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Everything posted by Drunken Monkey
i think you'll find that the popular view of all chinese styles is very much distorted from the truth/reality. i'm pretty sure that your wing chun class, as well as the wing chun itself, is nothing like how you imagined it. (hey, how's it going?) dont forget that wing chun is an over publisised style. how many here have actually seen hung gar, mantis styles, white crane or eagle claw being performed and applied? i mean, even the shoalin kung fu/fist style taht you see being performed. have you actually see it applied? dang, high-jacked another thread with my rants.... and um, oops. still haven't been to the post office...... things just keep popping up. i promise...soon....really sorry.....
but in four hours you can get a more hands-on and rounded work out going. at uni we used to have late night training that regularly lasted 3+ hours. that involved a proper warm up slow relaxed stretching going through everything lots of drills+sparring. there was only ever only 3 or 4 of us there but the opportunity to cross hands with different people is worth more than anyting you can achieve by yourself in the same amount of time. it's all about experience. by yourself, you aren't making a fraction of the progress you make when training with a partner, let alone more than one partner and with instructor present, no matter how 'full on' you think you are training.
yes, and as everyone seems to be telling you but you seem unable to understand. you are wrong. i think it's time for an analogy. let's say you have a wolf. the wolf is hungry and wants to eat. you ask the wolf nicely to not eat you. the wolf, seeing you are a nice chap decides not to eat you. doesn't change the fact that he is a wolf. now exchange wolf for mcdojo hungry for greedy eat for take money (from)
Training Shaolin
Drunken Monkey replied to Hudson's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
i would've thought the fact that 'kempo/kenpo' isn't really a chinese term would've made it quite obvious that shoalin kempo is chinese.... unless of course you really haven't been doing any real research.... -
Where is your MA school?
Drunken Monkey replied to aefibird's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
not to mention a really old children's program.... -
Just a fun hypothetical question
Drunken Monkey replied to Shorin Ryuu's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
....whoa... i wasn't necessarily picking on you, you just happen to be the latest person to put them words in that order. the thing with two belts, black and white is taht their symbolism would be different. in that case, there would only be those who can teach and those who can't. or those who are learning and those who are training (which is my prefered interpretation). before you are at black belt you are learning basics, stances, forms, structures etc etc. at black belt you are training to use everything you have learnt (or something similar....y'know what i mean...) and there is always change (you don't need a belt) one day, you are shown something extra, something that others aren't being shown yet. that is what you get for your hard work. you get access to more things. around you can see that there are some guys who are doing something else that you don't know. THAT is your target, to be good enough to do what they do, not good enough to get a belt. i agree, it is the focus. people can see the belt but they can't see the knowledge/skill etc etc. perhaps this is actually a case for more harder sparring. that way students can actually judge their abilities against each other instead of looking at the colour of their belt. -
Just a fun hypothetical question
Drunken Monkey replied to Shorin Ryuu's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
...gonna pick at the wording of some things for a bit. you might think it isn't important but i think it makes a difference. the reward isn't the belt. but that is how a lot of people see it. the reward is that you get to learn more; you get to know that you are at a certain standard, which is why i'm not too keen on being more lenient towards kids, or having separate kid grades. and because skill and ability isn't something you can measure, i don't think any grading system actually works. all it seems to do is confuse the matter. -
tinned processed meat product anyone?
.....you have no idea what that just did to my opinion of you guys.....
......so really, what was the point of this thread? that among your class of kids, you are the best? cos that's all i'm getting from what you've typed here. you say you get prefered treatment after you copied stuff from the net. you say you could teach the green belt stuff you learnt from the net. you say that everyone else is lazy. all points a bit of ego problem (in my opinion).
your words. like others have said, you have listed things you say are signs of a mcdojo and well, you even go to mention that your club seems to tick all of them boxes.
i think killing small children for personal entertrainment is a legitimate past time. i think hilter was an ok bloke. i think drinking and driving is not a bad thing. i think people with i.q less than 100 should be executed. these are opinions. all of them are wrong. great, you go and copy things you see on the internet and your teacher corrects you. that at least implies that he does at least know what things should look like..... if the place is a mcdojo, the best thing you can do is to leave. staying in there, even if he seems to be teaching like a regular good sensei should in the first palce , staying is still lining his pockets. i'm pretty sure hilter was a nice bloke to some people. doesn't excuse the things he did though, does it?
