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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. XpOiSoN FrEeX "front kick-round kick-side kick fake front kick to there right side of them then snap it to a high round kick." I like these also. I think I use the fake front kick, to high round house a lot more, though. Another one I like is round house to 360 round house. It's useless sparring, but it's fun to do.
  2. I agree Leaf. TKD, from what I know ( ..... I could be wrong, though) is the most popular art in the US. But 9 times outta 10, it's the "sport" version. Be careful of the McDojangs.
  3. Hiya wrote: "karatekid i have a feeling you don't realy like your tkd place very much or at least not as much as you used to. why don't you just switch dojos?" I do and I don't, hiya. There's some stuff that I find really "out there" with this school, like I asked my teacher for help on sparring (I had a post somewhere on here about it), and it took him this long to wanna help AFTER I got hurt in class today. I knew I suck at sparring, and I knew I needed help, and he just egnored it till I got kicked in the face.
  4. I agree Mastertae. Tang Soo Do (which I did first) has a lot more self defense stuff. I do TKD now do to moving (and not finding TSD dojang), and I haven't learned any self defense yet (except for a few "Chin Na" moves .... 5 at the most), and I'm a green belt. My teacher did have a self defense clinic that I found interesting. But that's it. I'm not bashing TKD, and I'm sure there's other TKD dojangs that do teach it, but I learned more self defense at white belt in TSD, than I have in TKD. I also learned some Combat Hapkido that my master (TSD) mixed in.
  5. I don't use a kihap (kiai) often. But I do "tighten" everything as if I was for technique. The only time I actually use kihaps is for step sparring (to signal to my partner) or in forms. I was told I have sharp technique. And my instructor was shocked when I was kicked in the tummy (no gear) and I was "tight" without a kihap. So I guess it doesn't matter if I use it or not. I have a dumb kihap anyways LOL. I just say "hey"
  6. Hey all. I'm back home. Camping was great. We had a nice camp site in Vermont, in the mountians. The weather was beautiful. It couldn't have been any better, except I could have stayed longer. It was so peaceful.
  7. 360, We did a lot of them LOL. Ok, seriously. We did jump front kicks (jump straight up, bring up both knees and front kick with the back leg), and jump roundhouse (which is similar to jumping with the front kick, but you turn your hip in the air for a roundhouse). We also did "flying" kicks. It's when you run, jump and kick a heavy bag or target. My fav is the flying side kick. Plus we did, what I call, rapid fire kicks. It's when you kick with your front leg several times really fast (usually with a front kick or roundhouse). It was great to see my buds there last night I'm going back in October
  8. Me again. Hey 360, you were right. It was great. I saw some of my old friends (collected so many emails ). We did a lot of jump kicks (which TSD is famous for). My TKD school doesn't do them hardly, so that was fun. We did one-step sparring and I was so suprised that I remembered all of the ones I knew from 8 months ago. It was cool. I also remembered all my forms. It was nice to go back and hang out with my old dojang friends. We had a blast
  9. 360, hey I like it here LOL. It's my home state. I'm just teasin Yea, it will (training at my old dojang). Just for the good ol' days Wish me luck (it's tonight). I'll pop in tonight to let you know how it went.
  10. Hiya all. Just wanna let everyone know that I'll be gone for a week. First going to NJ to visit family and my old dojang, then camping. I won't have access to a computer camping (that's obvious LOL), but I might peek in while in NJ. Save me my spot on the karateforums couch Ann, if you see this, I'll call ya next wednsday night. Laterz all (bows out for a week)
  11. three60roundhouse <<> Hey I know someone who did that. I was hanging with my best friends band (who I used to run lighting for) at practice and the guitar player was a bit drunk, and he grabbed the mic and well ..... let one rip. It was LOUD too (coming through the PA board). Everyone in the house about fell over laughing Anyways, back to albums. I've been into Linkin Park lately. I very rarely listen to an album without skipping a track I don't like, but Linkin Park I can listen to all the way through. "Runaway" is my favorite song, though. I also like old school Metallica (from the Black album back). I was the biggest Metallica fan there was in the 80's/early 90's. All their early albums rock (that's the only band I still "headbang" to while listening to the whole CD). The older albums like Zepplin, Fleetwood Mac, Hendrix, ect. I can listen to all the way through. Good Stuff. I have a lot more favs, but those are the albums I have/listen to all the way through.
