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tong po

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Everything posted by tong po

  1. is the place in dearborn your talking aobut called coopers kickboxing and muay thai? im going up there in a few days to check the place out and see if i want to get in to it. ive looked on the internet and such and have not found any places around southeast michigan that teach it besides coopers.
  2. alright thanks for the ideas, ill probably use something similar to what you said maybe a few adjustments here and there.
  3. whats up fellas, im about to join a gym to learn muay thai. I will be trying to go to class at least 3 times a week but i want to go 4-5 times but we'll see. i was wondering what sort of workout routines you guys did at home. Im getting a heavy bag and gonna put up a speed bag also. I have weights and a treadmill in my basement too. I have a pretty extensive weight lifting background and know of some exercises and such i can do with weights but im pretty lost on putting together a couple routines i can do at home that involve the bags and such. does this look alright for a sample workout 3-4 mile run bag work (time?) jump rope core work push ups or weights. if someone could help me out and maybe and give me some guidelines on what to do for bag work and maybe some other suggestions that would be pretty sweet. thanks. I assume if my body can handle this that i could do this a couple times a week along with my classes.
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