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BJJ, Judo, Wrestling?
Adonis replied to scohen.mma's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
You should be fine. I am jealous! I wish I did wrestling in high school especially for the benefits it would given me for bjj now. Better take downs, scrambling, weight cutting, mental toughness and constantly on the go will teach you how to out work someone, gramby rolling ect... So many great benefits to wrestling. Judo is great too with the grip fighting, Kazushi, judo style take downs and much more. Get as much wrestling as you can. I am not sure about others on here but I find it tough to find good wrestling coaches and partners as an adult who isn't in school anymore. I really wish I did as much wrestling as I could in high school and college. -
BJJ Ranks
Adonis replied to Ueshirokarate's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
As PS1 said the belt ranks are same for bjj in general all around for the adults. The requirments and procedures to get each belt vary from instructor to instructor. Some have Belt Tests, with varying requirements. Some don't and instructor hands you a belt when he feels your ready for it. Some have stripes some don't. Example Jacarae out of Atlanta(Alliance) They don't do stripes at all. Some base it on getting promoted quicker because of competition. Some don't. Some it can be soley based on Competiton. One student of Baret Yoshida said he will only prommote someone to a belt level if they win a major tournament. Belts just depends on the standards of the instructor. Some schools may have tougher guys than others. It all depends on the standards of the instructor. -
Yeah that is jiujitsu. I know this before but still suprised every time I think I know a move really well and find more details that make it so much better. My favorite part is those minor details after finding them out seem so much common sense I start thinking "why didn't I think of that before" I know every one goes through that though. I remember story of Rickson teaching Helio some stuff about the mount. I was surprised about it at the time. Now, I know no is going to know every. Still be learning until the day we die. Pedro Sauer is encylapedia of bjj. It's crazy! I wonder if I will ever know as much as he has already forgotten.
Kind of odd I am trying to picture it but can't. I will try it out none the less. What grip are you using for that Figure 4/RNC grip or palm to palm grip? before i would walk out at 90 degree perpendicular with palm to palm grip and my chin on their face. to keep the gap closed so they can swing their arm out. All I did was go flat hips to the mat and drop my shoulder down towards my wrist/floor area as opposed to just squeezing. I will try the elbows one too though.
So I was reading another thread about Nova Uniao guys being pretty good with head and arm choke. One person mentioned Shaolin being excellent at it. One of guys who trained with Shaolin came on and mentioned details he did to make it tighter. I been doing the choke for years and I have no idea why I didn't think of it. I use the same detail for more pressure from side control. Basically take the weight off the knee's so it's just toes/ball of the foot ont eh ground and drive with the under hook arm around the head with the shoulder in the neck. I never thought of using the same pressure for head and arm choke. I just kept going perpendicular and driving my shoulder down wether I have a figure four /rnc grip or palm to palm gable grip. I prefer the palm to palm grip. So I worked it today and got quicker results for the tap as well as my partner saying blood choke came on quicker when I took my knees of the floor and drove with my feet foward driving the weight pressure from my shoulder into my opponent neck/arm. Still after all this time suprised I didn't think of it earlier. Those fun ahaha moments of jiujitsu
Ryan Hall restraunt fight video
Adonis replied to tallgeese's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
I really don't know why he let him up the first time. Later on not in the video he revealed he thought he guy had a weapon. So sure good use of controling the wrist from mount so the guy couldn't get it, maybe Ryan was afraid of the friend jumping in. Still if he was afraid the guy had a weapon why let him up at all until the police arrived? Also biggesgt thing is BJJ Black Belt Dave Jacobs sitting at the table the whole time still munching on his pizza like a boss. Nothing comes between Dave and his Pizza. Nothing! LOL! -
I agree about white belts doing 50/50. Not my favorite guard position at all. as for 93 guard. That name is taken from Robson Moura who said he first learned it in 1993. They are all knee shields just played different for different reasons. Example knee shield at a diaginal angle across the chest or on the sternum, or knee shield where the ankles are crossed and just the knee on upper area of the shin are into the partners near side hip. (Mike Fowler played that one a lot for his half guard) 93 guard is more shin in the armpit area, withe knee/leg at 90 degree angle. More played by Robson Moura and others. It has its advantages and opens up for mutiple sweep options and less likely to get smashed down against teh other knee for passing.
