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Son Goku the monkeyking

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Everything posted by Son Goku the monkeyking

  1. how whould u rate DBZ tenchachi as martial arts based game
  2. okay dose anyone know or train in the millitech fighting style, u hear about it alot own the UFC but not so much everyday people also whayt is the premise of it like what it speciallizes in. PEACE
  3. something seems a little fishy about the whole article in my oppinion first of most athentic ninjutsu has ben lost for centuries, so i am always kinda on my gaurd when i see ninjutsu anything, let along a person a with a dan that high, but i dont know that much about dans becasue my martial arts system dose not use them. PEACE
  4. Did he do any karate? kinda it was hard to tell becus it seemed kinda unorthidoxed.
  5. it is a great anima, and in my opinion aside from FMA the next DBZ plus more fighting moves and techniques than how DBZ use to focus own raw energy power stuff.( i really used to watchthat show to much) actually i will PM u some info u might like. PEACE
  6. in the tournament i went to this past weekend there was a kid who looked about 16-17 in the blackbelt division. he was in short GREAT he was doing backflips and backflip kicks for warm ups and when he did his bord breaking in shocked everybody, he did a jumping sidekick over 4 rows of 2 chairs, and still broke it, he was one of the only people who broke every bord on contact. and when he sparred his stance and hand positon were different ( stance was a riding horse stance to the side ) his back hand to his side in a fist. and his leading arm was in an open palm extended straight outward.) even though his stance was different he still did very good and got second or third place. i looked at his gi and even it was different it looked more like a black v neck shirt with a long sleeve white shirt except this was all conected as 1. and black martial arts pants. except own the back and left leg both said new world kata and new world karate, it was an unorthidoxed style but he was very effective. what is this NWK style. PEACE
  7. this past sunday i went to my first tournament it was called " the American warrior martial arts tournament" and i had been training as hard as i could for it for a month. like all first time martial arts tournament competitors i was very nervous, especially since there seemed to be alot of black belts and i thought that there would not be enough fighters in my division to fight so i was going to have to fight a black belt ( still whould have done it, but just did not want to becasue they had more experience then me. ) but 1# i had my self defence catogory which i got 2# place and i did not think i was going to place at all. then we had a brake b4 R second 1/2 and then was all of the sparring for colored belts, and then black belt sparring. and in my divison ( division 56 out of 63) i beet 2 guys and 1 6foot tall 12 year old girl( i am serious) and i beet all of them for the gold place medal. this was one of the most accomplishing days of my life cus i have never really won first or second place in anything, so i new that i had found something i was good at. the judges were surprised themselves becasue of my fighting technique they even told my sifu who was judging that they do not see much lead arm fighting technique or jumping kicks. and the fact that most people do not expect that was 1 of the reasons i probley did well. i was very blessed this past weekend. PEACE
  8. i actually kinda wanted to open up a franchise, for three reasons, 1) control, a lil bit of fame, and i wanted to pursue a martial arts oriented career, and aside from getting my face smashed in by becoming a UFC fighter, or a pride fighter this is one of the best reasons, plus martial arts is ( aside from drawing, anima, and manga, and girls and more girls) is one of my passions. and in a martial arts world that is run primerly by the regular, run of the mill karate dojo, i whould love to bring more popularity to a style that u see alot on TV and movies, but is not taught in america as much as other styles. PEACE
  9. last night i had a dream that i was for some reason inside a karate dojo which was inside this big karate dojo, that was about as huge as a highschool gym, which was inside this library.( dont ask me why) anyway the sensai of the place was the evil sensai of the dojo in the martial arts movie sidekicks co-starring chuck norris as himself.( i think the evil sensai was called, Jack stone or something like that with that name in it.) anyway i was not suppose to be in that karate dojo becasue i study kungfu not karate, and dont even no how i got there, but when i tried to tell him i am not suppose to be there before i could hardly get my sentance out he busted me in the head, told me to shut-up and get in line with the rest of the beginers.which i hate dof course becasue i like studying my style of kungfu and not karate.) eventually i got tired and kids were passing out, so i spoted a juice/pop machine and decided to get me something to drink, becasue i aint supose to be here anyway. but win i put my money in like twenty pops came down, then he ran over there screaming like a maniac at me for trying to get something to drink. then his son who was about my age and about my rank of intermidate in karate, as to me in my kungfu. then the evil sensai made me hand out oall the sodas, including the one for me, out to the intermidiate students, as him and his son taunted me for no reasons, ( this was the first day i have even been there or met anyof them.) then his son hit me and then dared me to hit him back, i new i could take him with my kungfu, but it was his home field advantage. him and his father both started talking about how karate is about power and fighting, and no mercy and strength, and how i am nevergoing to be good in amrtial arts cus i am week, and he said all this infront of the whole class. that dsy i went to my academy and told them wat had happened but my sifu and assistant instructor told me that unless they came to are school starting mess they could not do anything about it. then i starting practicing for are tournament but then i relized that i forgoten a my juffle bag, and had to go back the next day to get it, then the assistant instructor ( who is my mentor) told me, that when i go back to get my stuff even if it is there dojo dont be afraid to use what i no. the next day i tryed to get there as fast as i can to beet all the other kids befroe they got there so incase afight broke out they would not see it. but trouble was already there. him and his son were already there, with my bag. when i asked them fore it back they dumped all the contents of it on the floor threw it, and said go get it. then his son called me a week, lil (P.) and pushed me , today i was not going to take that, i slaped him so hard the sound echoed, and now it was on. he got in his stance, i got in mine then everyone walked in and saw us getting ready to fight. he tthrough a punch and for once i was emidaitly whent in to one of my form for just this situation,( tan tui traped his hand punched him in the face twice, and through him all in in the same form, him and his dad imidialtly new i sstudied kungfu, he got back up and knocked him right back down with a roundhouse, spinning hook kick, and broak his nose, plus made it bleed. then his dad saw that and decied he was going to beet me up then, my sifu ran in like a bullet and caught his fist and then dared him to try and continue my whole academy was behind him with there outfits own.then they sad we will handle this at thetournament and then it ended. this dream sorta confused me what do u guys think. PEACE
  10. how many styles of martial arts did bruce lee study during his life, i ask that becasue i got his book for christmas" the tao of Jeet kune do" and i now that Jeet kune do incorporated techniques from many martial arts styles in it, to make his style. but whouldn't that men he whould have had to had alot of expierinece, in many others, styles of martial arts first, i meen even if u took notes on demonstrations and karate lessons, it seems to me that u whould still need a background in other styles besides wing chun kung-fu, in order, to lawfully make the descision about what a styles flaws, adn weeknesses, are and what is and is not needed, the only other thing i can remember he having a background in besides wing chun, was western/american boxing, which i no he also has incorporated into his style. any answers to this question. ( LOOK MA, I SOUNDED SMART) PEACE
  11. how am i suppose to stay calm in fight, i meen i know that ur suppose to stay calm and when, i practice with my instructors, i sparr/fight great becasue i can think straight. but in real combat this person is tryin to hurt or kill, u so how can a stay calm in these types of situations. PEACE
  12. i know christmas was yesterday and i have not even opended everything i got yet, but since new years is next week what are ur resoluions mine is to try and get with 1 of the two girls i like in my highschool. PEACE.
