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Everything posted by BLACCBILLYJACC

  1. Greetings everyone, Has anyone out there trained extentsively in Ed Parkers American Kenpo & Jun Fan/ Jeet Kune Do? Is there a difference to the approach to the fast hands trapping & fast hand strikeing of both styles? I'd like to hear your obsevations. Thanks, BBJ
  2. Greetings all, let me shed some light on JK. In the Enter The Dragon movie JK was in the school owned by one of the BKF {"Black Karate Federation" } founders Steve Sanders now known as Steve Muhammed who Bruce Lee said had the fastest hands he'd ever seen. Him & Jim Kelly did not like each other because they had opened competing schools on Crenshaw Blvd, I am not sure who was there first but it caused a conflict. I believe that JK's style was Goju Ryu but not sure of this but it was not Kenpo yet alone BKF Kenpo. Bruce knew both parties from the Ed Parker Tourney in Long Beach & wanted them both in his movie. Mr. Muhammed played a cameo as Mr. Kellys teacher & that's it. They did not get along at all. My friend Earle Poole owns that school now & they're now teaching MMA, Akido, & JJJ along with their style of Kenpo. I hope that answers a few questions.
  3. How's it goin'? I've never seen your schools style of hapkido but what's it like compared to your previous kenpo training? You have learned alot of those around the clock fast hand checks & strikes? How do you compare the kicks of hapkido to those of kenpo? How about the throws & takedowns? How does the two work together? Have you learned some good defenses aginst chokes or any signifigant ground techniques? I'd like to hear your opinion.
  4. Where do you get the stats that claim HKD is 70% grappleing? Y2 I answerd this question on the Topic is HKD Brutal. But I'll give it to you again along with the system I've trained. http://briefcase.yahoo.com/blaccbillyjacc http://www.pro-hapkido.com { Click on annoucements for info on winners etc;} BTW, Next years tourney is going to be open to all styles as long as they abide by the rules in place. http://www.kimshapkido.com
  5. I disagree, (Based on my experiences & those of my friends) Now there's an exception to every once & awhile BUT I know I've seen far too many TKD schools in the last 8 years that teach strictly sport TKD & add in some throws & a few wrist locks and call it HKD. I know this to be true based on Hapkidoist who've been training for 15 to 20 years or more and were friends or aquintances of instructors & their students and next thing you know GM so & so who's always been a TKD guy starts to add HKD to his schools credentials without hireing any HKD teachers. This happens often when guys/girls start their own schools,when I was training at a school a few years back a guy that was a TKD 2nd Dan started training for about 10 months & right at reaching his green belt he quit & opened up his own school about 40 miles away, the GM & the senior instructor & some of the guys went out to pay him a visit while he was teaching class , should've seen the look on his face. The GM & SI went in & asked him a few questions and then told him clearly that he had no business passing himself off as a HKD Master & running a HKD school & placeing adds in local papers & fluffing his resume . Well within in two weeks he changed that to TKD & added self defense classes ( and charged a little extra to teach them to his students..for goodness sakes he was a frickin green belt) He wound up takin some morning classes with another GM that we knew for about another 8 months & spending some cash in federation fees to get some certifications from some money hungry earn your black belt from tapes & internet and tada! You have a blue belt now certified as a HKD Black Belt Instructor!!! Now he can put HKD up there on their school sign. This sort of thing happens all the time. So if your school has qualified instructors teaching both then that's great. But still I don't see why there's a need for HKD & TKD in the same school & I feel the same about TKD & TSD in the same school. Can you please explain why both are being taught & what it is you and other students are getting out of it ? Thanks, BBJ
  6. By The Way, stay away from schools that teach TKD & HKD. Trust me most of those places are TKD with a few wrist grabs & some judo throws if it's real hkd then there's no need for the two styles to merge because HKD has enough in it's arsenal to learn for atleast a few decades.
  7. So it's more about recovery than fighting per se? I guess you can say that. But trust me there's a lot of ground work in it but not as much as in BJJ but still what's there is quite effective. If you saw some of the clips you can see that the guys do quite a bit of ground or should I say mat work that goes against HKD street defense. BTW, I have more footage but I need a new camera to firewire it into the system.
