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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I'm still not sure that it is worth not fighting back, even in this scenario.
  2. I have CPR training. I imagine my instructor has some as well, but I don't know for sure. Our 4th dan is also certified. We also have 1st aid kits on hand.
  3. I agree. It is important that we not get sucked into a provocation in this way. This is what I want to avoid. I don't want to be punched first, at all. I don't even want them to have the chance to raise their hand in an attempt to attack. If I can derive from the verbal and physical clues that I think that this may happen, then I am going to act first, throw the first strike. So, I believe that they have verbally attacked first.
  4. The 4th dan in our school is also a school resource officer, and he teaches some basic self-defense stuff for the girls at the schools he works at. In a class the other day, he was told by some "expert" that they recommend that when girls/women are being raped or sexually attacked otherwise, that they don't recommend them to fight back. They say this because the attacker will fight harder, and actually cause them to get hurt more by infuriating the attacker more, ending up in a higher chance of being killed in the process. How do you feel about this idea? Personally, I think it is bunk. I think it is a bad idea. I know I would want my wife and daughter to do everything in their power to stop the attack. Not submit.
  5. It will also depend on your interpretations of the moves in the forms. Is that a downward block, or a downward hammerfist strike to the groin? It just depends. I think that depends on what style you do. For example, in ITF there isn't exactly much interpretation. Everything is defined right down to the exact degree your arm is bent, the distancing and the cm² you are connecting with. A low block must finish bent at 15° from the elbow so the fist would not be at the correct angle for a proper hammerfist. Stuart Anslow uses the down block as a hammerfist strike in some of his form applications in his book Ch'ang On Taekwon-do Hae Sul. That's one of the places that I have seen this application.
  6. I didn't think my response was too broad. I am not a very deep individual, really. I wouldn't get it done. If others want to, then that's their business. I just wouldn't do it, money or no.
  7. From Yahoo! Sports: Lopez challenges call concerning a "cut kick" in his match with Italian Mauro Sarmiento. It sounds like politics at work here, but I can't be for sure, since I didn't get to watch the match. Its strange to see Lopez fighting for the bronze, and not the gold. He had been undefeated in international competition since 2002! But, happens to the best of us. What will come of this? Is this the last year for TKD in the Olympics?[/url]
  8. I thought the full contact looked ok, too. In full contact, when you get close, use uppercuts and hook punches to the body with no remorse. Make 'em sorry they closed with you. That guy fought with his hands way down low; he reminded me of an Olympic TKDer like that. Use that to your advantage. When he prepares to kick, try to jam him, and then unleash the hounds on the body. When he backs away, finish with a kick, maybe to the head.
  9. Very well spoken, tallgeese. All of the concerns you list are valid. After 14 years of TKD, I am not sure that I would ever throw a head kick outside of class. I am not quite that fast. However, I do know that if I can kick high with power, then my low kicks are loaded, too.
  10. Thanks, tallgeese. No YMCA's here, so that part is done. Checking with some coaches would be a good place to start. Down the street from me is the former college Wrestling coach. He just took a different job in the athletic department at the college, so maybe he could help some, too.
  11. I saw this on Fox News the other morning. Pretty cool. I guess it proves you don't need all the fancy equipment to catch a big fish! BASSmasters, eat your heart out!
  12. I watched bits and pieces. It was ok. Not my usual cup of tea, but some of it was ok. Watched some gymnastics, mens basketball, and Phelps. Some track, but missed all the field events. Overall, I thought the coverage kind of left more to be desired.
  13. I voted no in the poll. Just not for me.
  14. I think that would be the better way to learn that weapon. However, it seems to always be the "flashy" weapon. But, many have gone that route now, and I don't want to learn weapons forms. I would rather do partner work.
  15. Very true, tallgeese. If you are in a fight, then you have to committ yourself if you throw something. I have seen this happen in videos of the use of the ASP or other impact weapons. They end up pulling up on the swing, instead of following though. Can't do that.
  16. Here is a question, concerning this scenario. When you hear the "don't kick high" argument in self-defense or NHB conversations, how come you never see anyone actually catch a leg like this? This is one of the big arguements. There is also the argument of shooting on the other leg while the kicking leg is in the air. I haven't seen that happen a whole lot in NHB matches either, but maybe I just haven't watched enough.
  17. That's pretty cool. I think this is what they had in mind when the put the IFL together in the first place. Too bad its done. I would like to see Zuffa maybe finance and promote the idea of the IFL, and continue to use it as a vehicle to develop young fighters.
  18. Ah, shucks, tweren't nothin'.... But, in all actuality, you can come up with a lot of ideas about how to protect yourself in the court room by chatting with LEOs and attorneys about things like this. Learning about the use of force continuum, and learning a bit about the laws involved and learning how to articulate in the court room goes a long ways. Success is where preparation meets opportunity....
  19. I like a beer now and then. Maybe a mixed drink. I just don't like to get hammered.
  20. I think he would be charged with burglarly and aggravated stupidity....
  21. ....or you insist on closing the upper level cabinet doors in your kitchen with hook kicks and round kicks. Or, you shut off light switches with axe kicks, and turn them on with front kicks.
  22. Welcome to the Forums!
  23. I noticed that your guard dropped as you kicked. I think this comes from trying to gain momentum for the kick. It happens a lot with beginners. One of the things I will make some of my younger students do is hold onto their uniform lapels, or even their ears, as they kick. It helps to keep them in place. It also prevents telegraph.
  24. I knew there was some mix-up. At any rate, it brewed some bad blood between the two.
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