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ki master

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Everything posted by ki master

  1. well you start by laying down but make sure your back is strait and you are comfortable. Then clear your mind and get rid of any foreign thoughts.Then start to breath and every four breaths take one deep breath and when you let out relax all of your muscles. e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  2. I dont understand what that is please help. e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  3. I totally agree but my question is if you form a ki ball and make it freeze by stopping the energy will you loose control and your whole body become cold. or will it disapear from slowing up the energy? e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  4. I definetly agree. Ki is just energy taken from different scorces of energy. It is like The plants absorb energy from the sun, so can we by the way. But if you get into chanting spells and controling what people do by rituals now that is the devil. e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  5. it depends on alot of things mental phisical and ability to learn
  6. well you are right I wouldnt want to be in a school full of x's. But me I like one and I like to stay with one. And I dont think you will find alot of girls in a dojo. Unless you live in a certian place. e-mail: one_with_fire_ruisoka@yahoo.com
  7. heres some advice. work out try hard dont give up be determined and be willing to do anything. e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  8. the skills would definetley win. When the body builder is trying to scare you before a fight just ignore him and look him in the eyes. It doesnt seem to bother him buy it really does. If you are just muscle it would be easier to take him down bicause he has so much mass but no skill. he will probably lunge forward on his first move then just get out of the way and make him fall. You just want to keep on blocking and keep your distance. But when his back is tuned kick him on the back the sholdeblade and the neck this will get him even more agarvated and he will lose more energy. then when he is real tired. come in with a face kick then run beside him and kick him on the back. then when he runs tword you get on the ground and put your feet on his stomach and throw him over you. If he still isnt out a couple of kicks to the jaw chest or stomach will take him out. But dont hit him because if you dont have long arms your going to have to get close and then he can grab you and squeeze the life out of you. good luck e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  9. I was just wondering what are you guyses faviorite style and why. and do you use it for power defense or speed?
  10. How many years does it usually take for someone to master a fighting style. I know it depends on the style so lets say thai kwan do how long does it usually take to master this style? e-mail one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  11. I dont think that style matters but I do think that whatever style you do chose you should work hard at until it is mastered. karate can be fun but also dangerous. if you use it for defense then it is fine. but if you use it for bullying then you dont deserve it. I mean its alright to go to a competition but please dont fight anybody seriously unless you have a real good reason. e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  12. I think you should sit it out for a few weeks. because if your knee takes any more damage you might not be able to take the classess again and you may not even be able to walk. Just think about it do you want to sacrafice a few weeks of training. Or would you like to train for a couple more weeks and then never be able to train again? e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  13. I am sorry but I would have to dissagree with you on this one. Size and strength does not mater. and if they really did EARN the black belt then they wouldnt go around picking fights unless they were just stupid and thats their falt. and it is the sensais falt for giving them the belt when they were not worthy. But if they were worthy of the belt I would not have a problem with a 5 year old getting a black belt. But you are right about discipline. Most places are just too nice too the kids and let them do whatever they want. It should be fun but it should also have limits. e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  14. A belt only shows your rank in a class. But you determine your rank in the outside world. Choose your rank wisely and dont underestimate people. power is a great thing use it wisley. e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  15. good luck my brother. hope your chosen path serves you well e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  16. Well I dont know of any schools in that location but i can answer one question. Even if their is someone who will teach you 2 styles at once it is better to learn one at a time. It takes years and years to master any fighting technique. and if you learn two at a time it is going to take much longer to even get up to beat and the pressure is very great. I would reccomend thai kwan do or snake style for somthing fun challenging and not too hard to kick off if any more ? e-mail me at: one_with_fire_ruisoka@yahoo.com
  17. I have never lost a fight but I have not been in any. The fights i have been in all i did was block and then they gave up but i never got hit. the only time i did hit someone in a fight was when he was punching my brother in the face.( he was 5 years older than my brother) No one absolutly no one messes with my brother. I went over their and started punching him in the back because he was knelt over. I stopped when he ran in my house because then my mother told me to stop. all he did was cower and run. I was in a fight with him before that and he was acting all bad and all I did was block and then he said "better be glad you aint on the ground next time you wont be so lucky" and then the next day is when he hit my brother and that showed him. Questions e-mail me at: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  18. They have sai's throwing stars swords those long sticks knunchucks tonfas(those things used by cops) and alot of others.There is a website https://www.entertheninja.com that will tell you all about weapons of the ninja. I dont belive their are any ninjitsu schools availible to the public but if their is it is probably not very good. Any more questions e-mail me: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  19. My cousin is very good at martial arts and he has taught me various styles but he has taught me so many I dont know which is which and if I am doing it right. for all I know I could be thinking about kung fu and be doing thai kwan do. My question is what is a good style for begginers. somthing easy but challengeing. somthing effective but calm please help e-mail: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  20. You need to go up to the instructor and tell him off. Because if you can learn more off the internet than in a dojo their is either somthing wrong with the teacher or the student. any different type of martial arts would be fun as long as it is taught right. But if you want somthing challenging for your sons try snake style karate. It is focused around speed and it can give you alot of stamina. But this teacher if he dosent discipline your kids then their not going to learn. I know he doesnt know martial arts that good but that is just half the problem. If children are not disciplened know then they will get used to it and in any other school they could get kicked out If you have any more questions e-mail me at one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
  21. Snake style is a very interesting type of martial arts. It is based around speed and focus. It is not a powerful technique and it is usualy used for speed. The more hits ther weaker your oponent. But if you condition your fingertips just right it can be powerful. What I mean by condition is like hit them against a tree and that will toughen your fingertips up. When you can rub sand paper across your fingers and dont feel a thing then your pretty much conditioned. I myself would prefer this fighting style because of its speed. If any more questions e-mail me at: one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com
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