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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. That's reasonable, if the weakest person is close enough to get to. Most likely, they are in the back, or flanked by a few protectors. So, you kind of have to take what's given you.
  2. I hope that I get to see her fight. My parents have Showtime back home, so perhaps I'll be around if she makes into StrikeForce.
  3. That's not a circumstance that I have ever seen or faced, but I don't think it is something that shouldn't be considered. People can change, if they want to, and I think that second chances are important. But, it is something that must be considered seriously at the same time, too.
  4. I agree with Patrick. I have some hobbies that are tougher to explain to adults, too. I used to play Magic a lot, but only have gotten away from it because it gets pricey. I also still love to build with my Legos, and it is now something that me and my son can do together. So in the end, I think Patrick is right. It shows up in lots of places, in some form or another.
  5. I like the idea of doing the kicks slow, but also, do the with muscle tension. Really tighten the muscles and go through the entire kicking motion slowly. That will help ingrain the movements in your muscles and your brain. Finishing with fast kicks, like Kuma mentioned, is a good idea, too.
  6. I second push-ups and dips for the triceps. Can't beat the dips. For the lats, you could do what I've heard called Australian pull-ups, where you lie under a bar, straighten your body out so you are holding the bar and body is planked at an angle, and then pull your chest up to the bar. Also, if you can't do pull-ups yet (like me), do assited pull-ups where you hang from a lower bar, like above, prop your feet out in front or on a bench, and do pull-ups from there.
  7. 8-14-09 Assisted pull-ups: 10, 8 max sets Crunches: 4x25 Lat pull-down: 110x15x3 Sit-ups: 30, 20 Dumbell rows: 30x10x3...should go up. 1/2 sit-ups: 30, 20 Dumbell curls: 20x10x3...go up. Barbell curls: 60x10x3...go up. 1 mile bike ride with the dog. 8-17-09 Combat Hapkido: 9:00 am - 10:00. Worked all the way through the red belt material, focusing on ending in good positions to hold for cuffing and restraining. Warm-up: 1/2 mile on elliptical, 5 minutes stretch. Crunches: 4x25 Bench press: 165x10, 175x8, 185x6, 195x4, 215x2, 235x1 Double crunches: 25 Sit-ups: 40, 15 1/2 sit-ups: 25 Push-ups: 31, drop to knees to 35; 23, drop to knees to 30 Military press (with bar): 55x15x3 Dips: 7, 6 max sets Elliptical: 1.5 miles
  8. I agree with cathal here. Different philosophies in training will cause there to be different time frames in testing and aquiring rank. I think that some are too fast, and I think that some are too slow. In the end, it depends on the type/quality of experience and training that one is receiving. As for the judging problems, those seem to pop up at many tournaments, especially those that aren't really sanctioned by some kind of competitive body. I do agree that adults should judge adults, for sure. I am also of the idea that black belts should do the judging. Not many black belts would appreciate being judged by lower ranks, much as adults would not want to be judged by children.
  9. A lead leg round kick is going to be tougher to get to head level. Its going to require some good flexibility not only in the legs, but in the trunk area, too. Kicking high like this, especially with the front leg, will really engage the oblique muscles, so that is an area to focus on, as well. Not that it can't be done, but it may be a lot of specialized training to acquire the ability.
  10. I think one tends to see more "slapping" when it comes to sparring that revolves around light contact and earning a break for point. I think the "tag" game begets the "slaps." When all a strike has to do to garner a point is touch the body, then I think that is when we start seeing the slaps come into play.
  11. Very nice layouts there, Bob. Thanks for the explanation.
  12. This is a problem that I have had a lot, too. I have been using more angles lately, and it is helping some, but I still need work at it. I try to cut angles as I block, so that I don't just back up. Its tough, but its getting better.
