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Everything posted by Freddy

  1. im gonna guess サ リ ヴァ ン sa ri va n but im probobly wrong i was a little wrong last time
  2. back kokotsu dachi shuto barai
  3. haha and this is a huge problem for me caus i have to do them slow and correct first then fast and strong then i go over parts over and over again... i hate it =/ btw i always win those kumite matches
  4. i train 3 times a week and offcourse lightly at home every day, i really want to train every day but sometimes you just dont feel like training. (think i missed 3 lessons in 1 year and 3months and they were in the beggining and i was sick at one of them)
  5. cat, its a kittycat and it dance dance dance and it dance dance dance cat, its a kittycat and it meow meow meows and it meow meow meows cat its a... Its a good song.... you might be able to find it on the net somewhere with a dancing cat
  6. what are these poke a dot things your talking about? >_
  7. juon rules its not the same kind of scary as the grudge, i watched it by my self when it was dark and im telling you, i dident want to leave my chair to go to bed afterwards
  8. Freddy

    Belt order?

    10 -White 9 - White with a stripe 8 - Yellow 7 - Orange 6 - Green 5 - Blue 4 - Blue 3 - Brown 2 - Brown 1 - Brown Dan - black
  9. how many diffrent MAs do you take
  10. im guessing that the reason i pay so little is caus i live in a little town in sweden, and im guessing most of you live in citys atleast 5times as big. (20k ppl in my town)
  11. hehe im probobly the only one who think yellow gis are cool
  12. $11 per month but we pay for 6month at the time, and yes we have a good instructor.
  13. Its really cool to see sensei do Gankaku but Empi is nice to
  14. i do 10 i really need to work on it
  15. ohh yea why dident i think of sidekicks?? thats brilliant
  16. haha shuto uke is the only way to open doors nowdays and maegeri for closing drawers(think thats what its called) ^^
  17. is there a scientificly ultimate fighting stance?
  18. イ = i well yea offcourse its pronounced ee i just mixed up swedish and english a litte, we say I as ee . Thanks for the help
  19. Thanks is my reading right? フ レ デ ィ fu re do i
  20. What would Freddy look like? just feels like a hard name to translate ^^
  21. i was doing some juu kumite today and i found myself in something like fudodachi most of the time. It just feels very explosive. And my hand theyre all over the place but mostly the standard position.
  22. Grrr i wish i could dissagree with you there ^^ My instructor is a 3rd dan (soon 4th hopefully) and shes a woman and I dont think ive met an instructor as good as her yet (not counting mirce 6dan his really cool)
  23. I think its ok as long as you dont learn to many of them and do them very poorly. Heck i know all katas up to 2kyu + empi, jion and ive beem doing a little of kankudai recently. BUT heian sandan which im supossed to be grading to has sufferd from this, which is not so good.
  24. Freddy

    Big Sensei :P

    AnonymousOne is joking? i cant tell for sure
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