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Everything posted by Popkov

  1. you are wrong about that, i am mongolian and i studyed at a shaolin temple, also there are students from america at some temples also , but there are many extra things that you are told if you study at a real temple which you will not be shown how to do or told about i nevening classes
  2. i have only one answer to are you afraid to die. Im going to live forever or die trying death is part of life
  3. when i was young about 3 i would see my older brothers practising in the training room at my house after they had finished getting the evening meal and they showed me how to do a proper kick, but i did not realy start to learn until i was about 7 when i went to have an education at a shaolin temple in china
  4. Yes, i think that medatation is very important, it releases your body of stress and i find makes me a better fighter, there is also the chi benefit of medetation
  5. to be a good kicker you need to find your center of balance, when i first tried kicking high in an offensive way i fell backwards, the best way i found to improve the kick whether high or low or to get a faster kick is to just kick straight in front of you with a straight leg and as high as you can (this may hurt at first) but it stops hurting after a few kicks, and have your arms out straight to the sides like this >------- -------<, this is find makes my legs more flexable and lower kick movements move faster. (being able to do the splits helps alot also i find but you ccan stil lbe an excellent kicker without being able to do the splits)
  6. i would hae to say that this is one of the most useful things to use to train your fighting performance
  7. Hi, im nikolai Popkov i discovered this page when sseching for some pictures of martial arts and i have found this forum from some reading very interesting, small biography : I was born in northern mongolia, my family are horse farmers, everyone on the male side of my family going back further than my family record goes has attended a shaolin school in northern china, north of beijing I am now 16 and spent severl years learning kungfu and becoming a good buddhistnow i attend school in england where i study english
  8. it not hard you just see there eyes and they come
  9. when i was studieing english in england in summer 2003, a group of these "chavs", (english rednecks that live in towns) came up to me and asked me for my phone, first of all i refused, then the one talking to me pulls a knife, i just then hit the knife out of his hand with mine and it flew into a bush ( i was in a park), he tried to hit me and igrabbed his arm and flawed him, one of his friends tried to attack me too with a karate chop i think, but he missed and i kicked him in his jaw. it wasent fun atall, i was very scared, and they went and told the police too, which wasent a good idea beacause i tell them about the knife and he found it in his pocket beacause he went and picked it up from in the bush, so i got let off
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