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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I thought this was for Green Belts Darn. Guess I have to answer anyways LOL Joke. Anyways. What art did ya pick, Jack? I read the link Kickchick posted. I'm just curious.
  2. LOL Shoto. I'm too chicken s**t to try an areal. I'm too chicken to try a flash kick, cause you have to know how to do a back flip (I Don't) so I'll stick with the ones that don't involve "flips" and no hands LOL
  3. I'd go back to TSD or Hapkido (if there was a dojang here of either). I do TSD again cause I loved it alot. I'd do Hapkido, for self defense.
  4. Hiya John. Thanks. I am the type of person who wants to know "how" and "why" in MA. So that was most helpful. In TSD, there is no such thing as a "walking" stance, so obviously I didn't anything about it when I got into TKD. Now I'm going to play on the links ya have there Thanks again.
  5. John G wrote: Yes, it did mess with my head at first LOL. I got confused a lot. I'm doing Taeguk sam jang (3). Soon two weeks I'll be learning taeguk sa jang (4). The thing that throws me off is the walking stance then dropping into a front stance (I hate the walking stance .... for instance Taeguk ee jang). My front stance is so much lower than the walking stance. Can someone tell me the purpose for learning the "walking stance" please? , the common image everyone has about WTF and TKD come to think of it. Could you tell us some of the Kung Fu forms are taught at your club?> Well, it's not sport for the most part, but they do compete often. And we do learn self defense (I found out we learn more self defense in the advance class .... All the more reason to rush to get there ). And I know nothing about the Kung Fu forms. I'm no where near red belt (2nd and 1st gup/kyu). I asked before and I couldn't remember them (or spell them) long enough to post them LOL. Pacific, I also perfer the lower stances (like I said before, I HATE the walking stance). My TSD training involved lower stances to train the legs. And I think they make forms look sharp
  6. What advice would you give for someone who is like me? I have a problem with "public speaking", like saying the student oath (I'm sure Dee can benifit from this advice too). I know it by heart, but I "choke" every time. I'm so scared to be the senior in the night class (I hide in the day classes LOL). Dang, I can't wait to get my blue belt so I can be the "pee wee" in the advanced class hehehehe.
  7. Thanks again, Kickchick You always come through with good advice I guess I'll just find "happy medium" stances that are "stable", good for forms as well as sparring.
  8. Nice site Jack I found the name I was looking for. Au Batido. I'm not all that good at it yet (without falling on my arse after it), but I'll get there
  9. Thanks Kickchick Asteward: I do WTF style TKD. It is actually a mix of TKD and kung fu (at later ranks) and Chin Na. We do WTF forms and sparring, Chin Na for self defense, and Shaolin forms and weapons at red belt and above (on top of WTF forms). To make a long story short, so far, I've only done the TKD part (and a little chin na so far). Anyways, I loved TSD ALOT. But do to moving and not being to find a TSD dojang here, I went for TKD (closest style I could find to TSD).
  10. I do tricks. I do roundhouse to 360 roundhouse, split kick, double front kick (both legs kick in the air at the same time .... easier said than done LOL), 540 (well .... not good, but I can do it), and my latest the "L" kick. There's another name for it, but I can't think of it off hand (one-hand hand stand, then almost doing a split in the air, but your legs form an "L" in the air). My next one will be the sissor kick.
  11. Hey, Superleeds. Welcome. There are a lot of martial artists here that are also musicians, like myself. I am also a drummer (and wanna-be guitar picker LOL). I quit playing drums 2 years ago, do to finding a new hobbie (martial arts ). But I hope to pick up the sticks again as well. Oh, and I also gave up drums do to the same reason as you, but I'm not going to let it stop me this time around Good luck in karate, and keep jammin
  12. Hiya all. I've done Tang Soo Do. Now I do TKD. Besides the forms, the major difference between the two are the stances. Tang Soo Do has deep stances. TKD has more up-right stances. I still use my deep stances at times. I either get "told" about it ( for having my stances too deep), and others say it looks good in forms. With that said, I'm getting mixed signals. Should I use the more up-right stances for TKD or no? Comments?
  13. My TSD instructor rented space to a Jujitsu instructor. They were both buddies. Just because my instructor "owned" the school, he didn't treat the jujitsu guy any less. In fact, if our students (TSD) wanted to take jujitsu, we got to with half price than outsiders would.
  14. Hiya Dee. I'm in the same boat. I'm not testing, but I'm the class senior for the adults ( night beginners class ). Being a green belt, I have to say the student creed, and I am bad at speaking in front of people. I got out of it because I go to day class (all ranks). But I need to make up classes, and the only way to do that is to go to night classes ..... eeekkkkk.
  15. My TSD dojang was relaxed in a way. By that, I mean if we weren't "in class." We would do some crazy stuff, like having contests on who can run, jump, and side kick the heavy bag at the longest jump distance, or how many 360's we could do in a row, or monk sparring each other (no gear and anything goes .... light contact). But this stuff usually happened AFTER class (the adult class was the last class of the day). But during class, my instructor was tough. He was a tough cookie, so he didn't mind if we let lose after class. He actually enjoyed watching us goofballs LOL He actually goofed around with us at times In my TKD dojang, I still do that (after class). But if one of the instructors caught me in a "bad day" as you say, they'd hear about it after class. I learned to speak my mind with this school, because some stuff here is weird and off the wall rules. But I haven't said/done anything to get demoted. Some of my ideas they used
  16. In my dojang, we don't pay for Gup rank tests (they better not charge cause the monthly fee is so high ggggrrrrr). I know that you have to pay for BB tests, but I don't know how much it is.
  17. Well, I got yelled at by goofing off (in TSD as a green belt). Well, I should say, I was showing off LOL. I learned a few "tricks" at an early rank (obviously), so I was trying them in the middle of step sparring training hehehehehe. But that wasn't cause for me to get demoted. 20 push-ups did just fine for punishment.
  18. Ok, how do you edit the "title" of the photo. I messed up LOL. It was supposed to say "Teaching step-sparring (TSD)". ggggrrrr.
  19. Thanks Kickchick, for the info. Happy birthday, Blue. I'm going to take a hot shower and pop a coupla asprin to recover from the Laborer's Day hehehehehe
  20. Thanks Ti-kwon-leap. It all sounds good. The combos are cool, too. I'll add it to my list of things to practice
  21. Good idea, Patrick. Now I'm off to scan a photo of me
  22. I found out that my biggest problem is not throwing more than one technique. I get hammered every time. The other is, I block the midsection too much, and I get thumped in the head.
  23. Man, I like this "strategies/tactics" thread. Thanks to the Admins for this one. I'm learning a lot. Anyways, I do TKD. But I suck at TKD sparring. I'm used to TSD (where punches to the head, backfists, ridge hands, ect is allowed). I was talking with one of the black belts in our school, who is so good at sparring. He told me his thing is fakes. He said he almost never punches, but no one can get near him. A lot of advice here is great. I would use all of it in TSD style sparring. But it doesn't help in TKD sparring. Does anyone have good fakes .... mostly kick combos/fakes (TKD style)? This is only for sparring class, not tournies (I don't compete much). Thanks in advance.
  24. I'm definitely a lead leg kicker. My instructor told me that I have a lot of power as well as speed with my right lead leg kicks (I'm a righty ). When I started TKD, I suprised a lot of people with lead leg kicks. I guess in this dojang, they never taught it. But in TSD, they did drills with both lead leg and back leg kicks together. I think that helped me in TKD.
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