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Everything posted by kitsune_no_tama

  1. thanks ninja. kung fu with weapons is rare around my area, so i need to use a naginata instead of a kwan dao. i've got one of them, but since this board is karate dominated i guess it would be less appropriate to give it here. i also have a series of europian style weapons. i also have: a war hammer greatsword gladius ball and chain morningstar flail (both sides wood, but hitting end is heavy and stout. handling end is longer to avoid self injury) -not sure if this is a real kobudo weapon, but a huge boomerang. used by the native aussies for hunting kangaroo - crossbow _-_-hell yeah baby!!!-_-_ arquebus(medieval gun) well that concludes the rest of my armory (sans armor). enjoi (p.s. i think i just got into the irrelevence i was trying to avoid
  2. in my dojo, our sensei supplies black and white gi's at a price. there is no restriction on which type exactly, but i have seen red pink and even yellow in there! im hoping to get a team colorblock red and black uniform for my b day right before the world tournament in july.
  3. just got done sparring. i found that front leg crescent kicks are EXTREMELY uncommon and really effective against another shotokan practictioner. use this type of kick on the agressive opponent when they try to charge you, then follow up with low circular foot technique, then aim high again. mix it up, but try to aim far away from where you initially drew there guard. heres another good one: stomping sweep to close the gap, then when you get close, spinning hook to the head.i cant tell you how many matches i won executing this combo several times. people seem just too inclined to back up, that you can use that to your advantage.
  4. If it affects your fighting ability without the belt, then there is a problem. If not, then you can believe anything you want. well i wouldn't go around the mall in my uniform if thats what your thinking. i just think its proper to wear your belt as you train, not that it affects the ability of someone to fight. for me karate is a very spiritual thing in which i strive for perfection of the set system and the continuation of the art. i have an understanding of the chaos theory, and that doesnt really keep my mind settled. being a philosoph and a logicist does not really allow me to let the ideas of chaos theory come to rest. so i started karate to get my mind off of it and im grateful for the easing of my pain. the inability to arrive at truth is a helpless torture to me, and i found something that keeps me from the pursuit. therefore i've found that the only way to have my true life,i realized that "Putting my everyday living into karate, i have found the ideal state of existence" -iskf master camp 2005 theme
  5. i have been out of the dojo for about a month and a half, and i have been studying kata on the internet. a few weeks ago my brother and i performed a high level kata (hangetsu) in front of a 5th dan instructor. while if you know your basic technique extremely well, you may be able to learn a kata with alot of dedication. if you do choose to learn kata from a website, you should do it with another person that also knows their basic rather well and can catch you during mistakes.while i cant say that you can perfect a kata online, it sure as hell is beneficial when you cant be in your dojo learning it from your instructor. if you know your going to have to learn it in the dojo, learn it earlier so you cant understand it better when your sensei goes over it with you.
  6. well, he's from pensacola florida i know that. around there isshinryu is fairly rare, so i dont know if he is learning isshinryu kobudo or not. i think he learned that kata from his own instructor. he might get his kobudo from tapes or something though, because around the area available there is pretty much only ata tkd and quan fa schools. i see videos all over the internet of tokumine no kon that involves sliding the bo through the lead hand, but the one he teaches us we move our entire arms moving primarily the elbows and shoulders only. probably to fit shotokan ideals.so i'd have to say he either teaches kobudo from what his instructor taught him, or he gets it from a u.s.k.a tape. you can find my instructor if you search for "butch galan" on google, or search for "galan karate" to see tournament u.s.k.a results, just to let u know. im not sure if u.s.k.a has anything to do with how shotokan is done compared to other organizations.one strange thing i've seen before was that there was a "karate for christ" judge at my last tournament judging weapons. he himself was shotokan, so i guess it might depend on the organization after all.
  7. thats an interesting concept. i wonder if there are any mixed weapon katas like that?
  8. oops wrong place. mis added a post. sry
  9. find another dojo in your area. your training in other MA's will allow you to excel faster, so having a degree in multiple arts is not as hard as it seems. is your red belt pre black belt or takes place of orange? if its pre black belt, just worry about finishing up later. MA in general to me is worth more than just one style.
  10. mines very solid, loud, and stacatto. its like a 'yo' kinda.
