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Everything posted by Shadow90

  1. I once read that if you want to be a great martial artist then you should not care about materials. With that they mean you shouldnt care much about stuff... like belts. I read this a lot in books this does not only count for MA but for a lot of other things too. These belt gradings are stupid... if you are a bb or a ''high'' belt, people will think you can do everything, and if you make a mistake they will think; ''Lol even I can do that, Im SO better than him/her''. Everyone makes mistakes. Or some people have high belts and cant fight at all :s Ssome of them even dont have respects for others; ''Hey look I'm a BROWN BELT YOU'RE A PUNY BLUE BELT!'' Maybe they are good at kata and such, but the respect is gone. People kinda lose themselves because of this belt stuff. They will see themselves as weak because someone younger has a higher belt, or if they're a high belt they will think they can do everything and get too cocky... Dont take this is an offense... In my opinion these gradings just ruin whats martial arts is really about; Respect, dicipline and honor, you should be humble and friendly. Karate (or any other martial arts) is not about stupid colored belts. What annoys me the most are those little kids with bb... Even though I do not care much about belts, I do get annoyed by that. I think of my sensei who is friendly and does his best to teach us something about karate and much more. And then I see some 9 year old snickering at everyone and acts though all the time... It insults many sensei's who trained more than 5+... no wait make that 10+ years for their black belts. Even if you know every move of your style, and you are really good at sparring and such doesnt mean you deserve your black belt. As I said you should be respectfull, honorbale humble friendly and much more, and not some arrogant jerk... ***Also note that English is my 3rd language ''>_>
  2. And how can kids like that get their black belt? I mean in Holland (as far as I know) every dojo I know you have to be at least 14 for your brown belt and 17(?) for a bb. Thats why we have the slip system for the kids. If they do their exam and dont pass it they will get a slip instead of a belt. The kids and their parents will be statisfied then. For the kids its as great as a new color belt.
  3. If I ever enter a competition and have 10 yeard old ''black belts'' as a judge I will walk away immideatly Seriously....
  4. 'O_o Mine was ''heee''. I dont like noise really so I didnt liked this kiai stuff. My sensei said that I sounded too cute and I need to do something about it. I dont want to be cute >.< Now I love it really. Its ''HAY''. Its short and, now I am the loudest one in my class.
  5. LOL, that is outstanding. You know that is total junk. Jigoro Kano introduced the belt system in the early 1900's. This whole thing is an urban legend and has no basis in reality. John I think hes just trying to say that belt ranking doesnt matter much...
  6. Mine goes like this: White Yellow (8 Kyu) Orange (7 Kyu) Green (6 Kyu) Blue (5 Kyu) Blue II (4 Kyu) Brown (3 Kyu) Brown II (2 Kyu) Brown III (1 Kyu) Black (1st Dan) etc
  7. Wado-Ryu and Wado-Kai are the same thing. Wado is Karate... Is this what you wanted to know?
  8. Yay, thanks for the advice.
  9. Katas are a great workout though... hmmm I think too much
  10. Hmm well the green belt is kinda good with kata's, she won some prizes... but she never does sparring. Actually, what is more important; sparring or kata? I know theyre both really important but I thought the main reason for any martial art is sparring, to get harder and stuff.
  11. What a hard decision... Im more speed then strenght, but I think thats just because Im a female...
  12. Dont they call dojo's like that McDojo's? http://hometown.aol.com/nbdma/images/mcdojo.jpg Funny picture
  13. Nope, they used to do it.
  14. I would go 3 times a week, 5 hours. But I dont have the money so its just one time a week, one hour.
  15. And the fact my mother (which I havent seen months) doesnt have much hope in me makes me harder. But Oone day I will come back and say that MA is for girls too and that she should stop being so old fashioned. Then I will laugh at her face and run like crazy then >_>
  16. I was always interested in MA and fighting stuff. But my mom is kinda old fashoined so I wasn't really allowed to do MA. ''You cant do that go do ballet or something else, stuff like this is for boy's like your brother!'' (he did Judo) I'm a girl and girls have to wear dresses and be pretty and other nonsense blablablablah. Couple of years later I wanted to do karate and my mom agreed. But she thinks its just some sport that I will lose my interests in... She was all like ''If you want to quit, you can do that in March or just quit now before Im going to pay'' Now I pay it myself, my mom isnt the nicest Im 15 now and why Karate? Well I wanted to learn some self defense in the first place, the world is hard and cruel in my opinion. And since I really love fighting I just thought; ''Karate!!!'' Sometimes I wanted that I did MA on a younger age though... But now it has become more then just self defense, I want to join tournaments and win some prizes or something. And even though I'm still a white belt I just love to help the other people who just started karate. Its so cool when you explain something, and theyre like ''Yay thanks :)'' I think I see it as... the way of life... no seriously its more then just a sport... So yeah thats my story And I love sparring btw Long story huh?
  17. Thanks everyone
  18. Shadow90


    It was hard to read but I think I understand it...
  19. I thought karate had no weapons
  20. Oh wait I googled a little... Nevermind
  21. What do you people mean with McDojo?
  22. Hi everyone, Im kinda new here. Well I always used to lurk here, but I decided to make my own account. Little about myself; Age: 15 Sex: Female Style: Wado, and used to do Kyokushin Kai Next exam: Februari 12th for Yellow band Wado *Also English is not my first language :3 Well heres my point: I'm doing karate for like 9 months and there was this other girl in my class. She has a yellow band, and I always used to look up at here... But she rarely comes. Which kinda dissapoints me. Its almost time for a exam, and our Sensei wont allow her to do the exam because she never comes. She doesnt cares anymore. She say's she lives in another city and that her dad needs to bring her with the car, but actually she lives accros my street. She dont know that. Im worried about her. Why are some people like this? Dont they have respect or are they just lazy? I also know some other girl who is a green belt Wado style. And she doesnt respect anyone else. She only gossips and is looking for trouble all the time. She's kinda mean :/ She also wants to quit it but her parents wont let her, maybe thats makes her stress... I always thought that if you dont respect someone else, you wont come far in karate or any other Martail Art. But they both a yellow and a green belt. Or am I just wrong? I thought respect was the most imprtant thing there is. Im just a little confused...
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