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Everything posted by Proskater

  1. You are attending UC longbeach? Theres no such thing. Its called California State University Longbeach.
  2. I dont know, but Ill ask him and let you know.
  3. Depending on what kind of mental attitude he has, like does he actually want to go into combat with other people, you should choose from there. But I think karate is pretty good to lose weight and a good self defense.
  4. Weights, gaining weight, putting weight in puncheds and the rest of weights.
  5. Just get a disapline and modefy it. Just like how the Gracies modefied JuJistu and made it into their own.
  6. I think you need more grappling than striking because you can take bigger guys with the skill of grappling. But its hard to take someone bigger with strikes.
  7. Deflect and counter for sure. Thats because if its a street fight, anything can go, so just wait for that perfect moment.
  8. I saw my friend with this paper on his wall and I asked him what it was. He said it was from Tae Know do from when he was 5 years old, and that paper was a legal document that he was concidered a weapon. so if he attacked anyone, he would automatically get charged with assult with a deadly weapon. Has anyone see this before?
  9. I saw my friend with this paper on his wall and I asked him what it was. He said it was from Tae Know do from when he was 5 years old, and that paper was a legal document that he was concidered a weapon. so if he attacked anyone, he would automatically get charged with assult with a deadly weapon. Has anyone see this before?
  10. I saw my friend with this paper on his wall and I asked him what it was. He said it was from Tae Know do from when he was 5 years old, and that paper was a legal document that he was concidered a weapon. so if he attacked anyone, he would automatically get charged with assult with a deadly weapon. Has anyone see this before?
  11. Do that thing they do in mission impossible. Back extentions.
  12. Naw, thats *. It shouldnt be a sport in any country.
  13. I got this e mail from a friend. I was suprised cultrally unknowlegable he was.
  14. I dont know about training for martial arts. But I had a friend one year do that for dodge ball, to be able to throw the ball harder/faster and to run a dodge the ball and he got really good from water training.
  15. Well, isnt that shadow boxing? But the thing is, that when you do that, it feels a lot different from hiting a real person, or even a heavy bag.
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