  8. Well put I tend to look at it this way, BJJ is about 70% ground/grapple & about 30% stand up . HKD is about 70% stand up and about 30% ground/grapple. Speaking from my experience in the system I train. It's about ending the fight quickly with kicks & punches if possible, if that doesn't end it it'll usally soften em' up. if grabbing & holding takes place that's where the joint locks, knees,foot stomps,throws & chokes can take place, if that's not possible sweeps using the foot or leg, and if he or you end up somehow on the cement (OUCH!) then there's various moves taught to get outta there & back on your feet. It's not going to go as indepth as BJJ but maybe there's some traditional HKD guys who'll beg to differ. This is just from my experience. I worked on & off as a bouncer for 6 years or so, (I stopped back in 1997 or so) I can only remember one time taking some one down. I got into it out side of a club in Hollywood with a tall lanky guy who's about 6'5 maybe 180 because of his hight, but he was fast with long Dennis Rodman type of arms and he backed me up with strikes so quick that all I could do is back pedal when I ran outta space I just covered my head & went in close & did a two leg take down before he could react, & once he hit the ground I didn't scale him to apply a choke or strikes, I got up & it was a blessing because before I could do anything else I was pushed from behind pretty hard by one of his friends, and then they helped him up & by then a few more of my guys came out of the club. I just think that if I had stayed & tried to put moves & holds on him I could've ended up laying up next to em' : So that's the way it's trained in our system.
  9. You said a "mouth full'o knocked out teeth full" and you are so correct.
  10. 50 people will probably give 35 different answers, so I'll guide you to a link & also the system that I've trained in. https://www.hapkido-info.net https://www.kimshapkido.com these were good websites and they told me most of what I asked for,but they didn't tell me if when you spar in Hapkido,if it's full contact or point sparringGoju, as I stated on my previous post,you'll get different answers from different guys from different schools world over. Now in our system we do both. When you first start at white belt & yellow you'll learn defense against garment grabs,(Gi,shirt,jacket jeans) defense against wrist grabs,arms, throat,head locks,etc; Now you will learn them slow starting out (non resistence) because that's the only way to learn properly (when visitors come through & see that type of training they think something else) As you progress you'll learn more & more about the art of HKD and we point spar at all levels just to make sure that everyone learns/never forgets the basics such as footwork,(How to pivot,side steps,front steps,etc,) Coordination (combination kicks,sweeps,punches,&clinching) all while keeping your composure. Then there's heavy level sparring, which is doing all of the above and making it work. If you saw the Kims HKD web site, The Monrovia school's Master Les Connard is featured wearing both of his WKO Belts. The WKO was a pro fighting event that bought a lot of serious competiors in for full contact fights in a real ring and lots of spectators. If you ever seen any of these events they looked alot like the San Shou events and Les Connard was the Cung Le of em'. & He retired undefeated & so did our systems team. There was leg kicks,high kicks,plenty of sweeps, throws take downs,punches & a lot of knock outs! So I have mad confidence in the Jang MU system as taught by GM Chong S. Kim. I've been to different schools & trained in differents methods. Some I liked some I didn't, I mean I've seen Hapkido forms, We don't have forms (HKD was never intended to) but I guess some instructors like that for their students. So Goju if you go to a school in your area you may see one thing go to another & see something else. I hope that I've been able to answer your questions.
  11. It's more than okay to defend yourself and your family. Old Testament or new, it's all the word of GOD & Jesus is GOD, but that'll be a whole new thread also the bible was written by men that HE chose, Im think that we can agree that GOD's mighty enough to control what's being written about HIM for HIS purpose and for our benefit. You know Grand Master Donnie Willams one of the founders of the BKF is a pastor & a member of the Christian Karate Association. (I'm sure they have a web site) There's a pastor named Raul Rise at the Calvary Chapel of Diamond Bar,CA that's been training in San Soo Kung Fu and is a Master @ 5th dan,also he teaches at the church on Tuesday & Thursday. I dunno how quick they could learn enough to defend themselves but they're gonna need GOD's protection from guns.
