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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. We go white, orange, green, blue, brown, black. Each colored belt has a high and a low rank, and brown has a high, middle, and low rank.
  2. I agree with that, striking as opposed to just pressure. So, when you do a pushing side kick, what's the difference from a piercing side kick? Is it not pivoting as much, and you just slow it and push instead of piercing?
  3. The standard situational awareness, looking for exits and the like, would be the place to start. While boyfriend is distracting in a fence position, girlfriend should be looking for escape routs. From there on, positioning would be important. Boyfriend in front, fencing out, getting "big" to cover up the girlfriend. If backing away is necessary, it should be the girlfriend's job to guide the boyfriend in case there are some detritus that could be tripped over or anything like that. A light touch on the back, a quick word of warning, etc. (or roles can be switched, boyfriend doesn't have to be the hero...). When it comes to techniques and tactics, I'll leave those to you. These are just some ideas that kind of popped into my head that might be useful. They might not, too. But maybe they'll give you a starting point. tallgeese might have some more to offer here. As far as situations, I think an attempted mugging, bar scene with multiple people around, or even home invasion could all be passable scenarios. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
  4. 2/18/2013 TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00. Did a reverse punch, back leg front kick, land forward back leg side kick in basics; I thought it would be kind of funky, but really it was a decent movement set. Good practice for getting the chamber around for the side kick. Sparring was ok tonight. I decided before class I was going to work on sparring from range, keeping people away with side kicks or front leg front kicks, and try to set up from there. I fought more side on, and had some decent counters, and only crammed in once or twice. I still need some work, though. Stretched after class.
  5. Ok, that makes sense. Since you aren't pivoting the base foot, and not revolving the hip, its not a piercing kick, hence the different terminology. Right?
  6. Well that is up to the individual school or organisation. FWIW, if the criteria is purely based on purely on physical skill and not knowledge then maybe what I said about having a physics degree but no longer a physicist should be applied. I think in most instances like this, the criteria will be graduated based on age, so a 50 year old wouldn't be required to perform to the standards of a 20 year old.
  7. When we use it for self-defense purposes, we usually combine it with a strike, and make sure we are breaking balance when we execute. We don't do it in a competition setting, so the set-ups we use are different then what competitive Karate practitioners would use. I would love to tinker with foot sweeps in our school, add them to sparring from time to time.
  8. Good luck and keep us posted! If it helps, we refer to elbow break as palkup kyukpa.
  9. hahahaha... I believe its "pre-emptive strike." Whatever that translates to.... I agree. That's why its important to have good strategy and tactics for dealing with self-defense. Like tallgeese's examples, you will want to stun, and unbalance, so you keep in mind this and observe how to accomplish those things.
  10. That depends. If your grades are registered with a national / international groups (JKA, WKF, JKF etc.), your name is written down in a big book! Short of receiving "Hamon" (as Chunmonchek points out) - your grade would never be expunged. K. I think it could. The organization can do what they like. But I think it more likely that a suspension or something of that nature could happen. I have heard talk of more "old-school" types stripping belts in classes, but few and far between. I haven't stripped any rank, but I have moved high ranks to the back line of the room to prove a point once.
  11. Your welcome. Sorry to hear that. You might get out and do some walking around, or check the phone book and see if any hole-in-the-wall type places have a number listed.
  12. Thanks, TG! Here are the vids: Match 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icCvd90MO08&list=PLon1GNgZPzV7auEhp4xObbl6WkFdGZrEQ&index=10 You can see where he digs his head into the kid's side, and drives him over. That's where he is trying to work the inside cradle. A little off, and he said that kid was big, and tough to get folded over. But it was great to see him working it. Match 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHo9Ywb2fYY&list=PLon1GNgZPzV7auEhp4xObbl6WkFdGZrEQ&index=11 This is the same tough kid we've been back and forth with all year. This kid is getting better, too, and he keeps a lower stance now to prevent Kendall from shooting in more. Kendall gets a bit high on him, and this kid is so strong he can just roll out of things. Kendall stayed with him, though, and won by 2. The ref had some trouble with the scoring, but the coaches talked to him, and I have to say that both coaches were fair and honest. Match 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9zxZLtal8A&list=PLon1GNgZPzV7auEhp4xObbl6WkFdGZrEQ&index=9 This kid was from our same club, so I got to coach! Yea! This little guy is only 5 at this time, and he was really tough to hold down, which reminded me of Kendall last year. Kendall won by tech fall, but I think he would have rather kept Wrestling with him.
  13. 2/16/2013 20 minutes of Wrestling with Kendall: tie-up to head snap, block and over to half-Nelson. elbow block to take down. bottom position switch. stand-up from bottom. Kenneth and Kendall did a little bit of free Wrestling.
  14. Yeah, I think they would fall into double kick. Another question; in Kwang Gae, is the pressing kick a slow kick? We do them as two side kicks, one low and one high. So for us, they would be a double kick.
  15. Here's the official website: http://www.goldengloves.com/welcome/ It should be able to answer any questions you have. Good luck, and keep us posted!
  16. Have you tried a google search yet? That would probably help quite a bit. Welcome to the Forums!
  17. I think some schools and organizations can do this, if they feel it is justified. They can't take the knowledge away from them, but they don't have to recognize them, either. Each school would be a bit different.
  18. Had another novice tournament this last weekend, and he did well again. He won all 3 matches, and placed 1st again! First match was a pin, second was a win by just 2 points, and his third was a tech fall win. In his first match, he was even trying to work an inside cradle, and got close to having it set up. That was awesome, as it shows he's starting to see more and put things together. For his 3rd match, since it was against a kid from our club, I got to coach him. That was pretty cool, and I had a little help from another of the coaches, who can actually Wrestle. If anyone is interested in the videos, I'll post them up here.
  19. Instructors can usually tell, by the way the movements go, how clean they look, how much or how little explanation it takes, things like that. When I go into a different school, I be upfront about my previous training, as that is helpful information for the instructor.
  20. Gauntlets, I assume. Yep, its called halfswording, and the more armor worn, the more it is done. One of the links Zoodles posted shows some halfswording techniques with guys in full plate armor.
  21. Bob, that's just awesome! I'm so happy for Nathan! Its a really special deal, and it sounds like there are a lot of good people that got behind him locally to make all this happen. You guys are blessed! AWESOME!
  22. We learn new things all the time. Relearning things isn't much different. Just spend time working the reps to get the change in your mind.
  23. Enjoy, yamesu! I hope I planted a good seed for you. 2/15/2013 10 minutes of Wrestling with my son. Worked on stance and take downs; double leg, block/double and chop/double. Also worked on having heavy hips on top and swiveling around. From the bottom position, we worked a sit-out switch and the stand-up.
  24. Thanks for clearing this up for me, it really helps.
  25. Not a bad idea at all. Especially if you attend a seminar or some class that presents a lot of different drills. Video of explanations or examples can go a long way.
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