Son Goku the monkeyking
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Everything posted by Son Goku the monkeyking
but u also have to take in the fact that MA teaches u how to defend with ur whole body and to take items and use them as weapons, and to kill( not knock out, KILL) with one move or a sertain technique, aswell as instint knockouts when hitting someone at a sertain pressure point, & bone breaking techniques, organ rupturing moves, and how to break bricks, wood, or take exstreme pressure to the body through intense mental toughness. and people still think that martial arts is crap i dont know about u but if i can git into a fight situation, and end it very quckly with one or two simple techniques, i rether do that than have to keep hitting and hitting an opponent over and over again before he falls witch could take and unimaginable, amount of time and effort, plus dippending own how strong the attacker is could mke u alot more fatigue before u . or wat if ur in a self defence situation where some1 is tryin 2 kidnapp u. most attackers will sneek up own u from the behind or an angle were u cant punch them unless there really cocky and ignorrent.like by putting u in a choke hold or bear hug, this is not a one on one fighting cenario ( i cant spell) were u are both facing each other h ehas already got u in a area or situation were u as a boxer have never trained for now wat do u do. were as the martial artist who knows many differnet techniques from pressure points to bone breaking to killing can easly no how to get out. dont get me wrong i am not trying to dissrepesct boxing i am just tryin to say my oppinion on its methods. PEACE
is there any place were i can learn more about tengu mythology here own the internet. PEACE
any of u guys got any cold remidies, i am very sick and have to take a rank test on the 15th so watn remidies do u guys got i will take anything. PEACE ( cough) ( cough)
in asian mythology what were tengu's i have heard of there names before and all i know about themwere they were some type of ninja/demons. and that there long noses could cure any diseases. so will somebody please give me a mythology lesson please PEACE
okay i have noticed something, i go to a school were most of the kids eather live in the hood or have. ( even though it is private) and of course many try to act hard. i have noticed that almost every1 hasa great amount of respect for boxing, and will go into very indebt boxing conversations. but almost knowone except for the people who actually study MA respect martial arts, anytime someone says that can box or take boxing lessons people respect and belive that. if u say u know martial arts u eather get laughed at, given a challenge u dont want, jumped, or all of thee above. why do u think that people belive boxing is the best thing since sliced bread, but martial arts is crap. i even had one kid say to me that martial arts only works against chinese people ( at my old school). the only reason i can think of for this is that boxing is more popular in music, and Martial arts is not. and also many people try to pretend they know martial arts but DOnt. or took only a few lessons and have not practiced since. what do u guys think PEACE
forget about anything i had written about first date stuff, i guess she just thought i was playing cus she dipped, her ex was right she did not really like me, and i am in this school right now, contiplating whether or not to evn call my parents becasue i dont want to talk about it to them. i cant believe she let this joke go this long but she did and now i am goi 2 b in a slump for a while so PEACE ( not feeling good enough for smiles)
um i got my first full fledged date on friday, i am takin the girl to see the T.I. movie ( T.I. is a rapper for those of u who dont know that) ATL and i am kinda nervouse. reason one is that the girls ex-boyfriend in the school is in my first period class and he is always talkin about how the girl dose not really like me cuss she plays around with me alot. so i was nervous that he might try to do somethin and mess this stuff up, becaseu they are still friends. the whole school practicly no about it on account of the fact that she told alot of people and i am a freshman and she's a sophmore. so what should i remember to do or not do, i am already paying for the tickets, and food. man i am nervous. PEACE
protein drinks ?
