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Everything posted by SanShou

  1. i dont really have this problem- the girls in my class are in university, and one is in jr high, but they are all very disciplined etc- save one, who is in high school and very giggly. i just try not to get partnered up with ms giggly and it makes it better. as for sparring... i tend to be really aggressive, but when i fight the girls i tone it down, but i really prefer fighting the guys. i havent had a problem yet about them not hitting hard because im a girl- i just hit them hard, and they hit back. just stick at what youre doing, or maybe talk to your sifu if it really becomes a problem
  2. 3 5 minute rounds usually means you go for 5 minutes hard, rest, and repeat twice, for a total of three 5 minute sets.
  3. Spiderman takes out the Bat Signal, Brucey is left unawares, Spidey locks the Bat Cave, and Batman is no more
  4. Batmad vs Spiderman!
  5. Yeah I don't really get it
  6. That hurts my shoulders- i dont think i do them right
  7. Ok I'm sure this has been covered somewhere, but I've heard that a certain type of pushup or something like a pushup works your triceps... when I do pushups I can just feel it in my chest muscles. Any ideas?
  8. happy birthday
  9. I love laughing.. and I have a really funny laugh so when i start, other people laugh at me laughing and it just goes from there its great
  10. There sure are a lot of canadians I'm from alberta its great
  11. how old are you, because i used to be a lot like that and now i've outgrown it i guess, a little
  12. what are knee hugs?
  13. what he said oh man thats good
  14. the only way i know is to think of sad things. usually though this backfires and i juts end up lauging harder and then feeling bad for laughing at the sad things. but generally when you start laughing its quite hard to stop if you're in that mood.
  15. I'm a girl and I do kung fu... I love it. At lower levels there seems to be more women than men in the school, but as the ranks get higher it becomes 50/50ish. Many of the women in my class dislike sparring and doing techniques with men, and expcet the men to hold back (many of them do), but I fight my hardest and expect everyone to do the same (other than when I'm fighting someone less into it than me, then I of course tone it down). The second in command at our school is female, as are many of the sifus. I think there are more male sifus, though.
  16. Not nessecarily... small people can be mighty fast and scrappy
  17. You need to stand/sit TALL. When you try to sit or stand as tall as you can, your shoulders go proper and it takes a lot of stress off your back- I don't even know how a *straight* back would work..
  18. my pants are above my ankles so i don't trip on them, and my sleeves i cut and hemmed to be a couple inches above my wrist. i wear my pants... at my waist and tie em tight so they don't get pulled/fall down.
  19. In class we always say "yes sifu" or "no sifu" after questions that they ask... so now whenever i get asked a yes/no question by anyone I start to say "yes sifu!" or "no sifu!". i'm sure its quite funny.. especially in school when a teacher asks a question and no one answers except the goofy kung fu kid who almost calls the teacher sifu.
  20. Galka Focal Ela-Tercel of Ibuprofin
  21. you could... hit them withthe chair? or maybe sit down and talk through it
  22. I'm looking forward to watching the continuous sparring
  23. http://www.centuryfitness.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10051&crumb=13501-13519&storeId=10051&categoryId=13511&langId=-1&parent_category_rn=13509 those are what i use edit: i use the powerline boots and mitts, not the other ones
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