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man thing

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Everything posted by man thing

  1. What's everybody's suggestions for defending a spear takedown, tackle, whatever you call it: somebody ducks, grabs your legs and plows. I have unsuccessfully attempted one and successfully defended another(I consider myself lucky that time). But I have no doubt as to their effectiveness and prefer to fight standing up at this point in my training.
  2. What are some good grappling schools near Liberty, SC (upstate)? I don't mind driving an hour to get to a quality dojo, preferrably BJJ.
  3. I would have gave the decision to Bonnar. But yeah, it was a great fight.
  4. Hey everybody. Glad to find this forum. Lots of meaningful discussions going on. Yeah, most people are pretty ignorant of martial arts. One guy I know ranted about them for about 5 minutes before concluding in his proof:"Think about it: most of those Asians are alot smaller than the average American. We can take a much bigger blow than they can." Of course he totally missed the entire issue. Martial arts will make you better. They will complement anybody's abilities. Some improve you faster than others. But I believe they all help. You can't tell me that countless punch drills won't improve your punching. Kicking drills improve our kicking. Grappling is the same way. Martial artists are too often compared with opponents much bigger or experienced and expected to win. However, I do see why they would knock some of the tecniques used, especially as they are portrayed in the movies (as previously stated).
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