What am I doing. I keep thinking and pondering. What do I want to do as a marsle artist? The marital arts are my life and I plan to be a great marital arts, to build my chi and us it to achieve anything I set my mined to. Karate and the Chi has already helped me so much. To me the self defense aspect of the arts are only icing on the cake, theres so much more to it. I keep thinking am I doing the right thing, is my style really the best style. I saw a different Goju-Ryu style and it was nice. Im not saying I rather go to that school. It made me think even more. Do the moves really work? Will it work agent other styles, boxing, grappling?. Then I feel guilty. I feel like Im contradicting my style and my sensia, I mean Hes my teacher and the best I've ever met. I know I take a great style but were am I going? Theres stuff from other styles I really like. I like to flow, One thing I want to do is flow like water. That's why I do tai chi. But dose that mean I should take kung fu or something else? But I don't want to quit karate I love it, Then all those bad feelings come from thinking that. Marital arts is my life and I plan to take other styles on my journey.I believe Marital Arts is a way of expressing yourself, how do I want to do that? I want to do whats bnest and what makes me happy but I don't want to let anyone down. What am I doing? Can any one help me?