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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I think TKD tends to be more of a methodology than an ideology. I prefer methodology over ideology, but it has to be the proper methodology.
  2. I like the back leg round kick. A close second would be the spinning heel kick, although for safety reasons, I don't use it a lot.
  3. 7-13-10 Jogged mile in 10:36, and made 1.39 in 15 minutes. TTA low green belt form and one-steps. ATA camo belt (yeah, that's right, CAMO belt ) form and one-steps. I had to review these, so I worked through the form in segments, and then each one-step. I did the form 3 times, then the one-steps 3 times each. Finally, I did a run through of the form and each of the one-steps, to make sure I had them down. Stretch. Chest and tris today. Bench, decline bench, and some dips. I may have done something to my right shoulder while benching...we'll see what tomorrow feels like.
  4. Looks like fun! There are more subtle ways of building the body up to these methods, and it is important to start out nice and easy, because if you injure yourself, then you can't train.
  5. Be wary of statements claiming "the best this" or "the ultimate that." They are often nothing more than an advertising plug. Also pay attention to the types of applications you are putting together. Do they seem logical, or are they just moves put together? If you are putting things together with a partner, and you have some resistance going with each other, then that is a good sign, too. Like the others have said, if you are enjoying the training, then keep it up. It sounds like you'll be in good shape, for sure. If you have questions, do some research and see what pops up.
  6. Being away from the family would be very tough, and I commend you for being able to do it for as long as you did. Are you going to at least go back and maybe work out at your old school? It could almost be like being a full time student again! And I didn't know you were originally living in Oklahoma. That is a bit closer to Kansas, you know. Congrats on your decision and welcome back to the midwest!
  7. Story: http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/mlb/news/story?id=5375561 I'm sure Patrick will be especially struck by this, being a huge, dedicated Yankees fan. I know Bob here is a big fan, as well. Many know that I am no Yankees fan, but my thoughts and prayers go out to the Steinbrenner family, and the Yankees organization. Love or hate him, one cannot deny the level of success he brought to New York and the Yankees organization. RIP George Steinbrenner.
  8. Martial Arts should be about self-defense, first and foremost, in my opinion, or you aren't getting anything Martial out of them. As far as better awareness goes, improvement in self-defense will lead to better awareness, of your physical surroundings, of those around you, etc. If you are gaining a betterment of life through your training, then that's great. But at the heart and soul of Martial Arts training should be self-defense training. isshinryu5toforever makes a good point. Its great if other things stem from MA training, but self-defense should be a big part of what goes on in classes. Otherwise, we see those black belts that can't defend themselves that come out of those lower-quality schools that like to promote and push students through the ranks.
  9. Welcome to KF, Ben!
  10. Welcome to KF!
  11. 7-9-10 Jogged the mile in 10:57, and made 1.38 miles in 15 minutes. ATA white, orange, and yellow belt forms. TTA white, low orange, and hi orange belt forms. ATA one-steps, white through yellow belt. Stretch. Weights again. Nothing spectacular. Did shoulders, back, and bis.
  12. I disagree here. I think self-defense should be taught as the core of a style, and everything else should come out of that idea. That way, you know that the bulk of what you are learning is self-defense based.
  13. Its important that the training is tailored such a way as to be conducive to self-defense learning. This will help the learning curve in the self-defense aspect. Also, making sure that some stress-training is included will help in the fight/flight response.
  14. I like that. Taking the time to evaluate why something worked the way it did is a great idea for sparring.
  15. Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear that.
  16. Is there any legal way to follow through with that?
  17. I don't get annoyed by BJJ. Mouthy people are always annoying, but you can find them anywhere. I think that BJJ has a lot of good things to offer. Those who run it down likely don't have any experience with it, and those BJJers that run down other styles likely don't have much experience with them.
  18. I agree, it is a good thing he defended his home and property, and others in it. There is no need to become a victim, or remain a victim.
  19. That's great to see. More needs to be done about bullying, that is for sure.
  20. Ok, I saw some of the others responses on the 3rd page, but, when I read this, I guess that we are to put ourselves as the person being choked, and discuss how to get out of it. That said, I think the first thing I would do is try to stand up. The power of my legs should overcome his arms trying to hold me down and choke at the same time, so I would try to stand. Once up, I would commence hard striking on any and every target available to me, including the arms, if none else is available. Perhaps multiple kicks to the groin would convince him to use his hands for some other purpose.
  21. Not a flaw. Just a different mindset than about 90% of the people out there. Definitely not a flaw.
  22. Welcome to KF, flatfoot! You're not a cop, are you???
  23. Welcome to KF, Andy! I wouldn't worry about getting ranked fast. Worry about training hard, and what you are learning. The quality of what you learn is more important than the quanitity of ranks you can accumulate. Find out if the school is into competitions or not...not all of the do it or support it, and therefore, won't train for it.
  24. Never heard of it. Sounds interesting, though.
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