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Mr. Mike

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Everything posted by Mr. Mike

  1. hello, and welcome to karateforums! what are you the other 5% of the time?
  2. I was getting dizzy trying to watch that vid.
  3. looks like somebody just stopped at the rehab clinic and dropped three pounds of crack and a bunch of sticks and said "here ya go...go nuts!"
  4. mine is pretty evident. those of you who have been there know what I mean.
  5. I got a bag of chips on the blackbelt. I know what you mean, shogeri Still, with the scenario posed, it's an obvious choice. Myself? I go 265lbs, have a skill or two, seem quick(I've been told 'I've never seen somebody your size move like that' ) and have a fair amount of strength...yay, I win, I get them all Of course, I don't go looking for fights either.
  6. maybe, but they sure are delicious
  7. a person could be trained to teach cardio kickboxing in 4-6 weeks. we're not talking in tensive martial arts skills here. when they post an ad like that, they're looking for 'pretty' people.
  8. that should answer it for you. Again, just from the scenario posed, you can have muscle OR skill. Not equal talent, not somewhat equal talent...muscle OR skill. ...on the street, muscle doesn't protect your eyes, knees, elbows, groin, throat, etc.........get my point? this isn't for points in a cage. This is in a life or death(which is the only reason you should ever be 'forced' into a fight) situation, that will warrant winning BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! Bring your creatine bloated butt to the line. I walk away with my skills and my life.
  9. I don't believe that having muscles will enable a person to take more punishment. hit the right target and the poor sap drops regardless of who they are. skills anyday
  10. Mr. Mike


    kinda lost here...
  11. ong bak was good. I like Unleashed, and the Once upon a time series...I like naything by Jet Li. Chan's movies are good as well. But, my all time favorite has to be Return of the Dragon by Bruce Lee. Not just for the MA in the movie, but for all the stars, Chuck Norris, Bob Wall, etc., the cornier-than-life plot about a gang boss wanting the uncle to sell the restaurant-but the uncle being in on it the whole time, the gorgeous Ms. Chen, and the tubby Italian guy that looks like an uncle of mine knocking himself out with the nunchaku. Man, that movie rocks.
  12. I have seen demonstrations that make my conservative christian upbringing scream in skeptical disbelief. I have felt chi/ki in action. Christ never said it doesn't exist, he also never said not to believe in it. Also, it is nowhere in the bible that chi/ki is demon worship, ot giving yourself to evil. Sorry, until Christ or the Holy Spirit descend upon me and open my heart to believe otherwise, I know what I know.
  13. definitely a favorite! 'you see you're still bending your elbows!' 'I SPARRED WITH ELVIS!'
  14. of course you like it, it's completely opposite TKD Seriously though, you should be decently rounded with JJ added to your current TKD training. Keep working for your BB in TKD, and enjoy the challenge and newness of the jujitsu. By what you say, you tell me that you are a student for life. Wise shoice. Add to your current training the fact that you have judo and TSD under your belt, and you are definitely well rounded as a martial artist.
  15. also, think about time spent practicing, not just taking the classes. I take usually 2 hours of class per week, but practice much more than that. My training has recently been put on hold due to relocation, but that is ironing itself out decently enough. In the meantime, since I can't get to class, I simply run through my techniques(in the air of course, but better than not at all) and kata to keep myself on track. I was set to get my BB in just about 2 years, and that was after taking several months off in the course of my training, due to dislocations/illness. Now, it may take closer to 3. Is that a decent time? Not for the average newby to MA. Not in my opinion anyway. I came into it with 3 different disciplines under my belt though. So, the basics were fairly decent, just needed to tweak for my particular system. Still, I feel that a person should resign themselves to at least 4 years for a well rounded BB in any striking system(just talking generalities here). The real training, however, should be for life.
  16. yeah, the usual...Bruce Lee and all other kung fu movies popular int he 70's. I used to watch all the corny ones with my Dad when I was little, and we'd have great fun mimicking the awful acting skills Then in the 80's, I was inexorably glued to those infernal ninja movies, like Enter the Ninja, American Ninja, etc. I loved those So, MA has been there as an entertainment medium for me all through my life...needless to say, my biggest dream was to bee good like Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Bruce Li, Sho Kosugi, Chuck Norris, Tadashi Yamashita, etc. So I trained off and on over the years, but it wasn't until about 3 years ago when I walked into a Kenpo school that I found exactly what I was looking for in an art. I also found the motivation I needed when I started taking classes with my brother, and I overheard him saying that I would never make it, I wouldn't get to BB because I was too fat, lazy, had no follow-through, etc. Well, he stopped going, his family stopped going, he stopped paying, still owes the school several hundred dollars, and I haven't and don't...hahahaha How's that for motivation? Get told you can't do something. Uhh...kinda went off on a tangent there. Oh well. In a nutshell, I can call my inspiration the media and my brother
  17. welcome. have you tried any of the chinese arts?
  18. training, working out(weights/cardio), cycling, reading, philosophy, religion, I'm an avid car nut, teaching, did I say reading? favorite subjects to read are: sociology, anthropology, I love etymology, Dean Koontz, some Stephen King, Ricahrd Marcinko, Holocaust diaries, the Holy Bible, Tao Te Ching, and whatever is in grabbing distance on my way to the loo. I love cooking(well, creating comestible art), I'm on the quest for the perfect cup of coffee, wine, and beer, though not in the same month usually, and making those around me laugh or at least smile. oh, as of late, I've become readdicted to Tetris on the NES.
  19. it means so far, I win!!! yay me!!!
  20. stellar argument...the best so far. I enjoyed the valid points more than just hearing 'nah, you're wrong, Royce is gonna get killed!" Still, I favor experience. Like I said before though, I can't call this one...youth is king, but there's no replacement for experience. good call though on the takedown issue
  21. are we basing this on the Royce we saw more than ten years ago? Isn't it possible that he has gained some skills to make himself more rounded in all that time(especially since he knows he has a fight, and who that fight is against)? I would think he has been aware of Hughes' fighting style and has trained accordingly.
  22. I'm 265 lbs 31 yrs old 73 in tall and bench 265 so I get 12.68 yay me.
  23. yeah, jsut cut and hem...they aren't available that I know of unless you want the adidas ones that the TKD people use at the tournaments.
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