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elila's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. How long should it take before I can get back to MA? A week? It was Tuesday that I hurt it but it still hurts so bad! What's 'the converse'?
  2. I'm starting to get back into the advanced class routine at my school, and on the first class back I've already pulled a muscle! The rest of my body is sore but my left arm is swelled up and the muscle hurts so bad. We were practicing kicks and I was holding a target for someone, I was starting to switch which hand I held it with rather than using both and my left arm is probably much weaker, because there was a lot of pain. I remeber when I first started MA to get rid of the pain I would just excersize more to get rid of the pain. I don't think I can use my arms too well, and the rest of me hurts too! I've been taking ibuprofen which helps some, but how can I get rid of the pain? Should I suck it up and do push-ups, or would that make it worse somehow? Is there any type of massage that can help? Should I apply ice or heat- Or will that not do any good now since it's been a few days?
  3. Welcome and good luck on your test!
  4. Elikapeka. I'm not sure how to say it, not sure if I even like it . But it sounds way cooler than my real name.
  5. I take Hapmudo, you may have never heard of it but I'll put what ours is: No-belt - Purity, no knowledge, such as a newborn baby White Belt - basically same as no-belt, but the student/infant senses with expectancy the first signs of walking. Gold/Yellow Belt- The color of early spring, symbolizes a child ready to run Green Belt- The color of summer during the time of growth, symbolizes a child's (like the student's) expanding world. Purple Belt- A time of awekening, similar to late childhood. Blue Belt- The color of the sky, compared with one in the early teenage years, the student realizes their own potential. Red Belt- Brown Belt Junior Black Belt Black Belt Ok, I got tired of typing out the philosophy and I think people have lost interest by now. No-Gold is beginner, starting at white you need three stripes (kicks, Forms, and Self-defense) Green-Purple- this is intermediate, same stripe system, (this is where most people start slowing down "Blue Belt Blues" I guess) Blue on is Advanced, But I think you're still an underbelt till you reach brown/black.I believe you have to get more stripes in weapons, falls, sparring and such. I haven't memorized the higher belts philosophy yet because I'm a purple belt. I think just white, brown, and black would be nice and simple. I wouldn't mind saying to people," I'm just a white belt." I don't care, I'd know I've progressed.
  6. "before Iam fed to the wolves " Don't think of it that way! Come prepared, well- rested, and hydrated and you'll be fine. Good Luck!
  7. At my school, we did no-touch sparring until yellow belt, when we did light-touch without equipment and with gear on pretty much as hard as you'd like as long as you don't injure/ kill yourself or partner. "what does taekwondo do for you? does it lose weight, make you get six pack, those stuff? lose fat? " You only get out of it what you put in to it. Hope you end up liking TKD !
  8. I used to love it about four or five years ago when it was less common- I thought, "Woah! I'm into something that most people have never heard of!". Now, I know what you mean. It just seems like everyone's into it. It's really just a fad and will fade like the other's that came before it. I think it's going out pretty soon, the B&N my aunt worked at was giving a bunch of manga away, I think Suncoast will be eliminating a lot of it's anime space soon. There used to be two or three shelves devoted to it in movie stores in my area at it's height, now, just one. But when I was first into it, I remember how rare it seemed to find it! But when some new type of animation comes, the media takes notice- think of Shrek and Finding Nemo, those computer 3-D movies are popping up everywhere.
  9. You could be leaning to far forward/backward/sideways, the leg your standing on may be a little wobbly. The only way to fix this is through practice. When I first started, I could only do a very low sidekick, and not hold it for very long. Through practice, I was able to kick higher and hold it. People could come by and correct the way I was standing or say, "Oh, then try it this way." But really, you just have to practice and see what works for you. As for kicking combinations, I still have a little trouble. But if you practice each kick one at a time and then all together over and over again, eventually you'll have it down. I and someone else both mentioned that you need to start out with combinations that make more sense. As in, when you rechamber with the least amount of movement so that you don't fall over, and are able to move on to the next kick. Not sure if that makes any sense through text- it's a little hard to explain.
  10. Please everyone, don't worry about me. My original post sounded like a rant, so I edited it. I'd like to know if other schools did these types of events really- just to see if my school was odd or something. The reason I say I can't get out of it is because I've gotten out of so many things already by giving excuses. My mother wants me to go, and that's final. And afterwards people I hardly ever talk to will just say, "Why didn't you come?" I suppose they're fun for normal people. Volleyball,soccer, swimming, eating, socializing. But, I'm glad to hear that you all enjoy your outings, I suppose it is a good thing. When I see beginners after some picnic or party, they seem to be happy that they've made some close friend to spar with and are more relaxed in class, so I suppose there's a purpose for it at my school as well.
  11. Does your friend do MA, practice as much as you do, been at it as long as you have? Are you more comfortable with him than other people? Have his moves become predictable? Are you larger/smaller/smarter/quicker (basically insert something that would give you an advantage here) than he is? How would any of us know? There's so many reasons why. Maybe you're just losing some of your insecurities as your progressing in the MA.
  12. I can't keep getting out of these things, I have to go to it. I think I'll edit it a little to get people's opinions rather than advice. Thanks though.
  13. Does your school hold activities outside of the school? I don't mean tournaments, but banquets, holiday parties, spring/summer picnics, etc. ? Mine does, but I've never gone to any. Sometimes it's too far away, my parents are working, I have to babysit, study, or whatever. Now a summer picnic is coming up and there's no excuse for me not to go. But I'd really rather not go, for the following reasons: 1.I come to this place to learn MA, not go to picnics. 2. I have other, more personal reasons. I was curious if other schools held these activities, and how other people feel about them. Does anyone else feel awkward at these types of events? Do you believe they take up class time, and are unnessasary? Or, do you believe they're important, perhaps team-building experiences? *NOTE* Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I wasn't sure where it belongs.
  14. I'm confused. Did he call the wrong number? Was that his kid? She says she does have an Uncle Frank, so was the mom/wife in bed with her own brother? Why is the kid so calm after seeing two people die? OK, it's just a joke, I'm putting too much thought into it. = P
  15. Does he ever get home? Did he forget where he lives? 107 is impressive! Definitely something to add to your resume. I gave up after about 5 or 10 minutes. = P I got irritated, because my mouse kept appearing off the screen.
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