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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I remember Brutus, the Barber, Beefcake, too! Great name!
  2. That is tough, Bob. I understand getting emotional, though; this tends to be an emotional time of year, and medicinal side effects compounding that; I can't imagine what that's like. I agree with Patrick in talking with someone. You can also shoot me a text anytime!
  3. Hehe, that's cool. I'll bet it makes for a nice collectible.
  4. Well, the regular season is winding down! KC pulled off a win in the most undesirable fashion; watching a sure-footed kicker miss his first FG attempt in 50 some tries. They were quite fortunate. The offense STANK today! But, they pulled it off, and secured the #1 seed in the AFC, and the first round bye. But, congrats to Travis Kelce on breaking the single season Tight End yardage record. Now, it will be interesting to see how the Chiefs approach week 17. I'd like to see Mahomes play, if only long enough to secure the passing yardage crown. That, and they need to get the offense in sync before heading into a bye week.
  5. That sounds like an interesting find, indeed! Are you able to read the Japanese?
  6. Thanks for the elaborations, both of you! I think I have a copy of the Tao Te Ching here at home; it might have to be the next thing I read! Bob, your mention of consciousness, and "becoming" so is an interesting caveat. I also like what you said about "awakening." Very interesting points to ponder.
  7. Ok, we're back! Onward and upward! So, paragraph three, on voidness. I think many tend to think of "the void" as the ultimate emptiness; after all, doesn't void mean "without?" But here, Lee describes it as all-inclusive, "nothing which it excludes or opposes." This is very odd sounding to me, indeed. In paragraph four, I think I understand what Lee is trying to drive at. He is saying to let go our your ego, or any impressions you might already have, and become that empty cup that is ready to be filled. Thoughts?
  8. Merry Christmas to everyone here at KarateForums.com!
  9. I saw that it was being moved up. Excellent. I'm looking forward to seeing the interactions between the characters from KKII.
  10. The suggestions that Wado Heretic laid out have been what my experience has suggested, as well. I usually see the title of instructor granted at 3rd dan ranks, but I've seen it happen at 2nd dan, as well. I rarely see school owners below 3rd dans. Talk to your instructor about this, for sure.
  11. So, I've seen ads for this new, "modern" TKD encyclopedia, and am really curious about it: https://www.tkdbook.info/ The books look like they are well laid out, and appear to be high quality. I'm interested in the contents, for sure. I practice most of the Chang Hon forms, but I don't use sine wave, which these books appear to spend quite a bit of time discussing. I'm not opposed to reading the discussions, though. I'm curious if any other TKDers out there have seen or heard anything about these volumes, and what your thoughts are. It's been difficult to find good TKD books lately, and these seem like they'd be a nice add to my library.
  12. I hear you on the utility of the apps, Danielle. I don't use the apps, though. Instead, I just keep a paper training log. I refer to my previous workout, and add 5 lbs for squats and deadlifts, and 2.5 lbs for the press now (I don't bench press due to the fact that it hurts my shoulder as it gets heavier...maybe someday). As for the Starting Strength program, the only difference is learning the power clean, and you don't really need to do that lift for quite some time. What I find with 5x5 is his emphasis on starting with the empty bar, and adding only 5 lbs per workout. It really just costs you a lot of valuable training time, and the volume catches up with you eventually. As for your starting weights, to find a good starting point, do a set of 5 at a warmup weight you can handle, then rack it. Add 5 lbs, and do another set, and continue until you notice the bar speed slow down, and call that your work set. It should be stressful enough to work you, but not so stressful that you don't recover by the time the next workout rolls around. Hope that helps out.
  13. Good stuff, guys. Great insight and points. You guys are definitely better at the philosophical stuff than I. Bob, thanks for expounding on ShuHaRi. I have a much clearer picture of it now.
  14. Moving forward here, exploring more of Bruce Lee's philosophical sense. So, is it just me, or does this sound like some talk of a another you in a parallel universe or something? And we need to basically purge this kind of thought from our thinking? I kind of have an inkling as to what karma is; the idea that "what goes around, comes around," that universe will balance itself out in the end. I've usually heard karma spoken of primarily in the sense of someone who has wronged us "getting what's coming to them," but I imagine that in the Eastern sense, there is more to it than that.
  15. Sounds like a great start to a library!
  16. Welcome to KF, BeefcaketheBarber! Glad to have you here!
  17. Great points, SKL59. I don't recall that I've ever focused on my pecs or my lats feeding the punch. I've just focused on using my whole body as a unit to generate the power. I've found more and more that I prefer a fist that is rotated about 45 degrees off vertical, as I like the rotation and the fact that it keeps my elbow tucked in line more.
  18. Good on you, Danielle! I remember jumping in with the 5x5 program some years ago. I moved to Starting Strength, which I found to be a better template, and they have a book which provides great information on how to do the lifts and how to get the program started. The hardest part is getting started, that's for sure. It's great to see it! And thanks for dipping in here with me!
  19. All good points, Bob. You'll have to remind me what Shu/Ha/Ri translates to exactly, but I do remember discussing it. If I recall correctly, it's the study and expansion of forms and their applications?
  20. Thanks for sharing the video. I don't have so much of an issue with trying to eliminate shoulder movement, but I don't like the idea of trying to take away the hip rotation to generate the power. I'm a big believer in the power coming from the ground, up through the legs and hips. It seems to me that more force can be generated through hip rotation than through the hip thrusting. In the video, he is still using his hips for power, which I like. His shoulders still move, but not near as much as seen previously. I like what he is teaching here.
  21. Agreed. The early Okinawans that were practicing their own brand of MA learned some things from the Chinese, thus incorporating it into what they trained.
  22. 12/20/2020 Strength Training Deadlifts: 135x5, 165x5, 195x3, 210x1, 245x5. Press: 45x5x2, 70x3, 95x1, 135x4, 135x4, 135x3, 135x3, 135x1. Pushing the press just as much as I can. Going to hit as many reps as I can per set until I reach total work set volume of 15. Evening stretching session.
  23. Welcome to KF, JamuraiSack! Glad to have you here. This is quite the goal you have. What sources have you looked into thus far? Have you looked into the Bubishi? You might also look into Harry Cook's tome, Shotokan Karate, A Precise History. Perhaps it will provide some insight? I'm sure some of our other knowledgeable KF members will be able to chime in somewhat, as well. Best of luck in your search!
  24. Thank you for that, SLK. Very helpful. I am familiar with the idea of Mushin, so that helps in crossing the bridge here. That would seem to lead to the Lee quote, "I do not hit; it hits all by itself." Glad you've jumped in here! I plan on running ideas in this thread for a while!
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