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Everything posted by Zaine

  1. 1/11 MA Training 400/1000 kata completed!
  2. 1/10 MA Training 333/1000 Kata completed!
  3. That's using those muscles. A lot of PT, outside of dynamic stuff, is just stretches. Stretching engages those muscles and gives you some relief.
  4. Thanks, that makes sense and is something to try. I was thinking on it and wondering why it was only my right ankle since i did the same amount with both legs and mu left one was fine, so maybe it is something i should get looked at. I have a dim memory of wearing an ankle support on that leg years ago when training (am talking 10+ years ago), so maybe there is a small issue that i just haven't tweaked again that needs fixed! We tend to be a little more stable on our left side than right, as well. It's the side that is the most used to supporting, especially in an environment where we tend to prefer to lift our right leg for a kick over our left.
  5. A piece of general advice that I have heard from a lot of physical therapists, especially when I used to work in a PT office, is to move around the sore area. It sounds like you really focused on finding that discomfort and slowly working through it, and that you'll do the same with the soreness in the small back. Happy to see that you're back in it!
  6. My guess would be that it is the latter of the options. If it helps, you might want to get an ankle brace or some kind of stabilizer as you begin if the exercise continues to make you sore. If it's making you so sore that it hurts to walk like it did, seek a doctor and ask for their advice. Otherwise, I would say that you're doing the right thing. I would 100% suggest starting the way that you did, and working up from there. As Augustus said, festina lente. Make haste, slowly. Slow is correct, and correct is fast. As I typed this, I had a thought. Make sure that you are stable on one foot, and then turning your hips as you throw the kick. I have found, in the past, when students have come to me with similar problems that it was because they were shaky on their leg. Throwing a kick slowly requires more muscle control than a fast kick. Practice just standing on one leg with a chamber first. Also, slow does not have to mean a snail's pace. Find the speed that you can throw it correctly 6 times out of 10 and start there.
  7. Strength Training Shoulder/Deltoid 3 sets of 15: Shoulder Press @ 40 lbs 3 minutes: Shoulder shrug 3 minutes: Behind the back shoulder shrug Back 3 sets of 15: Standing flies @ 10 lbs 3 sets of 15: Lat pull down @ 50 lbs MA Training 200/1000 kata completed! 20% finished!
  8. 1/5 Strength Training Legs 3 sets of 15: Squats @ 50 lbs 3 sets of 15: Deadlifts @ 50 lbs 3 sets of 15: Calf Raises @ 50 lbs Abs 3 sets of 15: Sit-ups 3 sets of 15: Leg raises 3 sets of 15: Oblique crunches MA Training 166/1000 kata complete!
  9. 1/4 MA Training 133/1000 kata completed!
  10. It is! I'm updating the total as I go. I thought about doing just one kata, but realized quickly that I have trouble keeping count doing that. It also isn't very fun to drill 1 kata over and over, especially Kuskanku Dai which, while a fun kata to do, is on the longer end. Instead, I do it every time I do another kata. For example, I do Pinan Shodan, then Kusanku Dai, then Pinan Nidan, then Kusanku Dai, and so on. In a way, I am breaking down the 10,000 reps to mastery thing, just in a longer and more inclusive way. I also find the break from doing one kata refreshing. It lets me practice kata that I don't normally practice. Also, since many Shorin Ryu kata can trace themselves back to Kusanku Dai, it gives me a different perspective on how to do other it.
  11. 1/3 Strength Training Back Single Hand Rows: 3 sets of 15 @ 30 pounds Standing Rows: 3 sets of 15 @ 50 pounds Pull-ups: 3 sets of 8 (I hate pull-ups) Rowing machine: 5 minutes Sledgehammer: 5 minutes Biceps Curls: 3 sets of 15 @ 50 pounds Concentration curls: 3 sets of 10 @ 20 pounds MA Training 100/1000 kata completed. 10% done!
  12. I love that! I can't wait to see the total at the end. I've been there. I tore a muscle in my shoulder in '09 and it felt like it took forever for it to heal.
  13. Happy new year! May this be a stellar year for everyone!
  14. 1/2 Strength Training: Chest 3 sets of 15: Push-ups 3 sets of 15: Scapular push-ups (I won't do these again, they were weird. I prefer diamonds) 3 sets of 15: Wide-grip bench press @ 50 pounds 3 sets of 15: Narrow-grip bench press @ 50 pounds Triceps 3 one minute rounds: Chest dips 3 sets of 15: Skullcrushers @ 30 pounds 5 minutes: Tricep Pulldowns @ 25 pounds MA Training: 66/1000 kata completed
  15. 1/1 MA Training: 33/1000 kata completed.
  16. 12/27 30 minute bike ride: I made it a little over 10k. 30 minute MA training: Now that I have a designated "dojo" space in my office, I find myself more inclined to do home work outs in general, even if it's just getting up from my work desk and doing a few kata to get the blood flowing.
  17. It absolutely counts. I buy myself presents all the time. Yesterday, my focus mitts that I was hoping to get before Christmas came in.
  18. I've never even thought of using sweet potato. That's an incredible idea! The menorah Velcro idea is really cute! I love that!
  19. When I was a teenager, I really wanted to be a chef. If you knew nothing about me, then you knew that. For years, all I got for Christmas was cooking materials. Finally, I started giving people lists of things that I wanted which, notable, included no cooking materials.A couple of years later, I finally stopped receiving them.
  20. Did anyone get anything martial arts related for Christmas? I didn't this year, but my kiddo has been asking for nunchaku so I got her a pair!
  21. How did the scan go?
  22. Luckily, I have the privilege of working from home 3 days a week, so I can get up every hour to bust out 3 kata. On the 2 days that I am in the office, my building has a fitness center that I can utilize. 10 kata a day would still be 310 kata for the month, which is still awesome!
  23. 12/21 MA Training: 30 iterations of Kusanku Dai. I wanted to see what kind of time it would take to do 30 kata back to back, for the occasions when I only have a single slot of time to practice for next month. It was about 35-45 minutes, which was perfect. 30 minutes: Training with my daughter. She's really gunning for that yellow belt. I keep telling her that she should train to learn, but I remember going for 9th kyu. It can't be helped and I'm just happy that she's excited about it.
  24. A great resolution! I can't wait to see it done!
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