  12. I do TKD, but what I saw Ann's (ShotoAnn) class do suprised the heck outta me. I was watching them do kata. Then they did bunkai (sp). I'm sure you Japanese stylist know what this is (using techniques within the forms as defenses). I did TSD, and I know how to do Pyung ahn cho dan (Heian Shodan) ..... well I thought I did. When I saw them do the bunkai for it, I was floored. I thought that was such a simple form, but it does have defenses in it. It made me want to look at my TKD forms in the same way. Now I wanna know what the moves are for. It might re-spark my interest in TKD. Thanks Shotokan peoples
  13. I also use both, but I can't with the 360 (not yet anyways).
  14. A myth I heard that I hate is that BB's are invincable. AH! I can beat two or three of the BB's in my school. Not that I'm great .... I wish. But, black belt is just a rank. It does not "show" someone's ability. To me, a real black belt isn't concerned about thier rank. It's someone who trains hard, helps others, is humble, and last but not least, BB is just the "beginning". Color belts learn the basics. BB's learn how to use the basics, as well as becoming a better person.
  15. KickChick wrote: I have trouble with my 360 round karatekid1975, I'm jealous of you now! Seems I can't pull back my toes and kick with the ball of my foot on that particular round technique. I didn't say I do it with the ball of my foot, silly. I use the instep. But I have to be fast or it hurts like !@#$. Been there and ....... OUCH LOL
  16. For self defense, no. Don't get me wrong, I love the spinning kicks, and arial kicks. I do TKD, and I'm working on the 540 . But to me, that's all for show. I think it's dumb to try them in a real fight. I totally agree with The_Yak on this one. I got in a self defense situation before and the "been there done that" thing, I know low kicks work better.
  17. Thank you KC and Pacific Ok, how much I owe ya for that LOL Just kidding. Anyways, It was my fault she joined Shotokan, Kickchick. She knew nothing about MA, so I looked for schools for her where she lives. Most were Mcdojangs. So, there was two choices. Shotokan, or KSW. I let her make the choice. She chose Shotokan, because of the kata/hyung LOL. That was also my fault for showing her my TSD forms. I was showing her how similar they were. And she fell head over heals for forms LOL. So she'll be walking around talking about the Heians (sp?) .... pyung ahns to me. I did look at a TKD school for her, but they were ..... ummm, shall I say, McDojang They are popular here.
  18. My fav speed break is the speed punch, cause not many chics can pull it off. I see you did, Kickchick Good job. I've done speed breaks with the roundhouse (back leg) or a 360 roundhouse. But you have to be fast and accurate with that one. I did it at a tourny. It was cool. But practice at it before you attempt it at the test (if that's what you choose to do). I'm going to try the spin hook kick next But my specialty is power breaks (only because the guys think I can't do it, but I do ).
  19. You did it! Woohoooo!!!! I hope your computer works well too (eventhough it's kinda old and slow ). Anyways, your welcome. I hope you are happy I drove an hour to get there!!! LOL Don't touch any bottons that you don't know what they do Just pickin on ya Ann. You are my bestest friend in NY. Luv ya like a sister
  20. What I did in self defense was a side kick (lead leg). After I hit him with a few hand techs. I broke his ribs. I know because I heard "crack" when I kicked him.
  21. I studied in NJ under the International Martial Arts Assn. But My instructor "bended" the rules a bit hehehehe. We did TSD forms and one step sparring, but we did what my instructor called, spagetti self defense LOL. It was a compo of Thai, Hapkido, and whatever else he wanted to throw in there. But he picked some amazing, affective stuff that just blew us away. I had the bruises to prove it LOL. He also studied TKD before TSD, so we did some TKD style sparring/combos sometimes.
  22. I train in TKD, but I'm working on cross training in something else (maybe jujitsu or Judo. Ann (my friend) wants me to train with her in Shotokan, but we'll see.
  23. I used to do TSD, now I do TKD (cause I moved and there was no TSD dojangs here). The only difference I see is I'm at a Mcdojang (TKD)!!!!! ggggrrrrrr. I still love TSD, and I miss it ALOT. But I'm not holding that against TKD itself. Just this dojang. HELP!!!! Anyways, the difference between the two schools I went to, are: TSD: more self defense (I defended myself on the street with). TKD: once a month we learn self defense if we are lucky (compared to, at least, two times a week in TSD). TKD: (my dojang anyhow) is way too expensive. TSD: my instructor/owner of the school was more concerned with TEACHING, not the "business/money" side of it. TSD: more hand techniques, but yet, the forms were hard as hell (kept me on my toes LOL. I loved the challage). TSD: more take-downs (I actually learned how to fall for take-downs also). TSD: I know most TSD schools don't have this, but I learned some Thai boxing (my instructor studied Thai boxing at one time as well as Hapkido, which he blended in our training). I have a mean roundhouse (Thai style) cause of it. And I can bunch/elbow/knee as good as a guy twice my size (I can brag here right???? ) I loved TSD, but my instructor mixed in other styles to make it "more rounded", so I donno if this is what you are looking for.
  24. Pulled hammy (Right leg) from attempting a jumping axe kick break in TKD. Brokin finger, two "strained" hammy's (left leg), sprained wrist, and many bruises from TSD.
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