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Zhong Gau

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Everything posted by Zhong Gau

  1. most popular styles: Tai Chi: Yang, Chen, Sun, Wu, Wu/hao, Zhao Bao Hung Gar: three of five styles predominate, really just two. Wu Shu Wah Lum: although based on an animal form its principles have been applied to about one third of Yip Mann's combined experience. Ba Gua/Pa Kua Five Families styles: Sil Lum, Buk Pai style/white tiger, White Dragon Karate or TKD probably have more practitioners than wu shu, wah lum, ba gua and five families combined. probably even hung gar.
  2. hey, if you lok hard enough you'll find one.
  3. JerryLove, I know a little ba gua. perhaps you can answer a question i have: are you familiar with the Chum Choy or Buk Pai forms and do you know of a video resource available for them? Asfar as I know these are the only kicking forms in Pa kua and of course they are difficult. Second, are y'all associated with that guy in orlando?
  4. since you are rich enough to pay for an education at berkeley why don't you first read about martin heidegger and symbolic communication before casting a vote on his inability. I mean one of my heros is a Nobel Prize winning quadraplegic who can't even speak. Also check with your dean of students. If the dean was there in the mid ninties he had several conversations with the man to determine his competancies and deficiencies. And if i remember correctly, he was aprofessor at your distinguished school and suffered a stroke in the office where he worked and was found three days after the event. when people have strokes they often lose thier ability to choose the words they wish to use. this happened to my dad who also was an accomplished intellectual. try talking to the man he may be able to still indicate he understands you. even if you can't understand what he's trying to say continue with him as if he responded to you in a logical way. you may grow up a little as a result.
  5. 47 martial man/rick: a lot of what you said is true to a certain degree, but you have missed out on a critical and menacing situation. *ALL* martial artists from china, vietnam, tibet and korea are considered enemies of the state of china and live in constant fear of reprisals from covert chinese actions and Tong. If the mafia and the government were on you all the time what would you do especially in a society where you are possibly an illegal alien facing deportation to your mother country? You are an incredibly callous and naive practitioner of martial arts. If I ever find you at a national tournament i'm going to call you out.
  6. gee, I thought belts were implemented for a goal orientated society so Mr. and Mrs. Smith could feel they were actually getting something for their money.
  7. the 'train at shaolin temple' gag is sponsored by the chinese government to promote tourism. they recruited an american foreign national of buddist system heritage to be shaolin monk. eventually, after much caoxing and garantees of freedom from persecution and prosecution a few shaolin in hiding monks returned to the temple. I'm not sure if the guys who do the videos are part of the herd or not.
  8. on teachers and masters: do not confuse your father or grandfather with your teacher of skills or his teacher of skills. a teacher of skills may adopt you into his family or tong in successive orders of closeness to the true art of the style much like the layers of an onion. wahtever you do don't drink a kai tai and call him a sifut for your te will suffer and your tei may be dumped on you. be careful when taking him out for some sea food for jing mai qipi popping up. and don't shout 'yeh yu' yioyio. its disrespectful. a master is some old guy in a 'your mother dresses you funny' orange or blue robe and tells you to strip to your underwear in the arctic winter and don't get cold: he's a masterd if he's standing there in a warm coat, a master if he's doing it with you. a master is a person who can show you why that technique won't work in a given situation but will work in others and the conditions which contribute to both success and failure. A "GrandMaster" is a combat veteran of fighting multiple opponents of equal or similar skill qualification readily and effortlessly. Traditionally a sifu needs to know 10 forms; a style master 17 forms, five of which must be weapons; a grand master must be master of three styles and five principles and present a demonstration to widely acknowledged leaders in the styles being represented and their decision must be unanymous.
  9. the spirit of kung fu is 'vigorously persue whatever you do'. the ethic of kung fu is 'hard work'. the desire of kung fu is health and longevity. the food of kung fu is error. the gong gi of kung fu are many, hungry and always looking for another victim.
  10. Another way to look at the completeness of a system is to find out how many schools are associated with the style. a system that works and is easy to learn will have lots of schools, hence Hung Gar and Wah Lum. Systems that are difficult to learn like Hung Fot and Emei/Omei have only two or three schools in the entire country. My style has one school for gui lo and four for chinese. i have older brothers who teach to get by tight situations in thier lives but there are only three schools for my style in the US and you must be chinese or speak Cantonese/Taishanese/Viet to use two of them!
  11. lots of styles use the "long fist" stigma to attach themselves to a tradition of shaolin incepted training. Many chinese practicioners of hung gar, hung fot and wah lum *equate* long fist with choy li fut.
  12. favorite weapon to practice? A. Chen Short Whip Staff and Chen Traditional Staff. Various double broadsword forms.
  13. there's one that's primarily japanese and korean but i've forgotten the name. in the union sq. /stueys/ grammercy area there are several schools within a short walk of each other: bagua, tkd, karate, taichi chen wu and sun. if you know or can find a guide to china town you can find one of my older brothers. he doesn't speak english though. just do a web search/yellow pages querry for martial arts in or nearby your zip code.
  14. ddpc and batusai: i also remember a choy guang in the greater phoenix area. i think its over in sun city or west of the American Graduate School some 12 miles.
  15. sifu, shifu potato, patato tomato, tomahto bare knuckle anything goes. hell, i'll bet i can take all three of you in less than three minutes total time if you'd just agree that i'm hum sop lo ban gi sik lo fu djo fu dje lan.
  16. cracked it. one good line about five inches long. the radiology indicated it did it just right with little debris on the heart sack. the guy who attacked me said it felt like his heart stopped and he told the guy who was with him to check his pulse. he was trained in wing chun and wah lum.
  17. a story i heard about Baji quan was that thier armour was heavy in back and light in front, thus could they build a wall around the emperor and knock down individuals like lemmings with thier backs turned. the shaolin called it, albeit jokingly, turtle style.
  18. interesting. my sifu used the same words to describe it word for word, but the second paragraph he said he saw people trying to use those verbal techniques but most could not. only one guy was able to but he was using it to augment some other wu-qi technique.
  19. southern snake styles are rather difficult to learn in a pinch. Xing-yi's 12 animals are principle movement factors -additives, if you will, for other strikes. when i first started with my sifu he taught me yang style 88manuever form. the first time i had to defend myself i used the brush knee push technique on some dope, broke his sternum and pushed him onto his back about twelve feet from where i hit him. if you're just trying to defend yourself start with in to out pinwheel blocks like two fans operating at high speed. when the opportunity presents itself turn a block into an uppercut to the solar plexus/throat/chin/nose area.
  20. um, which style of goju are you referring to? I think there are three main goju styles. one of which i've seen looks a lot like choy li fut but wheather its hung gar, hung fot or wah lum, i dunno. it could also be sil lum or fut gar families styles orientated. all five of these probably look the same to the untrained or the moderately trained Nippon. does anybody know when the drunken styles emmigrated to okinawa? i'd say that'd be the best bet on the origens of goju.
  21. Contact Jason Lau in Atlanta.
  22. having been hit by people who use either relaxed at first tight on impact and relaxed all the way through techniques....
  23. Another note on leopard style: sure looked good on shania twain.
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