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Everything posted by shorei_kai_student

  1. that sounds like something we do as a way to help strengthen our legs and warm up by getting into a horse stance and we do the the 3 basic bocks then 2 sets of punches. while doing this we count out loud in japanese
  2. no problem my friend
  3. i dont know to well the differences in many of the style but i found this site to be of much help http://tkdtutor.com/02Taekwondo/Styles/Karate.htm
  4. yes katas great workout and more surprsing right now is alot of my old topics are poping back up
  5. well we have 11 belts before black belt. it goes white gold yellow orange green blue prurple all 3 browns and then shodan ho
  6. i was surprised to see this old topic return but all good. well aupdate on that i guess is in order. i am now a gold belt and he is a blue belt. is till enjhoy sparrng against him alot.well later my karate friends
  7. thank you everyone for your thoughts on the matter i shall take them to heart and go under deep thinking to help me decide what to do
  8. but i was asking for thoase from the central indiana area but i i guess you could also add ur 2 cents. well ill ask later got to got to school.
  9. i was wanderng if there were any experienced qigong that could help me learn?thanx . i really would like some profrsional/experienced indivual qigong practiceioners
  10. ur guys points are good except i dont think i made it very clear that im not the sensei im an fellow student,
  11. ok guys i have a question for you. do you think it is a slap in the face when a student in the adult class hardly tries anything over 60 %. the only girl in our class well is this and she doesnt even respect her self half the time. i was wandering how as a fellow student i could help her stop the intructors and the desk lady try to get her to try harder and we the guys who try are hardest every night try to lead by example so can someone please give some advice.
  12. youre article touched on a subject that i was wandering about. it is also great to see more christians such as myself and one of my senseis speak more of our religion as compared to none or a completly different one
  13. great job i should be getting my orange belt around febuary
  14. well whenever i spar in class i have rarely used the basic blocks and so i find that i just block however it works for me. have only gotten hurt once in sparring but that wsa my first time agaisnt a friend several belts ahead of me
  15. well i only know pinnan shodan and i do love it so there ya go.
  16. hey good job i also got my gold belt recently i also didnt do my best either but that day seemed off.anyways yeah its a great feeling isnt it
  17. shorei kai ryu is a americanized version of okinawan karate but still very traditional its kind of a off shoot of go ju ryu i belive
  18. are there any karate kas from the central indiana area if so please state area and style. me im from greenwood and study shoreikai ryu
  19. hey guys last night was the first time i was able to perform my first kata all the way through and after performing it like 15+ i felt like i got a great workout. my legs are still sore and there wasnt any kicking involved. o plan on going throught it again today a few times. anybody else feel like they had a great workout after performing a kata?
  20. i think i can be of some help since i just got my gold belt last week so yeah. m advice practice ur basics every day pay attention to you sensei(s). Try hard in class. this is a new name for me here i used to be karateka477 but had some problem logging so iwas like i want back in so new username.
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