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Everything posted by lilkarate75

  1. staff, broadsword, straight sword, spear, etc. basicly every weapon.
  2. heres a lesson. When one is young, one's view and understanding of the world are limited. A child doesn't understand why he needs to work hard. He may give up easily if faced with hardship. Hence, a teacher's encouragement is always invaluable.
  3. when they/he attacks, use the persons energy against him.
  4. NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCHOOL IS ENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways, mine ends june 8.
  5. y would they do that? it wouldn't b wise 2 b the fastest and run up the enemy alone because they don't even no how good the enemy is. even if that situation did happen, they would eventually figure out the pattern. i don't think it is even possible 2 take out a person in about three seconds because they should b close. if ur fighting multiple enemies run and let them chase u then stop immediately and kick the first person that is closer 2 u or let him strike and use him as a shield. when one starts 2 attack, throw ur shield at him and use combos. ur on ur own now. if u find a weapon around u, use it. mind ur surroundings.
  6. i've experienced it before. first of all, hav ur team meet at a certain time so u all can practice. time it right. like 1 - (hold position 4 one count) 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - etc. on the last move, hold ur stance for 3 seconds. the person who is leading should b responsible for ending. bowing in and out of the ring. the teamates key off. tell ur teamates NOT to look at a teamate. the person looking will hav a result of point deduction. looking forward at all times and use ur periferal view. use the person in front of u 2 lead and same with others. when two teamates c u or a teamate, that person is leading for the next move. same with others. practice on that.
  7. i think of the opponent and how i move. i don't think of the kata. it should b memorized and done without even the need 2 think.
  8. Xun Li. Xun meaning speedy, quick, and fast. Li meaning black, plum, sharp, or strength.
  9. wat is ur meaning of martial arts?
  10. show him wat would happen if u do a sloppy stance. tell him 2 do a front stance and correct it or push him 2 show him how unstable his stances r.
  11. there r 2 things he needs: focus and discipline.
  12. shaolin kung fu...if not then running.
  13. theres this azn girl. she has brown highlighted hair, brown eyes. were friends and shes in choir like me. she likes to play the piano and sing.
  14. I'm a white belt in shaolin kung fu. I started last month. Its very hard. A lot of flexibility and accuracy. I like it though. In 2008, I am going to travel to Beijing for the Olympics where there is a tournament just for shaolin kung fu. I'm from the central US. Favorite things to do: doing shaolin kung fu, singing, play the piano, a.i.m., video games, watching tv, running, soccer, writing, playing with my cousins, reading, ping-pong, stretching, travel. My name's James. 15 years old. Half Chinese and half Vietnamese. Languages: Vietnamese, French, English, little bit of Chinese and Japanese. Birthday: August 12, 1990
  15. It's about the energy. About focusing on a single point in time. It's simple. Observe your opponent. Attack him. Learn to exploit his weakness.
  16. Which weapon would be most useful in combat? Broad Sword or Straight Sword?
  17. just focus on materials to protect yourself.
  18. First of all u practice doin' front kicks, inside, and outside cresent kicks without bending your legs. u do that in a group in 2 lines one by one. then u start learning step by step moves in your first form. its called the 5 motion. don't rush if u think that u can advace that quickly. focus on the correct angle and position of ur block, kick, or punch. it'll take a lot of flexibility and/or effort. they push u a lot and u gotta b fast. ur time reaction has 2 b fast. practice kicking at ur forehead. don't kick above. keep ur back straight. it may take u awhile 2 advance 2 the next belt level which is yellow.
  19. i like the straight sword and the broad sword.
  20. My first weapon was the staff.
  21. i like the straight sword, the broad sword, the spear, and the staff.
  22. i do shaolin kung fu. im sumtimes sore after class, but its a good 2 hour practice.
  23. training on ground. ways to get back on your to feet after doing a fall or attacking on ground. use objects around you to attack and defend. flips, areals, one-handed cartwheels while performing combination kicks, punches, or blocks.
  24. don't focus on how fast or where he is gonna strike. just focus on how u r gonna defend, counter, and strike. try combos. use an attack that slides into another attack or defensive move. let it flow. try not to get close and let him attack. dodge it and counter attack.
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