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Everything posted by Qso

  1. There is no ultimate fruit and as TheAnimal said ... variety. Eat as many as you can.
  2. I think its because they dont have protein or mass so they don't have power, I just simply asked if it makes you more stamina or something like that. there's lots and lots of protein in soya for example
  3. In the morning eat lots of carbs, they wont turn into fat cos you'll use them all up during the day. They give the energy to start up your day. In the evening eat proteins, low fat foods etc. Afterall you don't need much energy while sleeping. Back to the topic ... You should take your powder every day cos your muscles are growing while youre NOT working them. During the rest and recovery period. Thing that makes you explosive is training. Do exercises that stimulate fast-twich muscle growth. But remember fast-twich muscle fatigues fast. I've been working out in the gym for over 1,5 years now. And i still don't use protein powders. I eat extra minerals and vitamins tho. Basically i drink alot of milk, almost 1 litre a day. Well actually i only drink milk and water No coffe at all. I also have given up drinking juices and sodas because they are too sweet. I get my carbs elsewhere, but that's me Little example: The average 12-ounce (360 mL) can of soda pop contains about 40 grams of refined sugars. That's 10 teaspoons of pure calories. Would you ever eat 10 teaspoons of sugar at once?
  4. My MA class was canceled the other day, but i and other students didn't feel like going home yet. So we decided to have a cup of hot tea as it was -20C (-4F) outside. There's one kid in our group who really likes me, wants to spar and train with me all the time. I must say i enjoy teaching him stuff and i've spent quite some time with him before our MA classes playing around and such. Well i bought him a big cup of tea and we were having a good time chatting. Then suddenly he looked at me with his big round eyes and said ... "I wish you were my father!" That took me by surprise, I was completely speachless. A weird but warm rush ran through my body. I've never felt that before... I'm 24 and haven't really thought of having a baby yet and that kiddo is 9 years old. Has anyone else had similar experiences ?
  5. Male, 24
  6. As far as i know you get higher dan ranks (6+) in return of favours you've done to shotokan community. Like promoting or contributing something to it.
  7. no peeps from Europe :/
  8. My master says that on averege it takes 4+ years to get a BB. If the student trains hard, even out of dojo, at home etc, the progress will be faster thus dedicated karateka might get it in 3+ years. But if you miss classes and don't push yourself enough, it might take even 10 years. In worst case cenario you'll simply quit. The requirements in our dojo are pretty high, our teacher won't let the student take the exam if sensei thinks he/she isn't ready yet. Sensei usually announces one month in advance that the belt exam is coming. Another thing IMHO that helps me to develop faster is co-teachers. That means more students get personal attention/assistance at any given time. What about those kids training in temples/MA schools. They take in students as young as 5 years old. They train MA all day long, would you call those kids also BB Jr when they get their BB ?
  9. In our dojo we have 2 different fees, people over 20 years of age pay $30 (25EUR) and youngsters are charged $19 (16EUR) a month. I get to train 3 times a week. That doesn't cover my other expenses, to buy new gear for example. So the total cost may be as much as double of my monthly fee. It is a small dojo, but i like it. Devoted to teaching Shotokan Karate. For some reason i don't like the mixed MA clubs. I've been to one and quit because the sensei kept changing his MA styles. Maybe that left a bad taste in my mouth :/
  10. The utimate thing would be one finger pushups with your index finger. Only few have mastered this technique. As many posters before me said, you must have strong mind to do this (meditation and chi energy development).
  11. I train 6 times a week (MA and weight training) and i must take vitamin supplements. There's no way i get all my vitamins from the food. I just can't eat that much. Studies show that only 5% of the Earths' population eat well balanced meals. That includes whole grain, low fat etc foods. I consulted with a nutritionist and she advised me to take multivitamin, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium daily so my body could keep up with my intense training. * Multivitamin: to get all vitamins * Vitamin E: great antioxidant, athletes may consume upto 7 times more oxygen while working out than "normal" people and that produces ALOT of free radicals (oxidants). An increase in stamina and endurance is also attributed to Vitamin E. * Calcium: helps to stimulate the muscles * Magnesium: is used to relax the muscles. It is also needed for cellular metabolism and the production of energy. Speaking of vitamins, i just don't take any vitamin, i only eat natural/whole food ones. There's a big difference in eating a synthetic or natural vitamin. Their molecular structure is different and also the bioavailability, which may differe as much as 90%. For example vitmain E (synthetic) sold in many many stores is called Alpha Tocopherol but actually vitamin E consists of 4 tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) and 4 tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta). That's why it's important to eat WHOLE FOOD supplements, so you get all the components. Here's some useful links: Synthetic VS Natural Nice database about vitamins, minerals etc Some vitamin supplements Q&A Some insight to vitamin E
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