Karate and Kung Fu
Drunken Monkey replied to DD's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
....the question is flawed. all responses attempting to answer the question as posed will also be flawed until the question is first addressed. a slightly better version of the question would be what differences are ther between the Hakutsuru (and karate derived from it) and the chinese version of the same. or perhaps a more general chinese/japanese debate. -
the whole china hong kong reunification isn't that simple.... hong kong people do not consider themselves to be 'china ma' (big green man). most people wouldn't dream of going 'back' for any reason other than to fulfil obligations and invitations. the instances that i know of where masters and by this i mean recognised heads of style, going back was because of invitation from government or associations, which by their nature in china, ARE the government.... not easy to refuse such an invitation. as for those that did stay. knowing what they are like, i'm not entirely convinced that they would openly teach non-chinese people either. not ruling it out, but i just can't see it. chinese view on western people is probably more 'warped' than western views on the chinese.
Training Shaolin
Drunken Monkey replied to Hudson's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
.......should i point out (again) that the 'authenticity' of the shoalin temple that is currently teaching in china is always questionable. it really bothers me that they're almost as revered (or should taht be worshipped?) as the ever popular 'ninja'. just want to say that you shouldn't confuse the modern shaolin monk with what they might've been originally. -
Martial Arts in the Family.
Drunken Monkey replied to manuelito's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
.....it shouldn't be hard to trace samurai lineage seeing as it is a simple case of knowing the name and asking the right people. i mean, it isn't even that far back; we are only talking a little over a hundred years ago since the abolishment. unless of course....... well, nevermind. -
....is it pain? i don't know. and i've said this before. i don't know what it is i feel. if this is the thing called love then i want to make sure. her being 'away' might help me see things a little differently. i keep telling you guys, i haven't been good when it comes to my past relationships and i don't want to see any more people i care about (in what-ever way) get hurt because of me. and i still can't shake the thought that this is just me wanting something i can't have. we ARE good friends. why does it have to go any further? why does it have to go the way i want to? i've been thinking about this a lot lately. my conclusion? i want to be sensible and mature about this. i hadn't seen her for a year before we met up a few months ago. i don't want to lose her like that again.
it probably doesn't say anywhere that she can't relieve herself on the floor either......
best place to hit sumone is groin and knees
Drunken Monkey replied to mostsolid's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
yes. -
...she's ok. helped her pack up some stuff ready to take to her place later tomorrow/today..... um, sunday. spent another loong day with her today. had dinner, chilled in front of ps2 for a bit. talked about nothing in particular. stuff normal friends would do. i'm gonna have to admit that i haven't actually said anything to her... no grand outburst expressing my feelings. the thing is, me and her, we've kinda gone around this little circle before. and i know all too well that if someone isn't interested, there's not much one can do to change that. to her i am just a friend. she relies on me as a friend. she trusts me as a friend. i really don't want to complicate things. i think what i mean is, i am prepared to let it go. she's at the stage in her life when things are still quite hectic. she's working this year then going to cardiff to complete her architecture part 2. i'll hopefully be working this year before again going somewhere to complete my part 2. basically, things aren't stabe. she already has a lot on her mind and i really don't want to add to her pressures. i know i am not the best person for her and i'm not just saying that for sympathy; it is true. i am a complete alan when it comes to my past relationships and she knows about it all. i think the best thing i can do is let her get on with the things she needs to do. in the meantime i also need to get on with the things i need to do. like i said guys, life isn't like in the movies. sometimes, even the hero doesn't get the girl. you could say that i had my chance the first time around and i blew it already. **edited a typo**
..the immortal words of mr garrison: 'there are no stupid questions......' anyone want to finish that quote for me?
best place to hit sumone is groin and knees
Drunken Monkey replied to mostsolid's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
.....you're ending this? you want to get back to the topic? you do realise that if we go back to the topic, i'd just have to say again that i think what you have said was stupid. -
Training Shaolin
Drunken Monkey replied to Hudson's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
...key words being 'wu-shu'.