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Everything posted by Kumori

  1. There are currently 2 Wing Chun instructors here in my area, and Im wondering if you know anything about them or have heard anything useful. Ali Rahim claims to be the heir of the Woo Fai system of Wing Chun, which I have never heard of. https://www.louisvillewingchun.com The other one is Grandmaster ??henry?? Cook. He developed the Seven Winds Flying Fist System. He has retired teaching public classes and does only private teachings now. http://taletha.com/biography.htm Anyone have any information regarding these instructors? Im questioning the authenticity of Ali Rahim...
  2. Hello everyone. I am curious about the tournament going on next year in April. Has anyone here been to previous tournaments like this? I noticed that this is a "Open" Tournament. If i wanted to do a traditional kata will I even place? I head that I must have like backflips and things in my kata to even have them notice me. Also, what should I expect fighting wise? Is this just a karate thing? Or is it open to everyone? I am a 16 yeard old Orange belt taking Okinawan Goju Ryu. In my kumite, I will use everything I learend from my karate,Wing chun, muay thai, and June Fan.
  3. I know about protein and stuff, ive been using protein shakes and creatine for about 3 months. My main question is if the water pill will make my muscles show alot more. I dont have much fat on me.. if i were to gues... maybe 10% at the most... I want to have the Bruce Lee look , where he doesnt have to flex to see his mucles and make them toned. I do ALOT of cardio like everyday. I train everyday , each section of my body every other day to mix it up and give them rest. I just need some ways to get the Bruce Lee look , I have the muscles almost.. Maybe an 1/2 " more then im done. I want to have like uber tight skin
  4. My bad, I ment Nitric Oxide
  5. Would it be a good idea to take a Water Pill to release a bit of the water in my body to show my muscles more? What about taking that with Creatine? And lastly , What is Nitrous Oxide? and what does that do? Is it safe? Oh yeah , does any of these things cause like shrinkage or slowed growth in genitals or my man member? ( i had to call it that cause of the stupid censor) Regards , Kumori
  6. We do not have a set uniform or whatever. I just called it that because thats all i know it as. He just wears it outside everynow and then. Its real silk , not cotton. I was just wondering because i want one to train in and also wear everynow and then because i like them.
  7. What do you all think about wearing a kung fu gi (uniform) out in public? I know my sifu does ... I heard its just showing off and disrespectful, I dont think you wont get much attention if you dont show off or anything.. {edit} by gi , i mean just like black n white. kinda like Bruce Lee , no sashes or anything. Nothing odd like red n white.. just mostly black with the white cuffs. please discuss
  8. I need all the help I can get on building a wooden Wing Chun dummy. I have friend that is a professional and will build me it. But he needs the size , pics , deminsons , etc. I need all the help you all can offer me. Thank you !
  9. Kumori

    Goju Ryu

    I started Goju around August last year. I am Yellow Belt I study under Sensei Zach Nye 6th Dan Currently on the Gekiha Dai Ich kata.
  10. Does anyone know of Randy Williams? Is what he teaches a good form of Wing Chun? Im studying under one of his students Sifu Bill (william) York. Im curious as to if this is a good teacher (York or Williams) and what the lineage is.
  11. LOL , I know to rest and not overtrain. If I put it off like i was going to , i diddnt mean it like that. I need some really good CORE workouts .. Is it safe to train your core everyday? ive heard different views from people. I work my strength Tues. Thurs. and Sat.
  12. I want to know what kind of training I should do and when. I heard that I should do one type of training for a bit then move on later on. Like strength train for 3 months then do speed training... But I dont feel that is right. I mean bruce lee did all of his training regulated every other day and what not. Couldnt I do like strength one day , speed the next , etc? I want to do Strength / Speed / Power / Flex. / reaction / footwork / etc. I just dont know how to regulate it and what not..
  13. List removed. Against dojo rules. Sorry
  14. Around 30 somthing katas. Full body conditioning , takes 5 poles of bammboo wrapped up and breaks across like 10 differnt places on your body. Sparring Knowing all the terms ... im sure there is ALOT more
  15. Kumori


    that was the most nerve wracking thing ever.. The hardest part for me was going through each kata , in japanese telling the stance , what im doing , where , and why. I totaly fubar the front kicks... i forgot what the Okinawan Front kick was..
  16. Kumori


    Tomorrow I get tested for yellow belt. I am going to post what the test it below for anyone that is interested. You have to know the following. How to say hello How to say thank you How to say Please teach me Count to 20 in japanese Name of style (naha te) Reverse Punch Backfist Downward elbow smash Normal elbow smash Side ELbow smash Front kick Okinawan Front kick Side kick Okinawan Side kick Roundhouse kick Head block Down block Side block Hooking block variation 1 of side block Sanchin Dachi Yoi Dachi Zen Kuchi dachi Kumidi Dachi Nikko Dachi Sheiqa dachi Mine Dachi Sanchin Ich Kata/Bunkai/translation/creator Fukyuda Ich Kata/Bunkai/translation/creator Fukyuda Ni Kata/Bunkai/translation/creator Btw wish me luck Domo Arigato - Shadow
  17. Kumori


    I havent been in Karate for that long , maybe 2 months at max. I know 3 katas ( Sanchin , Fukyuda ich , and Fukyuda Ni) My teacher just shows me the moves.. doesnt explain it really. No bunkai yet or anything. I heard that there is somthing deeper to kata and that to master it is not just to know Bunkai and how its performed. I heard that your supossed to visualize a opponent or somthing.. Can someone please clarify what you do during kata , your views on it , etc
  18. Kumori

    Kumite Tips

    Would all these apply to Point Sparring ? Im going to be competing in Jan. and Im doing Point sparring.
  19. Kumori

    Kumite Tips

    Would all these apply to Point Sparring ? Im going to be competing in Jan. and Im doing Point sparring.
  20. Kumori

    Kumite Tips

    Sooo I need to ; Work on footwork Come up with a few combos Get used to getting hit Work on footwork more! When the match starts ... Do I just charge in there? or do I keep it cool and look for open spots? Ive heard both things... idk which one I'd do. Im not that agressive in the match and I know thats my major downfall..
  21. Kumori

    Kumite Tips

    I need help in freestyle kumite (sparring) . Im fine with people my rank ; white or yellow . but against the higher ranks , im horrible. I dont know what to do ... its not point so i cant just focus on getting one hit and scoring. I keep getting thrown , swept , or kicked in the stomach. I dont know what to do lol!!! HELP ME ...
  22. Kumori

    Goju Ryu BB

    I head to the dojo again friday, Ill copy the list. The list has the name , rank learned , and creator
  23. Its real ... My sensei did it today... almost just as fast. wow ... deja vu ... anyways... I think its real.
  24. On average how long do you all train/practice at your house on your own time ? I have just gotten into MA recently and I still havent adopted a good training routine or anything and im looking for averages and ideas.
  25. Akkkk , I can't decide what weapon I wanna learn!! I have limited it down to Bo staff , Kama , or Nunchuku (sp?) HELP ME
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