Gracie University
Adonis replied to pinoy_1's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
I was pretty impressed with the instruction. As said earlier it was broken down very well, as well as being very detailed. Great supplement to add in on regular training at a club. Unless you can get reliable partners as stated earlier. I ended up getting the video's for free for the Gracie Combatives and most of the 1 stripe video's for blue belt from a friend who baught them for me. I am more interstead in the Bully Proof set to help supplement kids training, as well as the Empowerment stuff. I really like there methods of structure for all their programs. I am not a fan of the online ranking system, but as far as instructionals go, they are fanstasic especially the details for the basic techniques and the methods for practicing them. -
This is one of my favorite sweeps from there. I don't get it that often as I need to rep some more to get some key details down. The vid I posted was Vitor "Shaolin" Ribiero showing the sweep. Great instructional on it. I love the angles, and direction he shows it makes the over head sweep so much more easier. The area I need to work on more is dealing with keeping the cross grip and pants grip and baiting or forcing the person to feed me their weight. So I am working on Grip fighting more from there. I Play knee shild guard different, were I do more 93 guard style were the Shen of the top leg is in the arm pit as opposed to the knee on the ribs sternum area. What do you guys think of that guard and that sweep? Does any one else play this guard as part of their game?
Black Belt Sweep Secrets Revealed
Adonis replied to Adonis's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
Something has to be right for how well they do. If some one recruited, they can't recruit every one. Something has to be proven. I can understand if it was just JT, Fowler, Hall ( when he was with him) Jimmy Haribison (who's been with Lloyd for ever) Jimmy took Eurpeans, brazilian, pan ams, and worlds at black belt. When I started paying attention to his other guys like DJ Jackson, Sijara Eubanks, Nyjah Easton, Kennan Cornilius his kids and teens ect... his teaching, and training his guys have to be on point to get those results. Like you said something is going on to get those results. I know some don't like him and dismiss it as recuiting, but it can't be all of that for those results. Sure I know those who find the Marketing annoying, and all of that stuff. However he is doing something right. Thats why I am interestad in his drilling methods and transitions. His planning and thinking process of it. Thats why I was curious what others think of that. It can't be recuiting its to many people he has doing well for it to be that. It can't be the marketing. Marketing only produces results in the bank account, it doesn't turn up wiins on the mat alone. Any thoughts on that? -
Black Belt Sweep Secrets Revealed
Adonis replied to Adonis's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
ps1 thats not true. He has guys he is proeducing from scratch doing very well. The toher guys who came form other teams JT. Torres, ect.. came on their own accord. People switch teams all the time. Who switches to a team that isn't doing well or creating results? Atos has tons that switched to ti, people witch to alliance, humita ect... Who has Lloyd Recruited? It doesn't mean any thing if guys come to him. Who has Lloyd recurited personally? Team is getting results if people want to transfer there. I have heard that from my team. Some one telling me about Lloyd trying to recruit a couple of are purple belts. They were blew at the time. I ask them about it, and found out the truth. He definetly wasn't trying to recuit them. So I would love to hear names of people he did recruit? Ryan Hall (I know he is no longer with Lloyd), Fowler, JT Torrest chose to go to him. so who? -
Thats neat you been with Pedro he is a great instructor. For which me saying that is a mass understatement. Pedro is phenominal! Which you already know. Yeah I don't really understand connection concept. I would like to feel what Rickson is getting at with it. I am thinking of Andre's review regarding the basic armbar from guard. I believe the conection is the feel of each postion or transitino to the actal armbar and the ability to gain leverage from it and the right timing to move from each one. Just more work on the basics and alot more mat time.
Very nice! That is awesome you got people who trained with him. Closest I got and I need to make the treck out to Cali. Is Henry Akins. I heard nothing but good things about him. So do you train in VA with Pedro or are you in Utah? I hope all training is going well. Not sure how the connectino thing is going for me. I feel its more advanced. I am still working on basic mechanics of mvoes, and putting them in combo's, getting my timing, down ect...
