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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. This is one of those points that I have come not to believe in when it comes to MA experience through training. I think that most 2nd dans have a pretty good understanding of what their style is about. It comes to a point where dan ranks become a crutch that higher ranks use to keep them around, because they "don't understand" yet.
  2. It is not illegal to ask about religion. It is illegal to discriminate because of religion. Two very different things. It could be that the org is just wanting to get a feel for the demographics that make it up. All kinds of businesses do this. Now, if you feel uncomfortable about filling it out, then ask questions as to why they are doing it. If you don't like it, just don't do it. Now, if they have a problem with that, then leave. Simple solutions all around.
  3. "Give me a choice between pleasure and pain, I choose.... pain..." Dio, R.I.P. Now, didn't we just discuss this in another thread??? j/k
  4. I was tuned into to what you are saying, Bob, and I think it is a good point. Its like any physical contact endeavor....football players understand, professional fighters understand...its those little pains that we have to fight through in training that make it worth while.
  5. I was bullyed as a child, and it flat sucks. It eventually went away, but I can think of several times where if I could go back, I'd take a bat with me... Now, its something that I consider seriously with my kids. I don't want my kids to cause trouble, but if trouble comes looking for them, I want them to be able to stand their ground, and, if need be, to fight. I've told my oldest that if she gets in trouble for "standing up for herself" in school, then she should let me know, and I'll address the teachers/principles myself.
  6. I'm not sure there is fault in too much of your thinking here. There is nothing wrong with wanting to get just a black belt. You do mention, though, about "loss of face" and citing that as a reason not to advance. I don't think that is a reason to consider it at all. People of different ranks will exhibit different skills, and it isn't always equal. Age and experience can play a lot into it. If remaining a 1st dan to save face to higher ranked losses, or, better yet, to make you look really good when you beat a higher rank, is more of an ego-soothing idea to me, but that is just how it strikes me.
  7. I don't know. Maybe Survivor's Eye of the Tiger. I just like the song. I don't train to music too much.
  8. Everyone will have a different answer here. Some will feel that they have a "duty" to teach for their instructor, or a "responibility" brought on by rank to do the same, without pay. Others will feel that their time is worth money, and will want to be paid for doing it. I don't think there is anything wrong with either option. Nothing really. What you want to consider, though, are what your credentials will be. Nothing really stopping you at all. But, when you look at those who have done it, look at what they had to offer, brought to the table, and the credentials that they had when they did it.
  9. Woo Hoo!!!!! Awesome, Patrick.
  10. 5-21-10 1 mile run, under 11:30, then a good stretch. The legs are quite so tight, now. Then, I took the dog for a 1 mile bike ride/run.
  11. Nice vid Tzu Logic. I've always been intrigued by Escrima, but have nowhere around to partake. 5-17-2010 Back to class that evening. Good workout with basics and forms, but no sparring. One hour class, 6:00 to 7:00. Sore the next day. After being away for so long, I notice how much the training really does for me. 5-19-10 Mile jog in under 12 minutes. Stretch. Legs tight from class on Monday. 5-20-10 Mile jog in under 12 minutes again, and a funny thing happened....it started to feel kind of...good? It was weird, so I upped my speed and added another quarter mile. Then had another really good stretch out.
  12. 5-14-2010 Mile jog in around 13:00. Then a good stretch. 5-17-2010 Mile jog, around 12:10, and then stretched the legs.
  13. Making you spar and teaching you to spar and two different things. If all they are doing are telling you those 4 pointers you mentioned in your op, that's not teaching you to spar. That's telling you those 4 pointers. Teaching you to spar is drills, pad work, instructor's sparring students and kicking the student's butts until they can kick yours back. Teaching someone to spar is giving them combinations that work for their body type and letting them develop them. You can't just simply say "spar" and expect everyone to be good at it. Those with natural ability might develop it but most people will just flounder around like the blackbelts you described. If you want them to be better maybe you should start leading by example. I find nothing works better for getting people to keep their guard up than clocking them round the head with a kick or backfist or whatever. They learn fast that way. I could not agree with you more. I wish my school put more into it like that.
  14. One can choose how he acts, and how he lives, and he treats and interacts with others. As opposed to worrying about whether people assume I am noble or not, I choose to try to live well, do the right things, make good decisions, and be a good father, husband, and worker. Now, not everyone thinks like this. There are those who try to work people over for whatever they can, steal, demean, and do other things to bring someone down, either to get themselves ahead, or, just because they like to hurt others. And, even more unfortunately, both of these groups have black belts among them. I'm sure that there are even some people who are viewed as "noble" that come from both of those groups. In the end, maybe its just semantics.
  15. Are 'serious martial artists' the kind of demographic that's likely to attend a public karate demo? I would be willing to guess that it is more likely to attract those who don't have experience in the Martial Arts, and therefore become the new students. I'm willing to be that most "serious" Martial Artists that ever attend any type of demo show to watch, critique, and then talk about later amongst themselves, speaking of what they thought was junk, was good, or was just plain bull. I like all types of demos. And there is something to be said about demos as advertising. Yeah, they probably are off-the-wall, over-the-top types of performances, but it does speak to the capability that the school can develop, and if they can do all the fancy stuff, then I'd bet that their basics are good, too. My current school does demos that pretty much mirror a class of our, but in a downsized mode. We do basics, then a form or two, one-steps, sparring, and maybe some self-defense stuff that is Hapkido-based. Last, we break boards, each doing a different kind of break, with different amounts of boards.
  16. I do think the "secrets" are not that, but more of what one has found works for him or her. It isn't keeping secrets, or that there are secrets that must be waited for. Its what works for one at the time, and how he/she makes them work. Like tallgeese, I think experts apply simple things at a high level of competency.
  17. Thanks for everything you have done here, Heidi, and kudos!
  18. Welcome to KF!
  19. The problem with Taek Kyon is that you can't find anything concrete about it. I think Wang Kee and Gen. Choi both claim to have learned it, but they never say from who.
  20. I am curious about these developments, as well. I started my career in the ATA, and like to see what's going on from time to time. Stick fighting would be fun, and the physical requirements are probably a good thing, as long as they aren't too outrageous. I'd like to see the MMA aspects of it as well. I remember when they started their Protech programs, and offered ground fighting based on BJJ as one of the programs. And, no, TKD wasn't really the first MMA.
  21. I think more people would understand it than you think. How many parents are there of kids out there that Wrestle? Lots. How many of those kids' moms have likely Wrestled? Not many. But, I'll bet they find the time to talk with their kids about it. Sure, there are some who won't understand everything you talk about, but if you break it down into small doses, I think most people will get the picture. Now, I wouldn't just engage in the conversation just for the thrill of it. But, I think that a lot of people see and hear so much about the MAs these days that more will understand it than you might think.
  22. I am not a big proponent of stepping forward with the back leg to deliver a punch in sparring. Sure, it will have power, but that step kind of telegraphs everything.
  23. I see a lot of that, instructors not sparring in class. I think they should do so, but I think many times, they don't, to protect their ego.
  24. I think Martial Arts sports are very effective, especially because they usually have a higher level of contact and resistance in their sparring. Olympic TKD and Boxing fight to knockout, Judo, BJJ, and Wrestling all are 100% resistive. This is very good training, even with the rule sets in place.
  25. I think if I were you I would use the opportunity here to push the ones you have to spar regularly so they get better, and then they might be able to help you get better. Otherwise, see if you can spar some of the better fighters there.
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