Son Goku the monkeyking replied to Son Goku the monkeyking's topic in Health and Fitness
How did u know my age?? ( fifteen April PEACE -
guys, guys, thanku 4 the consern but its okay that problem is way behind me now, that was 4 tests ago ( blue sash, crane patch, blue sash with tassels, green sash, two weeks ago) i dont even think the same way about my combat anymore, at that time i use to TRY and sparr like bruce lee i used to jump around and try and do all these quick attacks just like him when i sparrred but i did not have anything close to his skill, so it was just a matter of time before some1 beat me, luckely it was in the dojo were i can learn the errors of my ways and not own the streat were i might not comeback. PEACE
age for muscle building
Son Goku the monkeyking replied to KaRaTe_KiD456's topic in Health and Fitness
i dont think there is any actuall level were u allowed to start as long as u dont lift anything to heavy or tireing depending own ur body type. most gyms though dont let u start using equipment till ur about ur age anyway. and alot of highschools like mine, have weight rooms in there facilites so maybe thehighschool u go to will have one. i say if ur going to start start with dumbells or a light weight level own bench and work up. PEACE -
i have some quistions about protein drinks that i was thinking about lately. 1.) what is its hole purpose, is it to give u energy like that of a energy drink or what, i know this may sound dumn but i HAVE drank a energy drink ( like red bull, Sobe etc.) before but have never touched a protein drink, though i do weightlift run track , and study martial arts own a dally basis. if it is suppose to give u energy y not just drink a energy drink instead. 2.) what ever it dose, will it help my kung-fu 3.) what is the best type i no my mom has some soy type, is that pretty good. PEACE
i am felling a lil bummed guys, u see there was suppose to be a tournament today that are academy was suppose to go to today, called the American warrors martial arts tournament( if any1 has heard of it) . i was not going to go because i had not been able to got to practice like i wanted to, so i could train 4 it. but i was still going to go watch my fellow martial arts classmates go. but due to some incident of disrespect that happended between the students and sifu( or somethin like that, no one would really tell me what happended.) no went today, and i really wanted to watch. this could have been avoided if we had some people who could just shutup and still remember this is still kungfu class, and training to be good martial artists still are number 1 gole tournament, second. but alot of times they dont want to listen to me, even when i am rite( i could give u many times were i was write but they did not want to listen to me, but i dont want to bore u.) so here i am.. sitting home... with nuthing to do but be on this computer. PEACE
i was wondering.. when u are in ure dojo u normally are suppose to stretch before u fight because during combat u dont want 2 hurt urself. but in an actually event whne u must fight to defend urself u most of the time do not have any time at all to stretch only 2 react to the person ur fighting. worst of all there might be some techniques u need 4 that situation but requar stretching wat do u do. PEACE
well u c, back wen i got picked own on a daily bases, i rented a martial arts video for self defence situations at school, that was mistake 1 mistake to was what video it was. it was ..... THE GREEN RANGER KARATE VIDEO FROM THE POWER RANGERS AND WHITE RANGER KARATE VIDEO BOX SET. ( they both had basicly the same moves but whgite ranger was suppose 2 be for the people who already whatched white and wwerent killed already. i no both those chooses were very bad especially the last one. because martial arts can not be learned from a tape or book only a actual teacher, in a actual lesson. PEACE
a not very good teacher
Son Goku the monkeyking replied to Son Goku the monkeyking's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
i am not talkin about a real sifu or sensai that i know or exists i am speaking hypatheticly( i think i spelled that right) PEACE -
if a sensai or sifu does not have any trophy's at all, but he has been to many tournaments whould u think that sifu or sensai was not very good, or did not follow the rules at tournaments.( like the evil sensai in the karate kid part 3 ) i am asking this quistion only out of curiosity PEACE
What weapon do you actually carry?
Son Goku the monkeyking replied to pressureguy's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
pocket knife, i will carry throwing and stabing daggars when i am taught it. sais if i have a bag to put them in. maybe if i am in a paraniod mod some nunchakus but nothing fancyer then that. i keep gim's katana's and other martial arts weapons at home incase of breakins PEACE -
not to be rude but what gives u the right to decide what works and what dosen't unless u have actually tried using the fighting art in combat before and even then in depends entirely own the combat situaition, and most importantly how good a MAtist u are with it to begin with. JKD is a MA style aswell as a philosphy it dose tell u to be free and adapt like u said, but it was also a style that incorperated many, techniques from tons and tons of others into one to make a new sorta super style. PEACXE
yeah hes pretty raw. PEACE
Black Belt gets knocked out
Son Goku the monkeyking replied to kyokushin_coe's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
i heard dat, the only time i ever am in my unifrom is when i just came from a tournament, going to a tournament, or just got out of class, and even the i dont like going to many places were i have to do alot of walking or people have to see me. One of the first rules about martial arts is never go around telling everyone u no it or trying to show of ur uniform, there is always someone better, and the more u fight, tell people about ur martial arts or showoff the faster u will meet that person. or it might just be thAt u will end up in a bad situation, end up getting hurt no matter how good u are . oviouslythis man was very idiotic. and has just given MA a a bad name, aswell as been given his own plate of humiliation.i bet know he will were normal clothes like everyone else and stop showin of. -
i was wondering, i saw some clips fro old UFC fights like from 80's and 90's and in those fights it had alot more different fighters of different styles other than BJJ, milletech , and kickboxing/muay tai. i saw a TKD, fighter, a wing chun, and tones MA styles that u see alot in tournaments, and here alot about like hapkido, but u never see them in the UFC nowadays they dont evenwere there gi's and uniforms are u still alowed to go to the UFC using other styles like TKD or wing chun, and stuff like that. or did they change it so that u have to do one of those grappling, takedowns, and kickboxing style. 2) are u still allowed to were MA uniforms/Gi's or did they change that to. PEACE