  13. nice stuff i also got a nice amount of martial arts equipment, i got a new kungfu uniform which i will where in are upcoming tournament, some training nunchakus with a chain, my grandads old pocket knife becasue we gave him a new one. bruce lee's "tao of jeet kune do book" bruce lee's jungfu mania movie. some bionicles cus i love building them, a new videogame, hoody with matching pants, and a magazine, plus money. every1 loves money PEACE
  14. Okay i think we got a bit confused, u see the form of Tan-tui i study is its own completly different style. and u must first get ur blacksash aswell as the mantis pach for ur sash to before ur aloud to choose wat system of mantis kungfu ud like to learn. ( plum flower mantis, shaolin mantis, or tai-chi praying mantis) so yes my style is like a basic training kungfu before u are able to learn advanced sytems of kungfu. and since u are training up to balck sash and then between 3 different versions of mantis kungfu thats probley y u did not no wat i was talken bout. PEACE
  15. has any1 even heard OR STUDIED Tan-Tui style kungfu with mantis incorporated into it in the first place.
  16. okay i study Tan Tui style kung-fu and many of are the tan tui forms. ( 1-12 to make black sasH) and i kinda am having trouble with tan tui 7 can anyone give me some tips.my main part i get stuck own is when i most go to the ground for a front sweep, by the way my form of tan tui is praying mantis system corporated into it. PEACE
  17. God forbid a situation like this ever happen but since this weapons still exist, how whould u fight against someonewith a large swinging wepon like a chain whip because they can hit u from a distence, or close in so hgow whould you use your kungfu to beet them. especially since it spins at high speed. PEACe: look ma now smiles
  18. it is always the quite ones because most instructors tell u to be humble and quite about the martial arts that u know ur not suppose to go around school bragging and telling everey1 one what u could do. this is why they are always so quite ( hince the name quete kid) because when they fight they break out stuff u did not ever expect them to no, or do. i am one, actually i kinda am more of a cross between loner, and middle cool popular kid. PEACE
  19. Bolo is one of my top favorite martial artist, ur right he did do shotokan Karate in the Seventies, around the time of Bruce's Death. and now dose Tai chi, oh and Question, was that him in kungfu hustle playing the charactor of " the beast" i ask that because it looked like him or someonew who maybe related to him, especially since he whoed probely be alot older now anyway. PEACE
  20. i think it help because some people saw the movie and thought that maybe, they could learn to be able to fight or defend themselves like Daniel did, me for example lived the Daniel Laruso life Hell, we have the same first name. not to mention, the fact that i to got picked oqwn, got in a fight with a guy who was a Prefessional fighter, tried to use Karate i learned in third grade( when i got in the fight i was in the seventh, and had not practice karate since the third grade. ) But he on the other hand was a boxer who always practice for like five years. do i even have to say what happended. but that summer, i found a academy and a good Sifu. and him and the assistant instructor have changed my Life for the better. sorry 4 getting a little of topic.
  21. oh and also so Martial arts gloves 4 practice and sparring. some really coll fancy ones. like Jin from the Tekken series's gloves.
  22. my sifu has often joked about taking your sash away if u did not rember ur test skills, or forms or something like that. but he never has had to, i think usaully if somebody has been acting up and doing bad things he may ask them to please leave are academy, but as far as i have known him he never has had to do that yet. PEACE
  23. hay today is the aniversary of me being here at KF forums, it was this day 1 year ago when my mentor told, me that in order to make my kungfu better that i whould have to improve my balence, so when i got home i was trying to find out what he ment and how to do it. so i got on the internet and try to find out what he ment and where could i make my balence better, and by typing in martial arts it lead me to this forum, i was already looking for my own forum anyway, so i got here like alot of people, by accident. and this was the day that i first came here. and first posted u probley whould find it if u go back to old introductions. boy it' has been a year, well thanks guys for giving me such a fun time here, and i will continue to post and keep having fun and right now for old times sake i will say my OLD ketch phrase and as many smiles as i used to put when i furst came. HOLLA
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