique, while I tried to kick a standing bag with the other technique. I was getting better at getting it on the right side (i.e., right side does side kick, left does twist kick), and I think I might get one board on each side, but it is not as high or flexible as I want it to be, yet. Doing the left leg side kick, I was landing the side kick first, and then the twist kick would go into the Blaster bag. That felt funny, and gave a little tweak on the olbique muscle. I am ok, though. All in all, I guess I am improving. I am just impatient, though. From 5:30 - 6:00, I taught Orientation again. From 6:00 - 6:30, we had around 8 people Test. I was the running the floor for the testing, which I do quite often, and isn't very hard to do. I would like for the position to be a bit more involved, but that is something I can address when I run my own school (if ever).
  15. I worked on this some more today. I am having trouble when striking something with one of the kicks, getting the other kick up and out. Like I am thinking too much, or something.
  16. Thanks for the tips. I am pretty sure I can defend the kick, it is actually doing the kick that I have trouble with. As for your initial question, it is a popular kick in TKD Olympic style tournament sparring. That does help. Thanks, DWx.
  17. I try to visualize each technique striking, blocking, or kicking something. Sometimes I am vivid about it. Sometime, I just go with as much power as I can, destroying whatever could be in the way. It may not be right, but it leaves me exhausted, and feeling like I poured all I could into it. To Shorin Ryuu: I think that all of this information about Chosin Chibana (hope I spelled that right) is very interesting. I love learning new things about the Martial Arts, and I love the history of it as well. If you do put some literature out there, I would love to know about it.
  18. Keep at it, Baron. You will learn more that way, I think, having that kind of experience to work with.
  19. Thanks for the link, Hart.
  20. Sweet place there, Baron. Looks like they offer quite a bit. A question for Jame Bullock: So, is the Combat Sciences that you teach basically a methodolgy of strategies and tactics used to implement your Kenpo and other styles training?
  21. Nice post, NightOwl. Things coming full-circle, huh?
  22. Now, I may be wrong here, but as the slaves were taken into custody, they may have had to use their skills against lightly amored opponents. I may be on the wrong track (thinking of something else), but if this was the case, the amount of power in their spinning kick movements would have enough momentum knock over some guys wearing more protection. Just a thought, and it may be waaaay off.
  23. The European medieval sword could cut and slice, just like the Japanese katana could, even in the same scenario that you describe. The use of the medieval long sword was a very controlled usage; not big brutes just swinging at each other as if they were using baseball bats. Medieval European swordsmanship is very involved, just like katana usage.
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