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Everything posted by Jade_Lotus

  1. Very good article Martial Artists.
  2. I'd have to agree. I can't answer either way. It depends on the situation. So I can't answer the poll.
  3. I agree, no style is perfect. This has been argued time and time again. Martial_Artist is a huge advocate for non-style. As am myself. Not all styles will accomplish combat, and not all "styles" are 100% good/effective. Anyways, this has been discussed to exhaustion before. Just my 2 cents.
  4. I believe it is wise to practice diligently those things which you are taught. To Practice at home is good, and a necessity. Just practice that which you are taught. As G95champ said, the more you train the better.
  5. I believe the purpose of the Martial arts is and has always been for self-defense, combat, etc... Other wise why not leave out the "Martial" all together. It is the expression of self, through combative means. I believe that there are also many, many benefits that come from training in the martial arts. There are many attributes that are needed to becoming a successful martial artist, these are attained through your training. But the "PURPOSE" remains the same, for self-defense/combat. To study for any other reason is self defeating in itself. This has already been a HUGE topic of discussion here, so I won't get into any detailed explanation. The link below gives explanation for my belief. I'll post a link so that you can research. But that's basically how I feel. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=3168 Good luck, in that which you seek
  6. I have never had the desire to drink any alcohol. Since my training was started when I was very very young, it's all I have known. But, I don't have the personal desire either. So, it's a little bit of both. I should say however, that without my martial arts training, I still would not consume any alcohol.
  7. Exactly! It wouldn't make sense to throw a kick blindly into your opponents defenses. Or any technique for that matter. High kicks should be used like any other technique. When and if the opportunity is present. Another big thing is that many people lack the ability to properly execute a high kick in a combat situation. It takes expert timing, flexibility, power, balance and of course lightning fast speed.
  8. Amen to that. When it comes down to it, defend your life first, then worry about laws and that garbage.
  9. My purpose has and always will be for defense. Defense of myself, and loved ones. I recognize the many benefits that come from my training, the list is near endless. However, my PURPOSE remains the same.
  10. I would have to agree with Martial_Artist. You should train to be effective at both. I am unable to answer the poll, simply because I cannot choose one over the other. When seeking to learn to defend yourself, it would only make sense to learn all there is to know, to cover all aspects, so as to not be caught unprepared. A handgun, is extremely effective for self-defense. It is most effective, for those situations where the immediate defense of LIFE is necessary. Any law-abiding, responsible handgun owner would not shoot someone unless his life, or the life of his loved ones is in IMMEDIATE danger. As with any tool of self-defense a handgun is not appropriate for every situation. But lets be smart about this. If faced with a situation where someone is trying to kill, let's say your child or your wife. You would the most efficient means to stop the attacker. You'd want the fasted way possible to remove them from the danger. But all in all, you should be proficient at both. If firearms are not available to you, then you are doing well to learn all that can in the martial arts. After all, that's what we should all be doing reguardless.
  11. Every situation will be different from the next, and thusly dictating a different response. Any one of those can be used effectively. I'd say whichever one is most efficient for the situation at hand. Which could mean using all of them and then some. No one thing will work 100% of the time.
  12. I would have to agree, this topic has been discussed and argued a zillion times. My personal opinion, is that high kicks can be effective in a self-defense situation, if done properly. Of course not all situations merit using high kicks, but then again, no one thing is 100%. Every situation will dictate a different response, and technique. No one technique will work in ALL situations. But, I have found that high kicks, when the opportunity is present, when done properly, can be very devastating and effective in a given self-defense situation. Hope this helps.
  13. I would have to agree. You never know when you'll need it. And as stated, it's better to be prepared and never have to use it, than to need it, and not have it to use. You should never limit yourself. Anything that helps you to defend yourself, learn it.
  14. Never have and never will.
  15. I think what's even more pathetic, than the idea of selling it, Is that someone will actually buy it. Now, that's sad.
  16. Hunting, fishing, camping, hiking...pretty much anything outdoors. I enjoy spending my time with my wife. Although she is not a hobby, but a blessing in my life. I like to play the guitar, and enjoy my video games. Ya even us boring IBM guys like video games. lol. I love to read and write, and I enjoy a plethera of sports, and activities alike. I especially love my guns, and enjoy shooting them. There really are too many to list. I enjoy flying, and aircraft. Well, I'll stop there. Like I said there are too many to list. But that's just a few of them
  17. Kensai, Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu. Thank you very much. When it comes the things that are most precious to you, you can't afford to take any chances.
  18. I probably wouldn't lift a leg either. But I'm not sure on the specifics of the Ukemi. Kensai will have to elaborate.
  19. Thai_Kick said: "I would bet EVERYTHING I HAVE that NO ONE on this board would have the drive or guts to kill another human, and that includes me as well." Choose wisley what you say Thai_kick. If you're willing to beth "EVERYTHING" on your statement, then you indeed would lose everything. Come, break in my house at where my wife and family are, and watch how fast you have a 10gauge magnum 00 buckshot through your chest. You're statement is incorrect. Threaten my wife or family, and you will find out just how deadly things become. And THAT I'm sure every one in this forum will agree upon. Personally, I would not want to test the drive of guts of another person to kill another persn.. Why? Because I don't know that person, I don't know wether they have it or not. You don't know me or who I am, or any one else on this board. Your statement may ring true to you. But to you only. Don't pretend to know the measure of my resolve, when it come to matters of life and death.
  20. I could be wrong, I but i think he's talking about falling on his back, and using his arms to grab his arms, and his leg to throw him over himself. Using the shootfighters own momentum to his advantage. That's what it sounds like he's talking about, but I could be wrong. Kensai?
  21. Don't know what I would do, every situation is different and governs a different tactic. But I can tell you what I've done in a similar situation, where a "shootfighter", attacked me. when he "shot" for my legs I struck him in the head with a fast and powerful punch. He was hit about 2-3inches above the forehead. He fell at a lump at my feet. This is just one scenario, like I said every situation is different, and there are many situations that would not govern a move like this. This particular situation did. I react different in every encounter. It all just really depends on the circumstances and the oppty made available to you.
  22. use stop kicks and counter. of course you need to be quicker then him, and watch for telepathing. There's so many things to do, this is just one of them that you could try. Good Luck
  23. Howdy
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