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Everything posted by Kumori

  1. https://www.myspace.com/deathofseasonstb
  2. Kumori

    Goju Ryu BB

    I just got back from the dojo , there are 35 katas, I counted. If you want ill try to get a list and post them
  3. Kumori

    Goju Ryu BB

    Yeah its a IOGKF school.... whats that mean tho ? btw I looked at a kata list that my sensei printed out... there are at least 40 on the list..
  4. Kumori

    Goju Ryu BB

    Quick question... I asked my sensei about how long it would take for me to reach black belt. He told me at the rate im going and if I keep it up , around 4-5 years... Now today in class I asked about a kata , and he said he will teach me after black belt. Then another student chimes in , "wouldnt that take 17ish years?" and he says yes.... So Im like WTF ? ? Im 14 , white belt , been studing for 4 weeks. Im getting tested in 2 weeks for yellow.
  5. Kumori


    My sensie changed his mind and told me to do Fukyu da ich. Anyways the comp. * blew, they screwed our whole school. Details later... btw PKC SUCKS !!!
  6. In this tournament that I may be fighting in somtime in Feb. I heard that its going to be mixed. I take Goju-ryu karate... Do you think it would be good against the others? etc. Discuss please
  7. Kumori


    Is Sanchin a higher level kata then? Cause it doesnt seem that hard at all .... Is there more then one version ?
  8. Yeah , I dont think I am done growing Im 14 right now
  9. Handclap pushups ?
  10. I think I'm taking traditional Goju
  11. Kumori


    Hello all, I am a white belt right now and have been training for around 4 weeks. This coming saturday my sensei invited me to a competition and do a kata. He wants me to do Sanchin ... I heard this is not a good kata for comp. ? Then there is one on Nov. 19 where Im to do Fukyu Da Ich . Now this one I heard you could win awards from.. but idk.. I never been in a competition before. Also there is one in Feb. Should I fight in it ? Ill be a Yellow Belt by then for sure. - Kumori
  12. Kumori


    arigatoh gozaimashita
  13. I take Goju I study under sensei Zach Nye Has anyone heard of him ?
  14. What are some ways I can condition my shins ? As of right now , I am using this iron rod i have thats about a inch thick and ways around 2 lbs to roll up and down my shins and lightly tap them. Are there any other ways I can condition them / Am I doing it right?
  15. What would you do or use if you did not have a Decline board ?
  16. Kumori


    Right now I am a white belt , I have just started taking Goju Ryu 3 weeks ago. Anyways , my sensei (sp?) said that I should know a few phrases before I reach blue belt. I know its a long way to go ,but I want to know them now. I need to know how to say " Please Teach me " and " Thank you for teaching me " Thank you
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