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Lady Kitana

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Everything posted by Lady Kitana

  1. Lately when I am doing push ups I find that I get pain in my lower back either while I am doing them or afterwards . Does anyone else experience this ? If so any Idea's on what I might be doing wrong , I really want to do push ups well , fitness is a big part of my school's program . Thanks
  2. hey its nice to see all you fellow kenpo people . i have been studying for about three years now and with no signs of quitting anytime soon lol good luck in your training everyone and I will be talking to ya !!!!!!!!!
  3. hey I know this question has been asked before by many people so I am sorry .... I am currently studying kenpo for about three years and I am thinking of trying another style over the summer because my school is cloesd durning those months and Iam also curious as to what else I can learn. can anyone recommend a style that I could take thats different from kenpo? I don't want to get too confused lol any advise would be great . Thanks !!!!!
  4. hey I know there are people asking about tips about losing weight ... but I would like to know if u guys have any tips on gaining weight and building muscle . You see I am only like 110 pounds and I am tall , so any suggestions !! I am one of those people who can eat alot but don't gain .... any advice would be helpful . thanks
  5. hey nice to have u with us
  6. CONGRADULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!
  7. Can anyone take a guess *points to name * lol She kicks but with those fans !!!
  8. Aswome !!!! Congradulations Khan .
  9. thanks for the responses everyone !!
  10. hey congrads!!!! You deserved it I felt the same way when I got my green belt . My teachers would not let me quit I was tired and sore the next day but it was worth it . Good luck in your training and again CONDRADULATIONS !!!!
  11. hey first off let me say this is a great discussion, some good points raised so here is my two cents. First off I get offended if they take it easy on me because I am a girl I know I am not very big Iam 110 pounds but that don't mean I can't take a hit . If I do I say good hit and keep going , my teachers will have a couple minutes of sparring then he will have us change partners which I like because I like sparring with different people with various belt levels. I was sparring with one guy and I asked why is he hitting me harder he said he don't want to hurt me lol I said I be more concerned on what I am gonna do to you , from then on we sparred on an equal level.
  12. I agree with you totally , there is a great deal of enjoyment when you beat a guy especially if he thinks he is the best!!!! but for all u guys that made the nice comments about us martial arts gals thanks that was sweet ! nothing like showing your affection by giving each other a beating. lol makes u feel all warm inside oh and just so you know guys ( and I think some of u ladies will agree) martial arts guys are hot !!!! I am totally into guys who do martial arts !!!!!
  13. I have a green belt in kenpo
  14. Just to let the people who responded to my previous post that I passed my grading and thank them again for their encouragement . Thank you very much * Gives everyone a hug *
  15. thank you all for your responses and encouragement, and I will be shure to let you know how it goes. thanks again
  16. hi and welcome, nice to see another person who study's kenpo , I wish you luck in your traning
  17. hi and welcome , good luck on your test !!!
  18. hey hows it going , hope you enjoy the boards !
  19. hey guys , Iam getting tested for my green belt soon in a couple weeks actually and I hope I do well, anyway any advice before Iam fed to the wolves . Also for everyone who is also getting test I just wanted to wish you luck. thanks
  20. thank you all very much for taking the time out and answering my question I will remember what you guys said . thanks again
  21. hey everyone I am hoping you can help me by giving some tips when fighting multiple attackers . I only started learning so I don't have alot of experience , so any help you guys can give me I would appreciate it thanks
  22. Some of the songs I like are All Fired Up & Hit Me with Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar Thunderstruck by ACDC Eye of The Tiger by survivor ( classic lol) and who could forget the classic by twisted sister called were not gonna take it another oldie but a goodie lol. I have alot of more songs that I listen to but these are some songs that you might like. Have fun and good luck in your tournament.
  23. I have " ZERO TOLERENCE" for racism . I personaly never encountered it at my school or anywhere else . Thank God ! It's sad that this kind of thing still goes on , you would think that people would learn by now how stupid and childish racism is .
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