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Everything posted by Just

  1. I find that hard to believe, because as I read the history of jjj. It appears to originally be developed for fighters wearing armor on a battlefield (after they lose thier weapon). Striking a guy with armor would not be good. It sure would not be a smart way to fight.
  2. If he is kneeling directly on your legs he should be unstable. You should be able to bridg out. If he is mounting you - sitting on your legs with his knees on the sides of you, holding one arm to the ground. I would block my face with free hand, do not let him grab that hand. quickly try to slide the hand he is holding along the ground to a position strait over my head. He should lean forward a little, letting off your legs. Quickly bend both of your knees, trapping his foot/leg with your leg (on the outside of his) on the same side of your body that he is holding your arm on. Use your other leg to push on the floor and bridge to the side that you have his foot traped on, at the same time quickly slide the hand he has a hold of (which should be over your head) 90 degrees strait out from your body. If you can follow the instructions try it on a partner. It works for me O - He will try to catch himself, he may let your arm go, you can grab it and pull toward you and bridge again.. the point is to keep on trying. he will open himself up.
  3. http://www.davedraper.com/bodyfat-calculator.html This will give you a good est.
  4. Sorry, my bad. Wow, you are old Gain the weight then. I would.
  5. yup, diet is the tuff thing. You should stay where you are, or do what you said and go to the top of the next weight class. If you try for the next weight class, go slow and build endurance, get used to the extra weight. How old are you? It matters. Why do you want to go to the next weight class? is the competition tuffer or something? or are you one of those skinny tall kids?
  6. I would stay in the 6-8 rep range increasing the weight slowly each week. Eat a balanced diet with lots of protien. But most important if you really don't want to add weight, make sure you do not increas your calorie intake as the weight increases. Your body will want more calories to grow and make you more hungry, you may not realize it. You will hit a point where you will not get stronger without getting bigger - Thats just a fact. IMHO
  7. I think it depends a lot on where you are training. I have been to some Akido schools in my area that did not impress me. Big fat instructors with attitude - unrealistic stuff. I trained for a while with an Akido brown belt (he had been practicing for 10 years strait and was a brown belt) in germany who was much more impressive then some of the 3rd, 4th, Dans I have seen around in the US. Very intense training and realistic. If the only Akido that I had seen was the stuff in my area, I would say the same thing as you said.
  8. good one
  9. You all have too much time on your hands!!!!!
  10. I have done some reading on jjj (after reading this). From what I read it appears jjj is diverse, hard to classify. Some schools focused on Grapling, some on striking, some on throws, some on all of it. You could call any MA Jujitsu. The more I look at it, it appears that Jujitsu was a generic term in japan for any form of hand to hand combat. By most accounts bjj comes from Judo, which itself comes from a few schools of jjj - each one of which comes from a few others -- on and on.
  11. bruises will heal - They will live They should not fool around with you. Anyone that does not like to get bruises should not play with thier hands.
  12. The movement is not realistic looking to me. The timing, appears unnatural as if the video is being played faster then real time.
  13. Listen to her, otherwise you will be destin to only roll around with guys!
  14. one of the posts before you stated that they learned Judo but "concentrated on ground fighting" and added more submission holds or something like that. so I gess they may or may not have kept the throws, but if they kept them, they are not the primarry techniques and would not be practiced as much. (and the Judo guys, having to spread training time between standup and ground fighting, would like wise not be able to practice the ground stuff as much as the BJJ folks) see I'm getting the hang of this.
  15. Fighting is Fighting. whatever works for you. and why does thia boxing take "TKD striking skills to levels unknown in TKD" P.S. I don't do TKD or thia boxing.
  16. clean your room???????? Write a book????????? get a girl friend???????? find a job??????? the posibilities are endless.
  17. I am "crazy" that is a fact
  18. maybe your not crazy and you just enjoy rolling around with guys more then spending time with pretty girls.
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