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Everything posted by JimmyNewton

  1. i do it for health, strength, self improvement, knowing i can handle myself, and enjoy physical contact.
  2. i've never been to any camps. What do they consist of?
  3. thanks man! i'm currently working out with my old sensei about an hour away once a week. was thinking about a school in charlotte, but some of the prices are through the roof. Considering my wife is in nursing school right now, i'm trying to save some dough. Thought it would be a good idea if a could round up about 3 or 4 people and go voer techniques, light sparring, critique each others kata, etc.. thanks for the help
  4. what abut eh black dude that was Sho Nuff i that old school movie the last dragon. has anyone ever seen that?
  5. yeah i saw ong bak twice. once with my wife and then talked some of my co workers into seeing it. amazing! couldnt help but wanna drop elbows to someone after leaving the theater, haha
  6. ok, I see what you mean. nice to have an extra addition to my vocabulary.
  7. yeah, i'm still trying to lean out a little more. i out on mass while playing rugby. now i'm trying to get to about 190.
  8. personally..i'm 6'0 215..lift weights 4 days a week, run 5 days a week. not ripped, but stomach is flat. i think people assume big people are slow, but look how fast muhamid ali was
  9. what do you think the ideal body tyoe for a fighter is? tall lean, short fast, thick and muscular, just wanting some opinions
  10. if you fnd a crappy school, i'm sure you can get black belt as long as you shell out the dough. as well as a false since of security
  11. depends on the sensei as to how long you will attani your bllack belt
  12. what do the tests consists of?
  13. when i was younger, i wasn't a fan of kata. I have grown to appreciate it greatly now that my understanding has broadened
  14. didn't think so many people would respond. thanks for all the input
  15. anyone seen or heard of tony jaa in ong bak. he's a bad dude!!
  16. i didnt realize "henka" was the word for various interpretations. thanks
  17. just because something looks like a punch in a kata..it can always be used as a ppalm heel stricke, eye gouge, knifehand, etc. i spearhand to the throat and nads would be brutal in although it appears as the double punch.
  18. it never fails for someone to call me jimmy newtron! if your out my way, email me
  19. what are some of yall's opinions about some of the karate instructional kata videos. think they are worth it, or a ripoff?
  20. was wandering if anyone lives in charlotte, nc and would like to work out sometime. I study Shoriin Ryu Shorinkan.
  21. yeah, that was a nice video, thanks
  22. good for you. i'm back after taking a 2 year break after previously traiing for 4 yrs. i was nervous about starting up again, but since i graduated college and had the time, I figured why not go back to something i love. good luck to you
  23. i'm going to try it. hopefully i can get it also. i'm 6'0, 215. heavily involved in weightlifting, not fat. like someone mentioned, if the Rock can do it, hopefully i can too
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