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Everything posted by Jane_Doe

  1. UGH the ones my club have stink i cant move in them it overtakes me im not kidding im small and fast without it but when i have it on i feel like i cant move.
  2. OMG someone else who has problems too! i always got frustrated at this but the more i practised it the better i got.
  3. CB or maddy
  4. any on patterns would be greaat also
  5. i only take bites of banana during training not the whole thing and i know the hour before and all that thanks for replies
  6. god when the head master wasnt there a 15 year old and black belt to my yelllow belt and me being 17 at the time wasnt a problem for me cuz we were friends outside training and in the same high school as each other i helped him with his school work and he took the TKD classes twice a week showing me what to do watch my contact and so on and so forth i didnt run cuz i couldnt take it i respected him because master had that in stone in my head higher belts than you no matter the age have to be treated with the same respect as master is treated and thats of high respect. sounds like your "friend" couldnt handle you being higher than him.
  7. OKies hes this way becasue hes disabled of mental state i mean. DUH but i think he needs to know that what hes doing is wrong and not welcome in training. i think that rewarding his good beavour and ignoring his bad is the way to go here i think this starts at home though if the parents have no control over him then when he comes to class he wont either this condition can be treated and made copable someone needs to talk to his parents 2he changes his ways and he can come back till them he;s not training simple as that its harsh but he;s out of order singling him out from the class is NOT the way to go he;ll think he;s better than everyone else and then he;ll push further to see how far being bad can get him attenion thats just what i think
  8. personally im the same in both i've always been told if your good at patterns you'll be good at sparring to! so what about you guys? this is not about what you've won for each
  9. i dont use set moves i take each fight as it comes and do what i need to do in the mat that day.
  10. i train monday to thrusday 2hours each night with my club i take a banana and a bottle of flavored water normally orange (still of course not fizzy) what do you guys take?
  11. thank you so much Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. www. koreataekwondo . org is getting that denied message when you try to view it lol
  12. is there anywhere i can download movies or anything like that of TKD fights just anything will do thanks in advance
  13. thank you i will try to enjoy my time here
  14. OK i started at 15 and done 3 years training then depression hit me and part of depression is losing interest in what you once loved i am just now getting back into the swing of things now that im better and all as for the kids at my club theres hundreds of them most of them are black belts now and when i went at 15 there where green belts the stick at it becasue they can earn bags that are put on there suits and tags on there belts they have goals to work towards kids need that to keep interest in what there doing
  15. thank you
  16. it would have to be my axe kick when i sparr i keep my side kick for keeping the other person from attacking and scoring off of me good idea?
  17. thank you
  18. thank you
  19. hi im new to here
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