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Spirit At Choice

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Cuong Nhu
  • Location

Spirit At Choice's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. There really are a million ways out of a same-side grab. Cuong Nhu requires that you learn a new one for each promotion (at least in the beginning). My favorite is a soft-style method: leaving your wrist as still as possible, use your shoulder and elbow to rotate your elbow over his arm; drive your elbow down on the inside of his arm, breaking his grip and trapping his hand under your arm. You should be moving in close and have plenty of opportunity to knee him if necessary. I like this because it doesn't take much strength, and you can make that step in to him look submissive and take him unawares. However, this is difficult on someone much taller than yourself. The keys to weakening such a grip have already been mentioned: 1) distraction, and 2) get him to pull your hand into his body. Also, feel free to grab his wrist right back to help you maintain your balance while you kick the bleep outta him. But mostly, stay away from this guy, and file charges if he touches you unprovoked.
  2. Quite some time ago I came across a short (5-ish mins?) video on the Internet that depicted a male martial artist training, then showed him walking home and getting attacked. The video was meant to show how martial arts training is ineffective, but the actor playing the martial artist made so many mistakes a well trained practitioner would not make (he did not maintain distance, step offline, or pay attention to his surroundings for example). I was telling my sensei about this and she was interested in seeing it. Does anyone know this video and have a link?
  3. A teacher of mine mentioned liking Aeonflux (sp?). She said there were some martial arts sequences in it and that it exceded her expectations.
  4. Thank you! I'm off for Training Camp tonight. I tested for 7th kyu last night-- it went ok. I didn't "ace" it, but I did well and was awarded my second green stripe. My son tests tonight for yellow belt and first purple stripe. Master John said his First Form is better than some green belts. I am one proud mama! I will be holding you in prayer during your surgery and recovery!
  5. That video was interesting. But as has been stated, not all arts/dojos train for sport fighting only. Even as a 7th kyu in my system I can tell you five things that victim did not do that I am already being trainied to do: 1) be aware of your surroundings 2) trust your gut 3) maintain distance (run away if necessary) 4) get in a stance (he had time to) 5) STEP OFF LINE!!! A common first attack on the streets is a punch to the face. He totally set himself up by looking at his watch when asked, then he got a strike to the head. If he'd been looking up he could have stepped off line. (Getting a victim to look away is a very common pre-strike tactic!) If he'd trusted his gut he could have maintained distance and avoided the whole thing. If he'd gotten into a stance and been loud, he might have made them think twice about targeting him.
  6. I'm thinking the Grand Celestial-ka could perhaps take on Norris... They do, after all, have that belly button energy blast and super-human strength.
  7. Patrick, this is the first forum I found when I was looking for MA information. And having now looked for other fora, I can honestly say I didn't join any of them because they just do not come up to scratch! It's been a real blessing in my life. Thank you!
  8. I am very proud of my arms. I have been working hard to get my pushups good and it is showing in my arms. Even though I am still overweight, I can see some muscle definition. I only hope that the wobbley dangley skin will firm up eventually.
  9. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you.
  10. Welcome! My style has shotokan elements in it. See you on the boards!
  11. Good to have you! How are the GCSEs going. It is safe to assume that these are aptitude tests for school? Or have I wondered down the wrong lane...
  12. Welcome aboard, you little punster! Check out the games and giggles topics. You might find a sympatico with other members there!
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