  12. We had a student that stopped coming to the dojo from about a year , yesterday he returned , and he claimed that he has been trying other martial arts during his gap, and that he haven't found a style that is more complete than kyokushin !!!! That's cool, because that's the same way it's been with HKD & me..COM-PLEETE! Quick & hard punches, joint locks,take downs, throws, sweeps, chokes,ground fighting. Do you have any links to your school? Mines https://www.kimshapkido.com Hapkido:" Akido's twisted twin & Jujuitsu's ugly cousin"
  13. 50 people will probably give 35 different answers, so I'll guide you to a link & also the system that I've trained in. https://www.hapkido-info.net https://www.kimshapkido.com
  14. Well ... you never know in America; some guy trains hapkido as well as tkd and then .... Did you read page one of this topic? I gave the links to the Pro HKD Tourney & My personal briefcase of a few clips from the event. And the TKD thing is not true for most of the guys I know & train with, when we see schools that say TKD & HKD we pretty much shy away.
  15. Huh? On page one of this form I give you my yahoo briefcase of a Tourney from June 25th that I video taped . (BTWI was injured training for this event )& the link to the Pro Hapkido Web page.
  16. It sounds like a great style, I'd like to spar with some of those guys sometimes, in our system we train hard (so called realistic) & soft (so called un realistic) but I also go over to a Kajukenbo school to spar & those guys like to go really berserk also I've been going over to a school that teaches BJJ & Muay Thai & I like to spar with those guys as a matter of fact their teacher is a has won a couple of belts & one was from a Prankration Tourney, his fighters are good they also have a Tang Soo Do guy there who's pretty good, I sparring there for their Friday night fight nights when there's Kenpo stylist, BJJ'ers, MT's,JJJ's, TKD,etc; they have a strong network of other MA's that like to come by fors those things. I've alway enjoyed sparring & learning in that type of setting, but I'll say this out of everything out there I've tried a few and sparred alot with other systems and competed in events but I always stayed with Jang Mu Hapkido. It's a system that encopasses everything that HKD is suspossed to be & can stand it's own against any style. I'm gonna search for a Kyo school in my area & go over to check it out. Thanks for the replys, BBJ
  17. If you had the chance to train in either, which would you pick & why? As a matter of fact what is Kyokushin's style made of> I know that HKD is based on joint locks, throws, sweeps,etc; So your comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, BBJ
  18. I haven't been to every school in the world, but as far as I know most do. Just like anything else just tap when a joint is twisted beyond it's limits. Know how to fall when swept off of your feet & of course wear a cup, & mouth piece.
  19. You are so right. When I first started training in the MA's 22 years ago, I trained in Ninjuitsu, & we had some devastating techniques and I run into guys from a TKD, school nearby as well as guys from the YMCA who trained in Shotokan and everyone talked about their system & how they were going to do this that & the other. When I showed up at my very first tourney I was so scared because there was so many different schools & systems that I just knew that I was gonna be in trouble. But when the sparring started...It all looked the same darn near. Everyone not a red or black belt wore bulky head gear & foot & shin pads & gloves. (LOL!!) There were a few different variations of kicks but not that much different, my family thought is was all kick boxing, they expected to see me use my deadly Ninja techniques,& etc; BTW one of my class mates whisperd to me upoun our arrival that there were some guys that trained in this DEADLY, DANGEROUS art called HAPKIDO!!! (This was 1983, I was 15) & that they like kick alot like TKD but they also like to sweep the legs & send you flying 4 ft. in the air, they like to throw & choke like Judo guys, & they liked to bend your wrist & rip your arms of of their sockets . Well I saw none of that because of the rules & it was point sparring all of us kids looked the same no matter how DEADLY our styles were.
  20. I have plenty more footage from this event, I just have to get it uploaded. BTW, If you click on the Pro HKD link that I posted it'll take you to the event rules & winners. Peace, BBJ
  21. Here's some clips of a HKD Tourney back in June. http://briefcase.yahoo.com/blaccbillyjacc Also here's a link for the tourney sponsers. http://www.pro-hapkido.com
  22. Greetings Martial Artist, You Stated in your first post.. (P.S.) Just to qualify I have 26 years experience..Blah Blah Blah..& so on & so forth. Why'd you feel the need to say that if most of the foundation of what you say & believe is that you don't care so much about what anyone thinks about your system or about any so called founded/traditional system & so forth? Did I miss something? (Before page one of this High Kick Post)
  23. Greetings Ramon 123, How are you? You seem to have some valid points as well as a well spring of knowledge. Stay Blessed, BBJ
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