  13. TKD is akin to soccer...lots of kicking
  14. As a Martial Artsist, I feel that MMA has a lot to offer the Martial Arts community. If anything, the very existence of MMA has caused all Martial Artists to begin thinking a bit, so that in itself is a plus for the whole MA community. Now, MMA is going to be like any other style of Martial Art; you'll have the good, the bad, and the ugly. You'll get some great technicians out of it; you'll get some that aren't so great, but are still good enough at the game to be able to succeed; and, you'll have those that aren't good technicians, nor are they good fighters, but they still train, anyways. You'll also get guys that may enjoy the training, but may never step onto the mat for an actual fight in a competition setting. I think that is fine, too. If I had an MMA gym to train at, I would do it, but I wouldn't be signing up for any fights anytime soon, because I would be in the heavyweight bracket at 5'7". But, anyone can benefit from the training. Some opponents of the MMAs will claim that the practitioners won't be learning all of the technical aspects that the MAs have to offer, and they may also claim that none of the spritual aspects will be taught. However, in my eyes, I see it as a set-up similar to Wrestling. Lots of conditioning, and lots of pair work on technique. What's nice, though, is that you get stand-up and ground work, along with the transitions that fit it all together. The other major arguement that you'll get is that MMAs just train people to fight and be thugs. I don't believe that this is the case. An instructor cannot be held responsible for the actions or decisions that a student makes. Those fall sqaurely on the shoulders of the student; that is what integrity and responsibility are all about. In the end, I just chalk up MMA to being one more MA style to choose from when one opens up the yellow pages to find a school to train at.
  15. Thanks, Reala.I don't have anything currently for the round kick or the side kick, but I have thought about putting something together for them. You could probably take the basic structure of the article here, and work it with the side kicks and round kicks in some way, if you like. In the meantime, I will look into some similar articles for those kicks. Some things, like the stomping motions and such, may not quite apply to the round or side kicks, but you can still find lots of ways to work things into them.
  16. Just take it one round at a time. Good luck.
  17. Story: http://www.mmaweekly.com/absolutenm/templates/dailynews.asp?articleid=9350&zoneid=13 I found this particularly interesting. I can remember watching her movies when I was younger. I wish her the best, and hope that she does well.
  18. I view a parry as a redirection type of block, but it isn't a very big movement. The hand can take the form of a knife hand position, but the redirection is usually done with the palm. If a jab is coming at your face you could parry it to the inside with the same side the attack is coming on, and step to the outside with that side foot. Also, its usually accompanied by a head movement (slip) away from the attack. You could also parry to the outside, as well. Just depends. Hope that helps you to visualize it better.
  19. I'm not sure if your club would have any legal grounds to sue on, but you could contact an attorney and find out. If your club doesn't have a trademarked name, it may be tough. Not much control on the website issue, either. I think that as long as your instructor does a good job, and word of mouth gets around, things should go his way.
  20. I think that you might be better served by checking out a Muay Thai gym, if there is one around. They work combinations of legs and hands, elbows and knees; the whole package.
  21. Man, that's just wrong, but funny... I agree here, but even a RBSD syllabus can't be considered all inclusive, either. The more exposure one can get, then the better off one can be. On a side note here, in the ancient Olympiad's version of MMA, Pakration, the competitors fought naked, as did the Boxers and Wrestlers. Speedo = good idea. The ground game isn't the only phase to fall prey to this feeling, either. In UFC 98, the Evans/Machida fight was referred to as rather "boring" in the first round, with the two fighters taking time to guage each other, exchanging few blows standing up. I think it was obvious that they were testing each other, calculating their next moves and such. The same things happen when the fight goes to the ground, as well. More stand-up fighters can appreciate the guaging that goes on in stand-up, but don't see it the same on the ground. Everyone likes to see a knockdown, drag-out fight, as well. But at times, you get one or the other.
  22. Sure; I just think that people tend to focus too much on "moving from the dantien" and not enough on actually being able to MOVE the dantien. Ah, I understand now. Thanks.
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