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Everything posted by lilkarate75

  1. Taikiyoka Godan.
  2. at least u hav experience of a date an' won't be as nervous as last time.
  3. wat were u plannin 2 do if we didn't give u advice???
  4. My first weapon is the Dragon Staff.
  5. If there are any games released, post it here. On Xbox, Xbox 360, and PC Ghost Recon 3: Advanced Warfighter is released!!!! See site here: http://www.ghostrecon.com/uk/ghostrecon3/index.php Or search: Ghost Recon 3: Advanced Warfighter
  6. Family Guy, Law & Order: SVU, Over There, Smallville, Wildfire, Simpsons, 7th Heaven, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, American Dad, Inuyasha, The Dead Zone, Cops, Teen Titans, Spongebob Squarepants, Fairy Oddparents, Jackie Chan Adventures, Sholin Showdown, TMT, One Piece, Dragonball Z, Food Network, History Channel, Charmed, Dallas SWAT, etc. (yes i hav a lot of freetime. i do most of my work in class. hey i like cartoons so wat.)
  7. I have a problem doing some stretches such as siting on the ground and reaching for the middle or the side. I want to know how to be more or completely flexible.
  8. have them curl their fingers towards their palm tightly and place the thumb on the second to third knuckle (middle finger). if the thumb is tucked in, you will have a broken thumb if you punch. after they are able to do it correctly, have them punch three times or if they can have them do a straddle stance (a 90 degree wall sit just without the wall. legs should be shoulder width and back should be straight. try it with a chair. it's good practice.).
  9. yes. i know a wushu school. it's at Wushu Central 1331 Coleman Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050 they also hav a website. it's https://www.wushucentral.com
  10. Kung Fu is more like a dance in both offensive and defensive.
  11. Wushu is like 4000 years old. This type of martial arts trains your flexability, speed, reflexes, strength, weapons of all kind, recover from a wound, and discipline. Wushu is a form of art. It shows your character. It concentrates on all kinds of situations. Wushu is very hard though. There are strict rules and you must respect at all times. Many styles and many options. Here are a few: -chang quan (long fist) -dao (broadsword) -gun (staff) -fanzi quan (tumbling fist) -3-section staff -pu dao (horse chopper) Of course, you don't always train...you also study. Again, here are a few: -taiji quan (the 5 main styles) -xing yi quan -bagua zhang -jian (straightsword) -qiang (spear) -zui quan (drunken fist) -tang lang quan (mantis fist) -ying zhao quan (eagle claw boxing) -zui jian (drunken sword) -shuang dao (double broadswords) -axe -battle axe -double hooks swords -fork -9 section whip -mace -hammer -talon -trident-halberd -long-handled spear -short cudgel -meteor hammer -rope dart If you practice 8 hrs. and 6 days a week, you will probably be able to take on 3 people(trained black belts) with a police baton in each hand while you are alone and only equipted with a police baton in each hand. You will know how to deal life with wushu.
  12. I would say speed because a number of punches can be effective.
  13. you breathe and your mind and body are calm and loose. no fear and there is no need to rush.
  14. weight - 92 lbs. age - 15 height - 64 in. max bench - 153 power level - 6.48
  15. A different kind of martial arts. This form of martial arts is like ying and yang, internal and external, good and bad, hot and cold, etc.
  16. karate has helped my reflexes, eye-cordnation, timing, balance, etc. doing karate helps u in aw kinds of sports. it makes u aware of ur suroundings. karate allows ur mind 2 react faster 2 things.
  17. a throw to finish a fight does not always work, but a direct attack may hit the spot. both critical and effective.
  18. I agree. My Sensei pushes you and disciplines you a lot, but he certainly wouldn't push you that hard!
  19. Sometimes I get to spar/train with my Sensei!!11 Sure everyone gets hit at one time. I learn from my mistakes. I punch and block as fast as I can so I'll can get used to the level. Then after that, I go even faster and keep it up until I've reached the level and so on. It''s very helpful.
  20. What color belts are you guys??? I'm a yellow belt going to a orange belt. I estimated that in February 2007, I'll get my black belt. My class is very disipline, but I advance faster because I sweat more than the others and I work more hours. Like 4 hours a day.
  21. outside cresent kick, stradle stance, jab-reverse, round kick, hammer, lunge punch, jump round kick. (add blocks if your opponent focuses and strikes back)
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