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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. If you don't have solid proof, then prosecution may be tough...but not impossible. Even if you don't prosecute, I would still remove him from the school.
  2. Hello, and welcome to the Forums, and to the Martial Arts! I think that BJJ or Judo would be a good choice for you. You said that you are leaning toward BJJ, and I don't see any reason why you shouldn't go with it. From watching instructional videos online, BJJ seems extremely interesting but watching some UFC and Pride however, the fights seems unnecessarily brutal, putting me off a bit. This is the MMA rendition that you are seeing, I am guessing. BJJ in itself will not involve any striking, really. BJJ itself is all grappling, so it will be like Wrestling, but just with different rules and goals. I don't expect you to do much striking. The reality here is that NO Martial Art is effective against multiple opponents. When you are outnumbered, it is always bad. I wouldn't lean away from BJJ or Judo because of this. I think you would learn lots and enjoy it. Best of luck to you!
  3. Our college here actually has an Aikido club now, with around 22 students active in it right now, according to one member. I asked about his class set-up: 30 minutes of breathing, followed by 30 minutes of stretching, then 1 hour of working technique. At the early stages they work on falling a lot, then into technique. It sounds ok, but I am not into the 30 minutes of breathing. I'd take 30 more minutes of application any day.
  4. That is quite the run of bad luck, NightOwl! I feel for you!
  5. In my eyes, there is only one option; immediate termination and explusion, followed by criminal prosecution. If you let the guy get away with it, and keep him on, what kind of message does that send to the rest of the students?
  6. Perhaps having some fruit on hand, like bananas and apples, would be more in your direction. Perhaps some granola bars or power bars, and drinks like Gatorade and Powerade would be good, too. I understand your dilema; serving junk at an athletic event does seem contrary to the purpose of the event.
  7. Talk with the college first about the priorities involved in running a club at their college. Safety issues will definitely be a concern. Any information after that would probably be whatever you think necessary.
  8. Sliding in while kicking may help you to close the distance. Also, feinging a technique, like a round kick, may cause them to counter, and allow you to move accordingly. Stepping forward at a 45 degree angle can be helpful footwork, too. I have troubles with this myself, and I am trying to work on it.
  9. This weeks episode looks to be U.S. Armed Forces combatives. I don't know if they will do the Marine course, or the new Army Combatives, but either way, it should be good.
  10. 9-20-07 Traditional Class: 6:00 - 7:00. Tonight, we had several newer students in the class, so the pace of the basics was a bit toned down so that they could follow along. However, I did manage to get some good work in, doing my techniques fast, and focusing on the footwork speed. The instructor spent a lot of time explaining things, so we spent a lot of time in stances while he was talking. Good for the legs.
  11. That sounds great, NightOwl. Have fun in your Judo classes.
  12. That's the whole design of the class and that test though. You don't advance unless you can handle a gang in a street fight. It is kind of strange, because I don't think the gang in the testing was really acting like a gang would in a bar, or on the street. It is good to get some kind of a pressure test like that, though. However, if I was getting attacked by a gang like that, I would be throwing some punches along with trying whatever else the teacher wanted me to. Correct. Thanks, bearich. I thought I remembered that somewhere before.
  13. My command of the Japanese language is pretty much nil, so I can't say. We use English for the most part in class. We call it body shifting, or "Change of Body"...we use it a lot, and stress it as highly important. Thanks, that sounds abouut right, from what I have read and picked up here and there. I am not very high on the foreign language usage either, so I ask often, just to clarify. "Body Shifting" works for me!
  14. If you can follow him, and would like to because of the way he teaches or the experiences you have in his classes, then I think that is the way to go. It sounds to me like they are trying to break away from some political issues. This happens often in the Martial Arts, so don't be too shocked by it. When something of this nature occurs, you have to follow your heart.
  15. I have never had an instructor leave to start another school. However, I have had some leave to pursue other endeavors, such as careers, etc., so I voted no.
  16. The videos show Tae Kyon, but I don't see much info on the fact that it is the thousand years old Traditional Korean art. They state that one master carried it down, but from what lineage? The first video just stated one name, but not one from previous. The only reason that I question it is because of the fact that the Koreans have a history of propogating a history of these in reality newly founded arts, in order to attempt to segregate themselves from any connection with the Japanese.
  17. Dude.... ...there are times when you gotta let it go!
  18. Just watch out for when he starts to pick up on more technique, and doesn't use his brawn as much. Then, he may become a handful again, and you both will begin re-learning each other.
  19. I have heard that most BJJ gyms are like this. Personally, I think this kind of relaxed setting would be a nice change.
  20. This is called Tai Sabaki, or something of the like, in Karate circles, right?
  21. For a big man he is so quick. I think he is, like, 6'6", or something. Now, he is quite a bit bulkier, too. I was impressed by the weapons stuff. However, the weaponless randori did not impress me as much. The main thing is from the lack of more offensive attacks, like getting punched, as opposed to being run at with hands forward. Overall, though, I think Segal is the real deal, and I don't think I would try to punch him!
  22. Well put, YoungMan. It is good to know where you came from so that you can see where you are going. I agree that things can always get better.
  23. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Karate has a lot of good, although general information on Karate. Funakoshi's book is a good read as well. It tends to deal more with his philosophy towards Karate in general, though.
  24. Most of those videos are drills to develop specific skills, they are not full out sparring. Also keep in mind that unless you are actually feeling the pressure being put on your and the energy the opponent is giving its hard to say weather you could actually throw a knee or not from those positions. Ah, that makes some sense, then. At some point, however, you would start putting some of those things together, right?
  25. 9-18-07 Back/shoulders/biceps Assisted pull-ups: plate 11x10x2 sets, plate 10x10 Back hyperextension: 3x15 Seated row: 110x10, 120x10, 130x8 Dumbell shoulder press: 40x10, 45x8, 45x6 Dumbell shoulder raise: 3x10x25 lbs. Barbell curls: 70x10, 75x8, 75x6 Legs Hip abduction: 115x10x3 sets Hip adduction: 115x10x3 sets Hip flexion: 85x10x3 sets Hip extension: 130x10x3 sets Abs Physio ball crunches: 3x15 Physio ball roll-outs: 3x10, 5 second hold each. Trunk twists: 3x20x45 lbs. Forearms Wrist curls: 3x20x20 lbs. Worked out solo from 3:40 - 4:00. I worked mostly on footwork for sparring, trying to step quickly and explosively. I also spent some time stretching. Taught Kids Class from 4:00 - 5:00. Spent a lot of time on basics, and gearing the kids up for testing.
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