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Drunken Monkey

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Everything posted by Drunken Monkey

  1. well i do suppose the mentality of the person applying any art has a lot to do with it. i mean, just because i train with finger jabs, elbows, kness and the like doesn't mean i use them all of the time... guess it also depends on the school.
  2. what i mean, that the responses that it seems to teach is not appropriate for the real world. if a guy tries to snatch your hand bag or what-ever, what would your krav maga response be? break his arm? stamp on his knee? elbow to throat? that was what i was refering to.
  3. just wondering, how do you guys spar in your styles? pads? head gear? full/semi/light? anything. glad to hear from any style.
  4. well, he may ba a legend but he was by no means the god-like hero like character that a lot of his worshippers like to think he was...
  5. well, i think that anyone who takes what they see in the media as being fact needs to leave the house a bit more... as such i tend not togive them much attention.
  6. no. he would you show you how a style did it, then maybe another, then another. you then picked what worked for you. and another thing, you have to go back to the time when he was developing his training method. at that time if you learnt a martial art, you were probably being taught it in a very fixed way (as in do as i do). he realised and attempted to tell us that there shouldn't be a fixed way.
  7. when you have your back up against a wall turn around carry on walking...
  8. you have to understand that his method was very much a work in progress. i'm going to guess he began by teaching "old style" moves.
  9. y'know, most of the time it isn't bad instructors who bring disrespect to the style. instead it is arrogant, rude, obnoxious young students who like to shoot their mouth off at every opportunity, showing no respect for students of other styles.
  10. i think changing gears is a better analogy. most people can figure it out but not many can match engine speed, car speed, clutch, road position, car position like a WRC driver.
  11. y'know, this has got me thinking and i can't for the life of think of a martial art that i would say is complete. give me a while while i do some research...
  12. just out of curiosity, why tkd? and was also wondering if anyone could tell me the differences between the itf and wtf? has anyone taken classes in both? is it really that different? feeling a bit inquizitive today...
  13. well yeah i do understand and appreciate the environment in which it was designed to be used. but then doesn't that kinda question it's appropriateness for the real world?
  14. what he meant by not a style was that you don't imitate/copy the way he did things because that was his own way. it was up to you to find your own way of doing things. his method was not a style in which you copy what your teacher shows you because he wanted people to realise that not all techniques work for everyone. part of the training was for you to go and find what did work for you.
  15. i have a good friend who i care about very much. i know i spend too much time thinking about her and sometimes i wonder if i should just have THAT long chat with her... but then i'm not really sure if i should. what really bothers me is that i know if i say anything i would be putting our friendship at risk. you know how it is, some things are best left unsaid right? maybe i will talk to her about it someday. if i do, i'll let you guys know.
  16. if the style is all about being brutal then isn't it technically not complete? after all, "kill the opponent" is not the answer to all situations. there are times when all you need to do is control the attacker. sounds to me like a case of teaching you how to run before you can walk.
  17. (another typo correction) i've said this elsewhere but i was looking for a grappling art just because it is almost the exact opposiye of what i do now. can anyone give me a little bit of info about what you do?
  18. well, most martial arts come from somewhere and in many cases, it is anothr form of an older art. for example, okinawan karate originates from white crane kung fu which itself originates from shaolin kung fu which in turn originates from ancient buddhist chi kung. like the old chinese saying goes, all kung fu comes from shaolin, which in essence, does.
  19. not the scariest moment in my life but an intersting situation. i was jumped once when i was a little younger and the guy just grabbed onto my top with both hands, y'know, the typical double hand grab. well, he really got in my face and demanded i give him my money. as i was standing there all i could think of was how easily it would've been for me to well, to be a bit crude, slap his * from my position. my hands and legs were free to move while his hands were busy grabbing hold of my top. i jsut told him to let go and he kept asking me for my money. eventually his friend told him to let go which he did and left. the odd thing was i was very clear of mind. i wasn't unaffected cos i do remember the whole thing lasting a long time (in a slow motion way) so i was feeling something but it wasn't fear and it wasn't anger or anything like that. you could say i was calm. anyone know what i mean?
  20. hold on, warp spider... as in the things that live between them big old eldar ships?
  21. it would speed up what you do but not speed up your relexes. for that you really do need something to respond to.
  22. well, i'm not really in a position to do anything. i am in no way experienced enough. just me having a rant i guess... maybe one day.
  23. not sure where it came from and i have said it here before but here i go again failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
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