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Everything posted by shorei_kai_student

  1. mine are a tie by the quest, mortal kombat and best of the best
  2. hey goju boi i listen to music that came out in the past 3 years. i am 17 so that does make a difference i guess
  3. who here also looks up to superfoot. he is my hero and motivation for wanting to go out for the competition team. plus if anybody has a link to a great pic of him during a competition or something like that id appriciate it.
  4. i was very impressed with fatul fury. i have only seen fatul fury the motion picture. it really got me into new age anime style
  5. the fight of liu and the black dude was impressive also the heroes and the guards was well done but short
  6. these days my favotite songs for training are pitiful-blindside happy-mudvayne wait-earshot downfall-trust company and smothered-spineshank
  7. my favorite mortal kombat movie fight was when jonny cage and scorpion fought in the nether realm uh it really gets me in the mood to go spar. so what is yours thoe who have seen it
  8. i recently started pinan yodan
  9. im a yellow belt which i just got this past weakand
  10. im not on the team yet but id really like to try out
  11. thanks to all who commented. well lets see i went did to the dojo and got ready. well then the yellow belts who got promoted to orange went first. then the gold beltswent. we did wrsit escapes and kata. and after it was all done with i was asked if i was thinking about joinging the competiton team. so yeah my confidence has been shot up. so im going to try and go to the free comp team training classes. my parents are proud that i had almost the best kata at the graduation. well im out time for some more yard work
  12. hey guys been awhile since i posted well to day in alittle over 3 hours from now(7:22) i will be at my test for yellow belt(10:45). i am nervous but i know im ready.well wish me luck i hope everyone has a great day
  13. what if there was a martial art masive multiplyer online role playing game. in this game you go to different masters and learn what they have to teach you or more experienced players. you haft to complete objectives like save that town. or win in torunaments etc. what are others thoughts on the matter
  14. yes so many responses. i understand everyones points i guess. money needed. manpower required, cooperation essential. pads id say something along the line as was seen in best of the best 1 i thinkthat would be fine. especialy since thered be the hey there must be pads otherwise its to dangerous.
  15. what do you guys who have seen them think of em. i really enjoyed these two buyt the second two horrible. also i liked the first one better the whole set up really was to my liking. lots and lots of traditional fighting. intense trainig. what do you guys think?
  16. what if there were a tournament held say every 4 years in between the olympics to deicide who really is amoung the best of the best. a world martial arts tournament. it would be so awsome. any and all thoughts on the matter please share
  17. well i kinda cross train. istudy karate but also do wrestling so yeah. its hard and very time consuming
  18. white-gold-yellow-orange-green-blue-purple-brown 3-brown2-brown1-shodan ho-black belt
  19. if u can defend and attack with it and walk away then its effective
  20. hello people im a short guy and will soon be startinga weapons class. i have my choice between bo sai and kama i was wandering what u guys thought i should learn since i am a short guy?
  21. i wear alimited amount of clothes as i like being light on my feet so yeah i only wear one or two layers but nothing thick.
  22. does anybody else here paintball and if so how much do you enjoy and what games dou enjoy playing? me i love playing team slayer and hunted or bait however u call it.
  23. well today during class i had worked up a good swet with my warmup and hitting the bad then had to do my kata in four directions 3 times per direction so yeah i got a really great workout
  24. i feel respect is important everywere in life my dojo tries to instill respect as apart of the training. respect to all.
  25. i would one day like to learn shorei ryu. seems like a good idea
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