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Everything posted by ArmorOfGod

  1. To instructors: How many people have you promoted to black belt level (or equivelant)? AoG
  2. http://www.martialartssupermarket.com/index.cfm?action=showProd&subid=1011 Click there for Bear belts. I have been dealing with that company for over ten years now, and they have great service. Also, go to http://www.eosinpanther.com/ They have belts that I have heard a lot about over the years. AoG
  3. I have been wearing the same black belt for about 10 years now, and it looks almost brand new. How do some people get those belts that look like they are falling apart? Is it a special type of belt that wears down, or are they doing something to the belts to make them wear down faster (like sandpaper)? AoG
  4. It would, but wouldn't the experience of beach training be so incredible and memorable? Buy a cheap gi and wear it just for the beach. AoG
  5. He writes a montly article with Mattera in Black Belt magazine. This month had the 3rd one. They alternate months. You can read an article about him here: http://blackbeltmag.com/document_display.cfm?document_id=160&keyword=demasco&summary=1&startsum=1 AoG
  6. Grimslade, What part of South Carolina are you from? AoG
  7. One of the local schools around here has a monthly "fight night" the first Saturday night of each month. It is free to attend and everyone just comes and has a good time. All schools in the area are invited to come and spar with strict rules about attitude and contact levels. Basically, anyone who is there for trouble can not participate. Several local schools come to it. Maybe your school could organize something like this. The key to this is fun over competition. AoG
  8. I saw a major update about him in Black Belt magazine and I believe it was around 16-18 months ago. I have the past 14 issues right here, and it is not in any of those. He is about to open a chain of schools based on his new style that he created, which is a mix of his karate and bjj. Unfortunately, I cannot remember anything else about the article. Maybe someone here can dig it up. AOG
  9. Could you email them to me? I don't mean to bug you; I just am very curious on the rates. Click here to email me through karateforums: http://www.karateforums.com/memberlist.php?mode=username&order=ASC&start=300 and click on "Email" next to my username (ArmorOfGod) aog
  10. What are the rates? I contacted them a few months ago, but didn't get that far in the correspondence to find out their rates. If you are not comfortable putting them here, pm them to me. aog
  11. Since you are only dealing with adults, advertise in those papers at the grocery stores and gas stations that sell or give away free newspapers that sell used cars and sporting goods. Don't buy an ad though; just make a listing in the sporting good section for your lessons. That will only cost you either nothing, or only $3 per week (in my area anyway). Guys read those free trade papers, so that may work. aog
  12. Have you viewed Roland Osborne's Kama Volume One and Advanced Kama Volume 2 series from Century? I think Century is running a sale on the VHS version of those two tapes right now (or they were). I have not seen them, but they may give you an idea or two. aog
  13. I give mine a 9. It almost killed me. 26 katas, board breaking, basics, extensive self defense, gun/knife defense, sparring against one, two, and three opponents, throws/falls/mat work, and star throwing (I have no idea why we did that part). The next morning my ribs looked like someone spray painted them black. Tylenol quickly became my friend. It was a rough rough ordeal. aog
  14. I am not a big fan of tkd, but that would be the best way to go. aog
  15. I have an embarrising reason: Bloodsport with Van Damme. Yes, I admit it. But on the serious side, here I am 15 years later after that movie and have a 2nd degree black belt, so I guess it could be worse. I still love that movie. AOG
  16. Hello everyone! ArmorOfGod
  17. Very cool article. I enjoyed reading that. I do however have to correct the above statement. Bruce Lee certified three people in Jeet Kune Do: James Lee (deceased), Taky Kimura, and Dan Inosanto. On a side note, Bruce Lee taught three different styles in his lifetime: Wing Chun Gung Fu, Jun Fan Gung Fu, and Jeet Kune Do. He certifed several people in the first two styles as well, but I do not know there names, and I know you were referring to JKD in your article. ArmorOfGod
  18. http://www.meetup.com/ Go to that site and build a multistyle workout group. There may already be a martial arts workout group in your area listed there. If not, go to that site and make one. Also, go to http://www.karatetournaments.com/ and click on your state to see if there are upcoming open style tournaments soon.
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