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Everything posted by krzychicano

  1. Welcome to KF and good luck on your journey!
  2. Thnx for the reply SloMo...Yea I have always been interested in the martial arts even as a kid. I grew up pretty poor and my family couldnt afford to send me to classes so now that im older I finally have the time to dedicate myself to it and I also wanted to do it with my son so we are having alot of fun at it!
  3. Thank you all for your responses I have been keeping myself pretty occupied reading your forums and there is some very interesting material im glad I found this site!
  4. Thnx for the reply D! Yea i wont be able to go to the tournament next year because its in korea but I am looking forward to when it comes back to texas so I can represent my school well! Thnx for the tip about the staff also
  5. Thanks for your reply Keumgang! Yes i was really psyched about it and im loving every minute of Kuk Sool Won. My goal is to open a school one day with my son....He is 4yrs old and is currently taking kuk sool won also it is great to see him develop! He just got his second orange stripe for tiger cubs!
  6. Hi all...I am studying Kuk Sool Won and just made my yellow belt and was able to join BBC! I received my first three weapons but I really wont to focus on jool bong so I was wondering if anyone out there had any good clips or techniques on them? Thanks for your all help!
  7. Thnx aefibird everyone is so helpful and I must admit it is good to see because alot of sites just arent helpful at all!
  8. Wheee my first response thnx patrick! Sorry for posting this here I been looking at the forums and seen an introductory section but I dont know how to move it there or even see a delete button so I can delete it and post it there but I still appreciate the response!
  9. I'm new to the site and I just wanted to introduce myself...I decided on this forum because I am taking KSW and loving every minute of it! I tested on Friday and I will be receiving my yellow belt next week during promotions! I am finally joining BBC and the reason I found this site was because I was looking for videos on Jool Bong techniques and this was the first site on google ...anyways I see that there are some people in the houston area here so I decided to join and hopefully get some tips and also share my experiences along the way...thanks for listening!
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