ippon seoi nage
Adonis replied to boyo1991's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
Drop Seoi-nage for the win! -
Good Artilcle PS1 I hope Andreh does more last I heard from him, there was 7 pages worth of notes he was taking on the seminar. He did the best I think in describing a Rickson Seminar. I would love to go to one of his. I would like to feel what he means by it. I am still so working on mechanics of techniques that developing the sensitivity, timing, control is far away from me. Be nice when it clicks
I saw the link I figured that was Andreh Anderson's article. Andreh is a good dude! Read about others experiences of Rickson's seminars on MMA.tv also. I would love to attend one of his seminars. I got a couple of privates from one of Rickson's Black Belts before it was good. I would love to do some with Henry Akins or Rickson himself, especially on weight application, and tips on tightening up my basics, more efficent bridges/upa's and shrimping, escapes, and other basic techniques. Thanks for reposting the article ps1 I plan on reading it. How is the connection training for for you?
I talked with one of his black belts about 4 years ago. Back in last 90's Lloyd Class was basically about competion, training hard, or go home! They didn't have alot of people for obvious reasons few are going to go through that type of training. Now its alot diffrent and you got things broken down where you have class for those compete and those who don't. They are diffrent enviroments. This why in the interview Lloyd talking about fostering a culture in his class. Those who can't handle it need to go to his other class that they would be more comfortable. He couldn't allow them though to stay in that class with out stepping up. Other wise it brings down the competion team. Nothing wrong with having a set class for that. Actually I contacted Lloyd after I made this thread, what I wrote was/is what he ment. I think you would be suprised about his classes if you went to one. I have heard nothing but good things from others who have went. I personally have never been to one, as I am on the west coast and haven't made my way up there.
Its actually about progression towards ones goals. Regarding "trying" If your headed towards the direction of your goal you haven't achieved it yet doesn't make you a loser. Eventually you will get there as long as you stay on the path. The problem occurs when ones path they are on is not heading towards ones goal. Lets use JT Torres for example. He wants to be a Black Belt World Champion. He hasn't reach it yet does that make him a loser? Absolutely not. Eventually I believe he will get there. However if he is saying he wants to be a world champ but skips his practices and conditioning routine several times a month and goes instead to play video games, and eat junk food. He is a loser in that goal because those distractions do not put him on the same path that helps him progress towards his goal. Also people rationalize their way out of success by coming up with reasons that are really excuses. Now don't get me wrong some can be legitmete. "I was to tired from work to train today" . Sure you can be so dead tired due to work that going to class isn't going to help you out (in fact it could end up a safety hazard) at all. However that's few and far between most of the time its an excuse to not put in the work it takes to be succesful. Its being lazy, so a person cretes these reasons "excuses" to rationalize why its okay to step off the path towards their goal. That is what LLoyd is also getting at. If you really, truly want something your heart desires. Set your goals, get rid of the excuses (that are really mental road blocks that hold you back) Your either winning towards your goal, or loosing towards your goal. Lloyd is big on the mental aspect of training. It can either help you push forward passed what you thought your limits are for improvement, or hold you back and defeat you in the form of excuses, lazyness, ect. You can call it sports physcology or what ever. Bottm line is it is least taught training aspect of the Martail Arts. Most gyms have the tecniucal and conditioning down but few cover the mental hurdles and how to get the mind right. which is one of the most important aspects of training. Good resource that covers having a strong mental training program is one of Lloyd Irvin's black belts Paul Greenhill. He covers in detail about mental training for Jiu-Jitsu targeted specifically for Older Grapplers 35+ To help them out in there Martial Arts Journey and to help them over come the mental hurdles they will face. However his material will benefit every one young and old. It really gives you good insight into the mind of Lloyd Irvin and what he teaches regarding that important (yet often neglected) aspect of training. You can check it out at https://www.Wisegrappler.com Its helped me alot in training. The more I study about Lloyd the more I am impressed with the man. I learn so much. I love his coaching style and I can tell he will get the results he is going for. He will have a BJJ world Champion. I wouldn't be suprised if in another 10 or 15 years he has a big enough team to compete against the power house Brazilian teams.
What is your class structure at your dojo/gym/school?
Adonis replied to Adonis's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Nice! Seems you have a basic structure though. Yeah if a program gets to rigid students can get bored and leave. -
nope not to rough on them at all. Just wanting to talk and not drill much. I can talk before or after class I prefer to train during class though. I think I will take ps1's advice and just avoid them. Yes we do change partners but usually thats when we roll. Drilling we stay with the same partner.