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Everything posted by Anakin_Skywalker

  1. Hello People, I have a small proplem. Its embarrasing that as a man I can't do 10. I can't do press ups to save my life. I did 5 and just struggled to get to 10. Is there an easier way to start and then gradually make it harder as I go along?
  2. Say eagle claw kung fu. Its is not a which style would win thread it is a which is more effective for streetfighting/real situations in the short and long term?
  3. This isn't so much a style vs style who would win thread? its more of which style is more useful for street defence. So far what I am getting is KM is better for street defence. But then what is Kung Fu good for?
  4. In this day and age of escalting violence one must learn how to defend himself effectively. What are the similarities and differences between Krav Maga and Kung fu(be it Northern or southern/hard or soft style)? How do each benefit on a long and short term bases in terms of self defence? And finally which is most effective in real life/ street situations? When I say real life/self defence situation I mean if someone wanted to hurt you or a family member. And it was "kill or be killed" which is more effective?
  5. When I say real I mean learning Tai chi as a martial art not a meditative exercise
  6. I am planning a visit to chen village and I'll be staying there for 2 yrs. If I go in September do you think I'll be learning real TaiChi Chuan?
  7. I hope your right. I hear tai chi uses something called "Dim Mak" which is something like acupuncture. Is it effective? is there any scientific proof or evidence that it can work?
  8. I have no doubt in my mind that I'll be learning real tai chi. I have booked a 2 yr course to the famous chen village in october. All I wanted to know was how tai chi would fair against a commando or military martial art.
  9. only push hands i think. they do dim mak as well but thats bullshit. there is no scientific evidence that it works.
  10. Taiji fajin you must realise that Tai chi is first and foremost a martial art. If it is not designed to cause serious damage or death then it is there to provide some form od self defence. You can't say I want to learn a martial art and not learn how to fight.
  11. How would a tai chi practioner fair against someone doing a military art like Krav maga or Advanced Commando Combat System. Check out this link it says Tradtional Martial Arts's are for sport: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Martial_Arts I am looking for something deadly not because I want to kill people but I just want the knowledge. You'll never know how far you have to take things when its a life or death situation. Its either you or them.
  12. I saw this aricle http://www.cloudnet.com/~bemiller/taichi.html It seems pretty promising. But how dealy is it? Also I have seen tai chi for the first time on this link http://www.wushu-olympics.com/base/...iji/chen-256.rm It looks OK.
  13. Multiple attackers is a big issue in MA. I personally find it hard to believe 1 guy can do 3 guys. He will obviously lose.
  14. Oh OK. Well I am aware that you can't be invincible but you can be a great fighter and have the ability to protect yourself almost perfectly but there are always bigger fish. All I wanted to know was if TMA is better long term for streetfighting.
  15. TKD_Seanb and italian_guy thank you very much for your interest in my posts. I appreciate that and I think you have both made some valid points. I'll just go over both real quickly. So TKD 2 things that you said that I need to get clear on the first thing was: "You need to find out a bit about yourself, what sort of fighting suits your body type, then cross train in some other styles to pick up other techniques." How will I find out what fighting suits my body? I'm about 6ft tall. The second thing was: "If you are looking for something that will turn you into an invincible streetfighter, to dispell all your fears, then I'll save you some money and tell you that no system will do such a thing." So what is martial art for if you can't learn how to prtect yourself. Italian_guy do you think that in the longer run traditional martial arts would be better?
  16. There is so much controversy over this subject that I can't tell which best in real life streetfighting situations. First there is the traditional martial arts which divided into hard and soft, internal and external etc is styles like Kung fu, Karate, Ninjitsu, Tai chi. These style go back many hundreds if not thousands of years and have kept with the traditional ways of defense and attack. Some can be used in Sports such as Karate, some were designed for pure combat and rarely get involved in competetion and some are just for meditation such as tai chi. They are also some times called Classical arts. Then there are the Modern martial arts such as Krav Maga and Mushi Yudha which were designed to end situations quickly and are likely to end in death. It can also be learnt in a short time. And finally there is Mixed martial arts which is were practioners take aspects of different martial arts and use them. Which of thesehas better methodologiesthat are effective in streetfighting/ real life situations and which also cover things like fighting against opponents who are armed, and against multiple opponents. And which is good in closed areas, such as clubs and bars.
  17. that fight looks nasty. They were both swinging at each other. Maybe this is how a real fight looks like.
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