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  • Martial Art(s)
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  • Interests
    Karate(Shidokan), IT, Military, Basketball...
  • Occupation

NoFear1725681471's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I love tournaments too The most exciting thing is audience applauses when you win... And adrenaline flow when you enter the ring... I'm practising shidokan... that's a full contact style and I can't even imagine a fight for points... that wouldn't be interesting, would it ? Only when you beat your opponent you can say that you're a winner... (or he beats you )
  2. Hello everyone... For the time being I'm practising shidokan karate...2 days ago I was sparring with my sensei. We used full technique. And I got one hard mawashi kick directly to my hand muscle.It was only 3 secs till the end of the fight. It should hit my stomach, but instead of it his leg hit my hand muscle. And now I can't even move my left hand. And it's only 3 days left till the tourney of shidokan. I was preparing for it 3 months so I don't want to miss it. Is there any possibility to heal in 3 days ??? How should I train or what should I do to make my hand heal faster ?
  3. Shotokan is the most popular here... I think. Why so many people are practising this style ? And I haven't seen anyone else in this forum who are practising Shidokan :/
  4. I have a white belt with a yellow stripe in shidokan style
  5. it's pure cotton. Thanks for an advice I hope it will help
  6. Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful summer... it's the last day of summer today... So here's my problem. Today I've bought a new karate gi. It was really hard to find it in my country... But it's a bit too big for me. I'm 5,9 feets (1.8 metres) and it's for size of 6.2 feets( 1.9 metres). SO it's quite big for me, but as I'm still growing it will be ok for me after a year. Now I look quite silly with that too big karate gi... does anyone have any suggestions how to make it comfortable for me ? Or make it smaller ( i don't want to cut it) ? Thanks for your suggestions cheers
  7. http://sauliai.tinklapiai.lt/ore-vi.jpg Does anyone know how to make such a high kicks ??? Or how to practise to make like this ?
  8. Well I practise shidokan karate and it's useful in street fighting as we practise kicks with legs and knees to face. And we also practise how to fight in street too, not only in competitions.We know how to spare and win, that's the most immportant thing. Martial arts are really useful in street... As we know some places where to hit to win a fight. Even against few opponents.
  9. I think karate is really effective in street fight. Not many people who are really good at karate fights in the street because they know if they'll fight, they can beat someone really hard. So they rather run away instead of fighting... And I don't think that someone could laugh only because you're practising karate. Practise it for more time and proove to everyone, that you're really good fighter
  10. Well, the nearest mc D's is about 100 km away from my home. And there are only about 10 of them in whole Lithuania, as I know. THanks for your advice guys
  11. Hello, I would like to ask u a question and for some suggestions. Now I'm 17 years old and 5.83 feets high, 138 pounds weight(1.78 metres high, 63 kilogrammes weight). And I'd like to get more weight because I think I'm too light. I don't have any equipment so I could only use only trainings with no equipment. Any suggestions ? I think I'm eating a lot but I do not get as much weight as I want...
  12. Yeagh, most people think that white belt is just something not immportant. But I had to do a hard work to get it. And I'm proud of my self that I got this belt.
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