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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Another loss for KC tonight in Green Bay, and it's looking more and more like the playoffs won't run through KC this year.
  2. How often do spazzing white belts tap out BJJ black belts??
  3. 11/27/2023 Aikido Class: 8:30 - 9:30 am. Finally, back to class! After stretching and warmup, we worked on first testing review material: kokyo nage, kote gashi, ikkyo, and nikkyo.
  4. I agree, I did not think the Pats would be this bad, either. It will be interesting to see if this is the end of the line for Billicheck, or if the Pats give him as much leash as he's willing to take.
  5. Sorry for your loss, aurik. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
  6. Very well said, Bob. I've always found that communication came easy here at KF. Everyone was always open and forward, yet respectful, and even new members are able to speak comfortably and openly with veteran members. This is the hallmark of KF. Happy Half-Birthday, KF!
  7. Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone!
  8. If you want to look to an example in the sporting ring, look at Brock Lesnar. His size was a huge advantage after he started learning even just some basic BJJ skills.
  9. I'm a little over 2 hours away from Manhattan. Darn. I was going to point you to some friends of mine who are Fiorists up that way. I will keep this in mind! It would be great to see what they do.
  10. Depending on the scheduling available, I'll stick with it as long as I can. I'm not sure how much advancement I'll get, but we'll see what happens. I am enjoying it. 11/22/2023 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 160x5, 190x5, 200x3, 210x1. Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 85x3, 100x5, 100x5, 100x5. Jerk: 100x2, 125x2, 140x2, 140x2, 140x2. Lat Pull-downs: 110x10, 110x10, 110x10.
  11. Hello there. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
  12. Perhaps. But does one need to find happiness, or is it enough just to be happy when and where one is?
  13. I don't agree with your percentages there. I don't think BJJ is a panacea like that. I do think it gives you a huge advantage in a fight, but I don't see it as a guarantee of victory. Fighting and sport are not the same thing. This statement seems to be countering your opening statement of the confidence rating of BJJ. If the bigger, stronger person decides to go crazy in the fight in the same way, then the smaller guy loses the advantage it seems.
  14. I'm a little over 2 hours away from Manhattan.
  15. 11/14/2023 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 195x3, 205x1. Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5. Jerk: 95x2, 115x2, 135x2, 135x2, 135x2. Lat Pull-downs: 100x10, 100x10, 100x10. Took a 5/3/1 approach to the squat sets, adding weight as the reps went down. I may continue that approach to see where it gets me. Unfortunately, there was no morning Aikido class this week.
  16. One area where I think they could be beneficial is in circumstances where muscular atrophy could occur, such as a limb being immobilized in a brace or a cast. Being able to get some muscle stimulation going that way might be helpful in slowing the atrophy.
  17. I knew you weren't, Bob. I recalled that you were one of those darned Yankees.
  18. That original Frasier series was really, really good!
  19. Boy, you're pulling out all the big questions, aren't you! This is a tough one. As a younger man, I didn't think about it much; only when a relative or acquaintance died. As an older man, there's days I think about it going to work: "this could be the day someone tries to kill me." And then, I just go about my work. Then there's other aspect of death that can come to mind; quick and instantaneous, or slow and agonizing? Just the other day, I was talking to my wife, and told her that if and when I go, I want to donate my martial arts library to someone or somewhere that will preserve it for other local martial artist to use. That's kind of weird, right? I will say this: I hope there's pizza and Oreos in heaven, cause I'm going to eat a ton of them when I get there!
  20. I think it's ok for it to be an open-ended question. The answer today likely won't be the same answer tomorrow. Best to be flexible. "Be water, my friend!"
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