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Everything posted by krzychicano

  1. can you imagine telling people that someone you know died from being beard strangled
  2. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  3. Welcome to KF and enjoy the forums
  4. You can never go wrong with Kuk Sool Won
  5. That is a pretty good way of doing it. Because then KSW would be full of all kinds of masters or upper BB's plus it really brings out your dedication to wait all that time.
  6. Sounds like isshinryu5toforever knows what hes talking about listen to him it is the way of TKD
  7. alot of basketball players say that working out your calves help improve your jumping capability. Never tested it myself as I can still jump fairly high and never really focused on my calves.
  8. Don't hate on Valentines! It is a great holiday! The holiday of love!
  9. Man those really are some nice cars. I am one step closer to getting my Nissan Titan! 302hp standard!
  10. Yea that is a pretty exciting episode. Didn't realize how many matrix fans are here.
  11. I regret not starting MA earlier.
  12. the hardcore style see its under his name its hardcore, did I mention it was hardcore?
  13. So does the time start over after each belt? What I mean is after you reach 2nd degree do you have to wait three years to test for third or only one more year?
  14. One day I will teach KSW!
  15. Wow never heard of a woman that actually wanted to gain weight im quite puzzled over this
  16. God I get sick to my stomach everytime I see this post can't believe there are actually instructors out there like that.
  17. to cold for me either way
  18. Confucious say: Man who eat yellow snow will have tummy ache and bad aroma coming from mouth!
  19. God of Strength
  20. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Send him an email and ask him why maybe he will be nice enough to respond.
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