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Everything posted by kitsune_no_tama
do any of you know sensei butch galan? just out of curiosity.
can i help it that i agree with shaolin karate kempo etiquettes? lol
simply assume that in every fight, the opponent is out to hurt you. if it is contact sparring you are doing, that kicks up your fight- or- flight response to give you the buzz you need to go in and score points fast so the fight is over before you know it. get it done as fast as you can.
just out of curiousity i wanted to see if there were any druid martial artists that use the forums, or if their even allowed to use computers (lol)
good job.
hmm this thread died fast. i was hoping to get some more information.
true. thats why you never wash your belt. your belt represents your spirit and the accumulated knowledge you gain from practice. if you dont at least wear your belt every time you practice, it would kind of leave your belt at the short end compared to yourself.
yes. women are tought to use technique more so than power as men are tought to use power moreso than technique. it balances out anyway, because the wiles and technique of the feminine balance out with the moving ringout powers of the masculine. the women basically hit easily, but most of the time its easier to for men to get penalties on them.
develop a friendly rivalry with someone else in your dojo, and put their face on your opponent every time you spar someone new. having the confidence derived from know you are already competing, you know it can't get worse than sparring your rival. thats why they have divisions. if you do well against higher ranks in your dojo, you probably do awesome against your own rank in other people's dojo. if your unfamiliar with their style, remember your 8 point blocking, and strike fast and furious. a technique i find to be easy and effective is when they throw their initial kick at you,sidestep towards their closed side,inside block their leg to throw off balance and take them out at the ribs. faking a technique to draw their guard away from your striking target also works really well for me.
in my style it is dojo etiquette to always train in your gi and belt, but never play around or eat in it. im guessing that it applies outside the dojo too?
white:kihon kata........no weapon yellow:taikyoku kata.........bo or nunchuks orange:advanced kihon kata........bo or nunchuks green:advanced taikyoku kata..........sais or kamas blue:pinan kata.........sais or kamas purple: not sure..........tonfas or escrimas brown:bassai kata and empi kata.......tonfas or escrimas black:everything else.....new kata for every weapon.
Controlling your nerves when doing kata in front of...
kitsune_no_tama replied to rivergirl's topic in Karate
when we train for tournament, sometimes we do our kata with application(two or three other guys oppose him we the attacks that he blocks against,and take hits from his strikes). this one little kid had his athletic cup on while he was doing it because we were about to spar right after showing sensei our kata. anyway, he was doing application, and he missed a block to a strike to his *bleep*s and he athletic cup fell down his pant leg! i almost died! . anyway, he was never able to perform again from trauma. the moral of the story, make sure you know what your doing before you do it. -
what belt would red replace karate kid? my belt system in my shotokan is white yellow orange green blue purple brown black. i guess it would depend on which kyu you are right? (ps. in my dojo we learn all heian katas in blue belt WHEEEE!!!!... i've learned the first two, but my sensei is on vacation. i started learning hangetsu, kanku sho bassai katas, wankan,and i just recently p0wn3d gankaku. since summer started i've been practicing 8-10 hours a day. yay!) edit: also i learned tekki shodan and nidan.:
hi strumppfffffff! actually, i do carry a keychain pike in case of emergencies. when i do my morning exercise i take my sais with me in case i get in a scuffle(i live in a bad neighborhood. dont want to take any chances)
yellow belt in songahm tae kwon do *shudder*(what was i thinking doing that style?) blue belt shotokan (uska?) my sensei enters us in uska tournaments and im pretty sure he is acknowledged,but im not so sure he does it traditionally.
i cant spell ur name otherwise!
in my dojo we have only 8 kyus. we only use base color belts, and we just make our tenure in the belt a longer time if the belt normally has a strip in it.we use the requirements from the highest rank of a color.
i say learning kata from a video would be good to do to get your pattern, but you shouldnt completely rely on a video. ask for help from your sensei and have him review it to make sure you got in right. i learned learned hangestu from a video and diagram recently and my brother, (with some difficulty) managed to learn it properly with alot of internet study, and demo it for a large group and a 5th dan sensei in the same art. he had only one or two flaws to point out (returning blocks were shuto instead of closed), but the amazing thing was that he was only a yellow belt. a belt is no indication of skill its an acknowledgement of being exposed to techniques.if a karate rank really meant skill, you would have to retest regularly as well as taking your initial test.anyway, i say it saves quite a bit of time in the dojo,but nothing beats having time in class to make it sharper.
the thing is with this kata we do for our kobudo, i recently started looking for aids on the internet to work on my kata. i found kanku dai and kanku sho in a video and it turned out exactly like our sai kata, with a few changes to strikes being that the use of the sai is different. he claimed to have invented the kata for the sai, but i think he just wanted to make himself more credible to me. you see, i already knew the katas done with the sai, but i found an empty hand version, being the original kata. from what i know, empty hand kata's were before kobudo katas because they only recently joined back together in my dojo. the reason we learn weapons is because budo and kobudo are "brother and sister" as my sensei says. i tried looking up "kanku sho no sai",etc.,but as far as i know, its not for the sai. i admire his eye for a good adaptation, but i can't respect that he told me he invented the kata. (p.s. smurf, im aware that shotokan in itsself is strictly empty hand, but im aware also that we use inter-style katas applied to shotokan ideals and adapted to how our karate-ka would make best use of the movements. for example, we learn tokumine no kon as our first bo kata in yellow belt.)
actually, it depends on the length of your belt. i may be wrong if the belt is too short.
does anyone here know if it's common to apply kanku series katas to the sai? in my dojo it is introduced to mid level students, but i dont know if thats just a way to get high level technique squeezed in, or if my sensei is just a lazy old lout that can't make up his own kata to teach us, let alone teach us a sai kata that actually exists AS a sai kata.thx for ur time.
blue belt, but im very advanced because of a huge break in my studies. my sensei went on vacation over the last month and a half :b. since then i've been working on kanku sho, kanku dai, saifa,hangetsu, gankaku, and the tekki katas. internet's my teacher for now i guess :b.
1:affix end of belt to waist strafing a little bit on the left-ish side, going around and coming out your right. 2:wrap solidly around waist over the line made twice. 3:pull out the bottom of the belt where your placed it on your back at first, through the bottom of it. it should come out to the front of you on your right side. 4. take the free end and make your upside-down topknot and there you go. a tight belt that will at least give you some time to figure it out when your belt is about to untie. even when it does untie, all you have to do is redo the knot. if you still have problems with it, try checking the neck of your gi to make sure that the collar part is down. if you tie your other sides before you make sure of this, you could throw off the length of your knots. have fun with your belt (?)