  11. i thought so. i guess disney just wanted to appeal to a wider variety of people by giving them a word easier to associate with martial arts than tang soo doo. as for tournament open ness, thats why im glad im in karate, because the ata taekwondo i used to be in was so introverted, the judges could only judge forms copywrited by ata.karate on the other hand, has entries from kung fu (gasp). its like squares and rectangles. a square(korean martial arts) can be a rectangle (japanese martial art), but a rectangle cannot be a square, sadly.
  12. personally, i cant find the shotokan kata's to be enough! i learn kata from several different styles and practice 8-10 hours a day. my parents worry about my dedication and think i should take a rest.
  13. to sauzin: oh.... so that explains why it was so hard to learn. thanks for clearing that up. they made it look so simple in the isshinryu video clips. do you know anything about suishi no kon or tenryu no kon? they look even harder. the thing with our weapon kata is that in our dojo we always seem to score extremely high. i guess its because of the initial hardness of the kata itsself. anyway, in my dojo there is a choice of which weapon to learn at which belt in 2 belt intervals. yellow and orange you get to decide whether you want to do nunchaku or bo first. green and blue, sai and kama. purple and brown, tonfa and escrimas. black is 3 different ones even more advanced.black 2 the other 3. then degree up from that from 3-5 (i think that my sensei can only teach that high, he's a 7th dan.), its all of them because of how much longer it takes to get another rank. to saifightMS: thats really interesting. i'll try to look more into that. in shotokan, didnt the heian katas original have the name pinan? in my dojo we still call it that. i dont know if its wado ryu influence or not because heian and pinan are so similar. still the thing that grinds my beans stands. he said that he "made up" the sai kata (kanku katas adapted) himself to give himself more credibility. he changed his mind several times at how he wanted us to perform the kata, and he always claims that he taught it right the first time, and that we keep getting confused on our own. funny enough i have 3 or 4 different karate sessions in which he changed the same part of the kata over and over again when i exhibited it to him in tournament practice. he gets up on the floor and does it differently every time.well anyway i seem to be rambling on.so i'll let u go for now. thx a bunch (ps. do either of you know about a nunchaku kata called "kada" or a kama kata called "kadit" (spelling not sure.)?)
  14. i bought a pair of kamas about a year ago, and i lost the leather strap to it for use as a kusarigama. the leather on it was fairly hard and kept the kama in line as it swung, but i was wondering if soft suede would work just as well in the long run. thx
  15. bo jo 3 section staff nuchaku 2 practice nunchaku a pair of sais a pair of kamas a pair of kusarigama tanto wakizashi katana tai chi straight sword 2 naginata a pair of tonfas a pair of escrimas a pair of practice escrima
  16. do we have to be able to use our favorite weapon? my favorite is the six coordinated staff, but i only know how to use bo jo and three section edit: i take that back. meridian axes and kwan dao my new favs
  17. hell yeah i would. i normally only have enough money to pay for my monthly. i want to get into any tourney i can if its for free.
  18. here is a great tip for sparring a member of shotokan: use front leg kicks on the aggressive. front leg kicks are extremely uncommon to most practitioners of the style, so during their own practice they are uncomfortable to block it. they expect a little more time between action and reaction, and being that they are the action, the reaction is that much more deadly.
  19. the other day i was flipping through tv channels and i found this disney channel commercial that was being used to support activity. it was labled "karate dreams" in which the disney channel people interviewed a kid on karate. though if you zoom in on the patch on his uniform, it says he belongs to tang soo doo style. i was wondering whether tsd can be entered in a karate open or not. im pretty sure that tsd is a korean martial art, so im not so sure. maybe its just a blatent mistake made by the disney channel filming cast.
  20. i found it to be extremely helpful with my nunchaku skills. it hurt quite a bit, but there you go. when i do it with my eyes open i barely ever miss wrist spins, throws and catches, or mid air hand changes anymore.
  21. if you feel that your martial arts training is becoming tedious, learn some gymnastics. with gymnastic training under your belt (pun not intended) you can learn acrobatic martial arts and join a demo team or something. nunchaku was becoming more and more boring until i tried to spice it up a bit. i learned to juggle and now im better than ever, and its not boring in the least any more. martial arts training is not confined to the dojo. besides the XMA is bound to be more fun, challenging, and lucrative than non acrobatic MA.
  22. stav martial arts is a europian form of kung fu, only instead of being based on animals, its based on nordic religious concepts and stances for the 16 futhark runes.
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